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Application Procedures

The following flow chart summarises the procedures you will need to go
through when wanting to undertake externally funded research at the
University of Otago, Wellington (UOW).

Externally funded Research procedures
at the UOW Flowchart

If you have an original research idea and would like to submit an application to a
funding body or business, OR you have been approached by an organisation to
conduct some research or wanting to respond to a request for proposal (RFP)
or a Call for applications,
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Bullet 1 Undertake Maori ConsultationThe Policy for Research Consultation with Māori provides the framework for an
appropriate and mandated consultation process with Māori for research. It ensures
an effective and efficient mechanism for managing the consultation process while
acknowledging the needs and aspirations of Ngāi Tahu for Māori development and
benefit in Ngāi Tahu Vision 2025.

This process is available to University of Otago researchers only.
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Bullet 2 Discuss the project with your HoD & discuss the following* Is your HOD aware of your research ideas?
* What personnel will be involved in your research?
(e.g. internal - staff, students; external - other Universities, contractors)
* Where will the research be sited?
* What resources will you need to complete research - budget, space?
* What are your options for funding?
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Bullet 3Contact the Research Advisor X: 6855
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Bullet 4 Identify Sources of funding and complete the Application Form(s)(most forms are avaliable from

If the application is in response to an RFP the Research Advisor will
check any Indicatory Contract and supply comments for the
Tender Document.

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Bullet 5Costing & Consents Worksheet (CCW) and
complete the Statutory & Regulatory Consents section
Send electronic copy of the CCW and draft application to the Research Advisor
for checking and approval for signing.
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Bullet-6Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  (if required) You will need assistance from the Research Advisor in completing a MoU.
Form is available from Research Advisor.
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Bullet-7Get Ethics  (if required)
Once you get ethics approval for your project, send a copy to the Research Office.
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