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Two exchange students sitting outside on a verardah with a big black dog.

Zoe, Riko and Nelson the dog

Hey, this is Zoe from Malaysia. I have been living with Sharon, my lovely host mum, for half a year now, and I am still enjoying every moment of my stay here!

I remember being very warmly greeted by Sharon with a sign saying my name right after coming out of the Dunedin airport - it was my first time ever landing on a foreign country all on my own - and she made me feel that I have landed in my second home right away!

The transition from home in Malaysia to Dunedin was very easy with homestay - and it’s arguably the best choice of accommodation to study abroad (well, at least in my humble opinion), simply because the room is well-renovated and the furniture is all ready for you to move in.

I remember one of the first things Sharon asked in the car on our way home was what kind of food I preferred and didn’t like, so that she could plan our meals accordingly. Choosing to live with a Kiwi family is a great opportunity to also eat like a Kiwi, as well as experience the Kiwi culture and community all by yourself - something I find so incredibly fascinating, refreshing, and fun even up till today!

We are a family of five - Sharon and her dog and cat, my host sister Riko from Japan, and I. We’d talk our time away at dinner, our topics would begin with language and culture and end up with songs and anime. And the best thing is… when the parents are away, we’d have pizza, TV, and the couch all to ourselves!

Living by the Otago Harbour is my favourite place of all!! As a bird lover, I always enjoy sitting out by the harbour and seeing the birds sun themselves and ride the waves. I also enjoyed talking to our neighbour, Ross and Catherine, about plants, birds and stars, and collecting the eggs from their hens and keeping them for ourselves. They are just some of the friendliest, most caring, and wonderful people to be surrounded with and I can’t feel grateful enough!

Well, these were some of my great experiences living in a homestay and I could - and would - certainly go on sharing more. But I thought I would end here and wish anyone who’s wishing to apply, or have applied for homestay, all the best and certainly enjoy your time here in New Zealand.

And if you ever get into problems, remember that the homestay ladies in the homestay office are always the ultimate people to get in touch with, or just have a chat with them - trust me, you are always welcome to!

Three people taking a self with a bright blue river in the background

Zoe, Sharon and Roger

Cat yawning and lying on verandah in the sunshine

Albert the cat

Three chickens in th henhouse

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