The Department of Medicine at University of Otago, Wellington (UOW) has a proud tradition of high quality teaching, internationally recognized research and service to professional and community groups.
Our academic and clinical teaching staff provide postgraduate study options and deliver engaging and relevant learning opportunities to the undergraduate medical students at UOW, in Wellington Regional Hospital, Hutt hospital and in three regional partners in Wairarapa, Palmerston North and Hawkes Bay.
For more about studying medicine at Otago:
Our academics collaborate locally, nationally and international to produce ground-breaking research that informs the care and health of New Zealanders, with a goal of enabling people to live better for longer. Our staff are active in service by offering education, governance and expert professional advice to a variety of stakeholders, government bodies, NGO's, professional groups and patient groups. Please take a moment to learn more about our staff and their activities.
The Department includes four specialised teaching and/or research units.
Undergraduate Teaching
Undergraduate teaching spans all three years of the Advanced Learning in Medicine (ALM) program of the Otago MB ChB. The Department provides one of the major modules of each of the fourth, fifth, and sixth (Trainee Intern) year courses with the sixth year training coordinated across five hospital sites.
Postgraduate Teaching
Postgraduate teaching is provided through specilaised programmes run through the Rehabilitation Teaching and Research Unit (RTRU) and Occupational and Aviation Medicine Unit (OAMU). Our academic staff also supervise individual doctorate and masters' research study by thesis. Please visit Our People page to see their areas of interest.
The Department is active and productive in many areas of internal medical research including disease mechanisms, new treatments and clinical trials of treatment. It also has research specific to the specialist subject areas represented in its departmental units below.