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Camille web

Home country: Tahiti, Programme: General English

Camille joined our Language Centre programme near the end of 2016. She had just passed her baccalaureate in her home country of Tahiti. She decided to come to Dunedin to continue the journey towards her goal of becoming an international business woman.

One of the first steps to achieving this goal is developing her English to a high level. She discovered Dunedin and thought that UOLCFY would be the perfect place to study English intensively, especially since it is a short plane journey back to her home town in Tahiti. Once here, she discovered that Dunedin can be quite an enchanting city due to the beauty of the nature, heritage buildings, pure air and lovely locals. She feels free and relaxed here and this has helped her focus on her studies. She loves the fact that Dunedin is a “student” city and she has made friends from all around the world.

When she isn't studying she loves to read, play Assasins Creed or partake in one of the many sports she loves. Her Homestay family has been great for her to avoid feeling homesick and help her learn about New Zealand and develop her English even further.

Camille attributes some of her success to the fantastic support she receives from everyone here, including staff, Homestay and other students. She also has a lot of praise for her teacher whom she describes as extremely charismatic and a very good listener! Camille recommends coming to study at Otago for anyone who wants to discover themselves and acquire a vast wealth of knowledge in the process!

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