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Exploring tertiary education pathways with refugee-background students

Our Secondary to Tertiary Transitions Project (2020–2023) involved working with former refugees to explore pathways to and through tertiary education in southern Aotearoa New Zealand.

The project explored how:

  • Students think about and experience this transition
  • Schools and tertiary education providers can learn from students' ideas and experiences

This website will continue to be updated with news and publications about the project, as well as useful resources for young people,

students and educators.

Secondary to tertiary transitions project

Proyecto transiciones de la educación secundaria a la terciaria o superior

مشروع دعم المرحلة الانتقالية من التعليم الثانوي الى التعليم العالي

گذار از تحصیلات متوسطه به تحصیلات عالیه

This project was funded by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research and hosted by the University of Otago College of Education.

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