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By editing the University of Otago’s website, you confirm that you have read and reviewed this Code of Conduct and that you agree to comply with the standards outlined below.

Marketing Services, External Engagement only grants editing access of this website to those who have accepted the standards below and fully completed the training.

As an editor, you are provided access to the content management system (CMS) to make minor changes to your own web content, such as updating factual information.

The ‘Editing guidelines for content editors’ webpage outlines what is meant by a minor change. It also outlines what is meant by a more significant change.

Visit the ‘Editing guidelines for content editors’ webpage

More significant changes should be sent to the Web Experience team via email.


Content editors have responsibility and accountability for the web content in their respective areas. Squiz Matrix has been set up with a high trust model. This means you can see and potentially edit many pages but are expected to only make changes where you have been granted authority.

Changes made to the site must  align with the University’s Web Policy, Web Guidelines and Web Best Practice. Any requests that do not align with these will not be approved. Content editors will be advised with a note explaining the issue.

Your obligations as content editors

  • Follow Web Best Practice which includes accessibility requirements
  • Ensure content is relevant, up to date, true and accurate
  • Ensure information is not duplicated on the site. For example ‘Paper’ information should not be duplicated on departmental websites. Instead link directly to the paper page in eVision. Having one source of truth reduces the risk of outdated information and double handling
  • Checking your edits against the ‘check list’ sheet prior to applying for approval
  • Include a comment, explaining your changes, when you applying for approval
  • Adhere to the University of Otago writing style guide
  • Maintain awareness as to what tasks, need to be actioned by the Web Experience team
  • Be an active member of the ‘CMS Editors’ Community of Practice Teams site

Failing to adhere to the Code of Conduct

The Web Experience team are responsible for monitoring compliance with the Code of Conduct and haves the right to edit, refuse to post, or remove any content failing to comply with this Code of Conduct. Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct may result in:

  • A warning
  • An opportunity to repeat a training session
  • Removal of Squiz Matrix editing rights

In cases of repeated or severe non-compliance, the Web Experience team will contact your manager to discuss removing your editing access and finding another staff member to maintain your web area.

Contacting the Web Experience team

There are several things that content editors should not do in Squiz Matrix as there are ramifications.

The table below outlines when you should contact the Web Experience team and why.

You wish to have edits made to your homepage/landing page This content adheres to the marketing strategy and information architecture which has been determined for the entire site.
You want to upload images * Because you don’t have access to the Media Folders where images are housed.
You want to remove an image The Web Experience team will check if the image appears elsewhere on the Website. If it doesn’t appear elsewhere it needs to be deleted.
You want to upload a PDF * Because you don’t have access to the Media Folders where PDFs are housed.
You want to remove a PDF The Web Experience team will check if the PDF appears elsewhere on the Website. If it doesn’t appear elsewhere it needs to be deleted.
Create a new webpage The Web Experience team need to assess the strategic purpose of the page.
Have a page deleted or archived The Web Experience team will check if that  page is linked elsewhere.
Create a new folder Folders are rarely used and have a specific purpose.
Change the page short name (Heading 1 = H1) If the page has been bookmarked the URL will no longer work. Also, careful consideration goes into the H1 as it is important for search engine optimisation (SEO).
Have an academic title changed Academic promotions take effect on 1 February and the Web Experience team work off the list provided and confirmed by Human Resources.

If you are ever unsure whether a change is appropriate, we encourage you to contact the Web Experience team before editing the website.

Also, for administrative purposes, if you are about to cease being a content editor or are changing the area you are supporting, please inform the Web Experience team.


Download the Code of Conduct for content editors (PDF)

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