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The following list is of software used in the School and the level of support which Technology Services can provide.

There are three levels of support:

  1. Recommended Software. These are applications which are recommended for use on UOW machines. Also, Technology Services staff will have some experience installing, using, troubleshooting and repairing the applications.
  2. Other Supported Software. These are applications with which Technology Services staff may have experience installing and perhaps experience using, troubleshooting and repairing. Support for these applications is more limited due to less familiarity or experience than with Level 1 applications.
  3. Unsupported Software. These are applications which are either not recommended by Technology Services or where our staff have little or no familiarity with the software (e.g. PDAs, cameras, recording devices). We will attempt to solve problems, but within the limits or our resources. OUW staff may be referred to expert consultants for this category of software.

For information regarding site licenses held by the University of Otago please see the ITS web pages, ITS Software Licenses.

Windows - Software Supported by Technology Services
Type of Application Recommended Software Other Supported Software
Operating System Windows 10 Windows 7
Word Processing MS Word 2016 MS Word 2010
Spreadsheet MS Excel 2016 MS Excel 2010
Presentation MS Powerpoint 2016 MS Powerpoint 2010
Database MS Access 2016, Filemaker Pro MS Acess 2010
Anti-Virus Sophos Home
Email MS Outlook 2016, Mozilla Thunderbird MS Outlook 2010
Calendar/Scheduler MS Outlook 2016 MS Outlook 2010
Web Browsers Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer Google Chrome
Document Sharing Syncplicity, HCS
Image Editing/ Graphics Adobe Photoshop Paint.NET
Media Player Windows Media Player VLC
Courseware Moodle, Blackboard
File Compression 7Zip
Desktop Publishing MS Publisher, MS Powerpoint Adobe InDesign CS4/CS5
Statistics SAS, SPSS, EPIinfo, STATA,R
Bibliography EndNote Mendeley
File Transfer HCS (Mailexpress File Drop Servivce)
Macintosh Software Supported by Technology Services
Type of Application Recommended Software Other Supported Software
Operating System OS X 10.13, 10.12 OS X 10.11
Word Processing MS Word 2016 MS Word 2011
Spreadsheet MS Excel 2016 MS Excel 2011
Presentation MS Powerpoint 2016 MS Powerpoint 2016
Database Filemaker Pro
Anti-Virus / Malware Sophos Home
Email Outlook for Mac
Calendar / Scheduler Outlook
Web Browser Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Opera
Document Sharing SMB (Mac to PC), HCS, Syncplicity
Image Editing / Graphics Adobe Photoshop GIMP
Video Editing iMovie
Media Player VLC Quicktime Pro
File Compression Stuffit
Desktop Publishing Powerpoint
Statistics SPSS, R
Bibliography EndNote Mendeley
CourseWare Blackboard

Common software is updated automatically with the latest versions of:

  • Adobe Flash
  • Adobe Reader
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Oracle Java
  • 7Zip
  • Citrix
  • CDBurnerXP
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