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We’ve updated our homepage! Find more information about this change here.

For students studying in English language or the foundation studies certificate who would like to apply for a homestay, please apply via the link to the online application portal at the bottom of this page.

For University students or others who would like to apply for a homestay only, please email us for a paper application form.


Supporting documents to complete your application

Applicants are required to provide a copy of supporting documents to complete your application. These differ according to the course you are applying for:

Course Required supporting documents
General English A copy of your passport
English for Otago A copy of your passport
Evidence of your English proficiency level
Letter of Offer for a degree programme at the University of Otago
Foundation Studies Certificate
A copy of your passport
A copy of your high school transcripts (all years) or National Student Number (NSN) if you studied or are studying your secondary schooling in NZ
Evidence of your English proficiency level

If you need assistance or advice, please contact us:


Other contact details

Submit your application

Online application portal

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