MB ChB MD DipObst DipPaed FRACP
Professor and HOD in the Department of Paediatrics
Professor Esko Wiltshire completed his undergraduate training in Medicine at the University of Otago, graduating in 1989 (MBChB with distinction), then worked as a house surgeon/SHO in the greater Wellington region, including the Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Diploma in Paediatrics, before completing basic paediatric training and the FRACP examinations. He undertook advanced training in general paediatrics, followed by paediatric endocrinology and metabolic disease, in Adelaide, South Australia. He completed his doctorate during this time, investigating early vascular disease in children with diabetes, before returning to Wellington in 2001 as a senior lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Otago Wellington and Paediatrician/Paediatric Endocrinologist for CCDHB. He has overseen development of services in Paediatric endocrinology and diabetes since 2001, and extended research initiatives in this area. He enjoys teaching medical students, particularly in clinical contexts, but also in integration of foundational sciences (esp biochemistry and physiology) with clinical medicine, something which is a key component of his clinical work. Outside the department he loves spending time with his two children and all their activities and has a passion for the outdoors, especially tramping and cycling (completing the 160 km Taupo cycle classic in 2011). He is currently HOD and the covenor for 5th year student teaching.
Research interests
Professor Wiltshire's primary areas of research involve investigation of the acute and chronic complications of diabetes, particularly their pathophysiology and early development, and also treatment. In this work Associate Professor Wiltshire has a major collaboration with Professor J Couper in South Australia. The aims of this research are to identify factors involved in the early pathogenesis of the vascular complications of diabetes, when interventions will have the greatest effect. In addition Associate Professor Wiltshire is a collaborator in the Australasian arm of “TrialNet”, a major international collaboration investigating treatments to prevent type 1 diabetes, and collaborates with Professor K Donaghue in Sydney, addressing aspects of autonomic dysfunction in children with diabetes. In addition, Professor Wiltshire has interests in other aspects of clinical paediatric endocrinology and metabolism, and has published scientific articles concerning clinical aspects of paediatric bone/calcium homeostasis, adrenal function and mitochondrial disease.
Peña, A. S., Wiltshire, E., MacKenzie, K., Gent, R., Piotto, L., Hirte, C., & Couper, J. (2006). Vascular endothelial and smooth muscle function relates to body mass index and glucose in obese and nonobese children. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91(11), 4467-4471. Journal - Research Article
MacKenzie, K. E., Wiltshire, E. J., Gent, R., Hirte, C., Piotto, L., & Couper, J. J. (2006). Folate and vitamin B6 rapidly normalize endothelial dysfunction in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatrics, 118, 242-253. Journal - Research Article
Peña, A. S., Wiltshire, E., Gent, R., Piotto, L., Hirte, C., & Couper, J. (2007). Folic acid does not improve endothelial function in obese children and adolescents. Diabetes Care, 30(8), 2122-2127. Journal - Research Article
Newton, K. H., Wiltshire, E. J., & Elley, C. R. (2009). Pedometers and text messaging to increase physical activity: Randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 32(5), 813-815. doi: 10.2337/dc08-1974 Journal - Research Article
Calvo, S. E., Tucker, E. J., Compton, A. G., Kirby, D. M., Crawford, G., Burtt, N. P., … Wiltshire, E., … Mootha, V. K. (2010). High-throughput, pooled sequencing identifies mutations in NUBPL and FOXRED1 in human complex I deficiency. Nature Genetics, 42(10), 851-858. doi: 10.1038/ng.659 Journal - Research Article