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Purchasing Hardware

If your current equipment is not meeting your requirements, or you are new to the School and have need of computing equipment, you may require a consultation.
The consultation process with a Technology Services staff member will help to ascertain what machine will best meet the needs of UOW staff. In many instances an existing machine can be upgraded or reallocated, but if necessary a new machine will be purchased. To arrange a consultation, please contact the ITS Service Desk (0800-479-888 or and log a job requesting a consultation for new or upgraded equipment. If an upgrade is required, please note in the email to the Service Desk, or in the call to the Service Desk personnel, the machine ID of the equipment you are currently using.


If you wish to obtain or replace a printer please contact Canon, with whom the Division of Health Sciences has a contract for printer and multi-function devices. The University representative is:

Emma Mawson


Purchasing Software

The University of Otago has license agreements with many vendors, and their site,, contains lists of software, prices and relevant information. To order UO site licensed software please email the TS purchasing officer ( with the name of the software, the staff member's name, the computer ID, and the account code.

If the University does not have a site licence for the software you wish to purchase please contact Technology Services and a vendor will be located.

Before purchasing or installing software Technology Services will ascertain that the staff member's machine can adequately run the software, that the installation is compliant with the University of Otago policy, and that it will not compromise the security and stability of the computer. If the application requires more resources to run, then the above hardware replacment proces can be instigated.

Purchasing FAQs

Q. Can I install software on my home machine?

A. This depends on the licensing arrangements of the manufacturer. For Univesity site-licensed software please check their site, to read the License Terms.

Other software should have this information in the manual, on the cd or on the vendor site.

Q. What do I do if my pc, mac, laptop needs repair?

A. Please log a job with the ITS Service Desk and a Technology Services staff member will come and check the problem. If the machine needs repair the Technology Services staff member assigned the job will contact the appropriate company and either arrange for a technician to come to the School or have the machine couriered for repair. Please, do not take the machine for repair without first discussing the problem with a member of the Technology Services group.

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