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Staff in the Department of Psychological Medicine are very enthusiastic about research, teaching and clinical practice.

Our core academic staff includes award-winning psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, a clinical neuropsychologist, social scientists, behaviour change researchers, nurses and service user academics. In addition, our Clinical Senior Lecturer team includes clinicians from across 4 District Health Boards: Hutt Valley, Capital and Coast, Midcentral, and Hawkes Bay.

Our academics are passionate about what they do, with an extensive research programme relating to themes relevant to mental health practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. These themes include:

  • Physical health of people with mental illness, including obesity and sleep
  • Mental health service delivery and evaluation, including in primary care and secondary care
  • The interface between psychological and physical health
  • Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology
  • Suicide
  • Service user-led and co-produced research and teaching
  • Personality and its role in mental illness
  • Education in the clinical professions
  • Addictions
  • Mental health law
  • Stigma and discrimination

We take pride in our undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes. Undergraduate medical students receive mental health teaching in all three clinical years they spend at the University of Otago, Wellington. We provide a range of postgraduate courses, including the seminar series for doctors training in psychiatry to become fellows of RANZCP (registrars).

Read more about our work in our recent Annual Reports:


Freephone AskOtago 0800 808 098 (within New Zealand only)

Postal address

Department of Psychological Medicine
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington 6242
New Zealand

Physical address

Department of Psychological Medicine
Level J
University of Otago, Wellington
23A Mein Street, Newtown
Wellington 6021
New Zealand

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