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Johanna found out about the University of Otago Language Centre on the internet. “I googled language classes in New Zealand and the Language Centre was the first one I found. As it was connected to the university, I thought it would have a known reputation with good teachers and material. Dunedin is a student city so I thought I would have the chance to meet a lot of young people.

I really like the support the teachers at the Language Centre have given me. They have found out what my weak points are and given me material to improve my skills. I like having access to the university library and Dunedin has a good night-life with clubs and pubs. I think it is easy to meet people in Dunedin. It has a friendly atmosphere and at the people at the Language Centre are open-minded and welcoming.

I live with a homestay family. It is really good as it is an opportunity to speak English with native speakers. For me this was the first time to meet people from other continents, as this is my first time living outside of Europe. I now have friends from Japan and Brazil so it has been a cultural experience.

The Language Centre is good for people who want to improve academic English and also for those who prefer smaller cities. It is easier to get in contact with local people rather than a big city.

I think Dunedin is a typical New Zealand city more so than Auckland as you are so close to nature, wildlife, and outdoor activities. There are also a lot of clubs, concerts and bars. Dunedin has a young atmosphere with lots of shops for young people.”

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