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Meet the Dean, Associate Deans and Heads of Departments at our Pōneke Wellington campus

Dean and Head of Campus

William Levack 2020 imageProfessor William Levack

Deputy Dean

profile_L_McBainProfessor Lynn McBain

Associate Deans

Associate Dean Māori

Bridget Robson 2017-thumbnail 186 x 270Associate Professor Bridget Robson

Associate Dean Medical Education

Rebecca Grainger imageProfessor Rebecca Grainger

Associate Dean Pacific

To be filled

Associate Dean Research

Dr Sara Filoche headshotDr Kirsty Danielson

Associate Dean Undergraduate Student Affairs

Mark HuthwaiteAssociate Professor Mark Huthwaite

Heads of Departments

Department of Medicine

Profile_Anna_RantaProfessor Anna Ranta
Head of Department

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr Sara Filoche headshotAssociate Professor Sara Filoche
Head of Department

Department of Paediatrics and Child Health

photo-of-Esko-WiltshireProfessor Esko Wiltshire
Head of Department

Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine

Diane Kenwright 2019 thumbnailAssociate Professor Diane Kenwright
Head of Department

Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice

profile_L_McBainProfessor Lynn McBain
Head of Department

Department of Psychological Medicine

Susanna Every-Palmer 2019 thumbnail 186pxProfessor Susanna Every-Palmer
Head of Department

Department of Public Health

Professor Richard Edwards image 2020Professor Richard Edwards
Co-Head of Department

Professor Janet Hoek imageProfessor Janet Hoek
Co-Head of Department

Louise signal photoProfessor Louise Signal
Co-Head of Department

Department of Radiation Therapy

Kate ChadwickKate Chadwick image
Head of Department

Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia

Peter Larsen ThumbnailAssociate Professor Peter Larsen
Head of Department

Professional staff

Our Senior Leadership Team also includes:

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