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Senior Clinical Psychologist Lecturer

Fiona Mathieson

Contact details


Field of interest

  • Clinical Psychology

Areas of interest

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Therapist Competence Development
  • Brief Interventions in Primary Care Study
  • Metaphors in Therapy

Current activities

Course lecturer, Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma in Health Sciences (Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy) courses.

Piki pilot youth mental health project evaluation team

My current research interests include primary care mental health initiatives, such as the Piki project; the development of competence during cognitive behaviour therapy training; and the use of metaphor in psychotherapy.


McKenzie, S. K., Mathieson, F., Das, T., Genuchi, M. C., & Oliffe, J. L. (2024). Understanding men's lived experience of mental distress through metaphors. American Journal of Men's Health. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/15579883241260920 Journal - Research Article

Dowell, A., Stubbe, M., Dunlop, A., Fedchuk, D., Gardiner, T., Garrett, S., Gordon, S., Hilder, J., Mathieson, F., & Tester, R. (2024). Evaluating success and challenges of a primary care youth mental health programme using complexity, implementation science, and appreciative inquiry. Cureus, 16(4), e58870. doi: 10.7759/cureus.58870 Journal - Research Article

Das, T., Mathieson, F., & McKenzie, S. (2023, January). "Tunnelling into blackness": Metaphors men use to describe their lived experience with mental distress. Poster session presented at the University of Otago Summer Student Showcase, Wellington, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)

Mathieson, F., Garrett, S., Stubbe, M., Hilder, J., Tester, R., Fedchuk, D., Dunlop, A., & Dowell, A. (2023). Therapist voices on a youth mental health pilot: Responsiveness to diversity and therapy modality. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 20, 1834. doi: 10.3390/ ijerph20031834 Journal - Research Article

Wilson, R., Pryymachenko, Y., Abbott, J. H., Dean, S., Stanley, J., Garrett, S., Mathieson, F., Dowell, A., & Darlow, B. (2023). A guideline-implementation intervention to improve the management of low back pain in primary care: A difference-in-difference-in-differences analysis. Applied Health Economics & Health Policy, 21, 253-262. doi: 10.1007/s40258-022-00776-3 Journal - Research Article

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