Journal - Research Article
McKerchar, C., Barthow, C., Huria, T., Jones, B., Coppell, K. J., Hall, R., Amataiti, T., Parry-Strong, A., Muimuiheata, S., Wright-McNaughton, M., & Krebs, J. (2024). Enablers and barriers to dietary change for Māori with nutrition-related conditions in Aotearoa New Zealand: A scoping review. Public Health Nutrition, 27, e245. doi: 10.1017/s136898002400212x
Graham, F., Kessler, D., Nott, M., Bernie, C., Kanagasabai, P., & Barthow, C. A. (2024). A scoping review of coaching in occupational therapy: Mapping methods, populations and outcomes. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/1440-1630.12991
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Barthow, C., Kuiper, N., Betty, B., Viliamu-Amusia, I., Bryant, L., Ranchhod, D., … McKinlay, E., & Krebs, J. (2024). Seen and unseen work: The intensity of service provision for individuals with type 2 diabetes in a high-needs population. Proceedings of the 47th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. OP8. Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/
Amataiti, T., Parry-Strong, A., Muimuiheata, S., Barthow, C., McKerchar, C., Jones, B., … Coppell, K., Krebs, J. D., & Hall, R. M. (2024). Enablers and challenges of dietary interventions and changes for Pacific peoples living in Aotearoa New Zealand: A scoping review. Proceedings of the 47th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. OP6. Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/
McKerchar, C., Barthow, C., Huria, T., Jones, B., Coppell, K., Hall, R., Amataiti, T., … Wright-McNaughton, M., & Krebs, J. (2024). Acceptability, enablers, and barriers to dietary change for Māori with nutrition-related conditions in Aotearoa, New Zealand: A scoping review. Proceedings of the 47th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. O11. Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/
Williams, B., Ropati, J., Barthow, C., & McKinlay, E. (2024). Experiences of intergenerational diabetes in a Māori whānau and a Sāmoan aiga. Proceedings of the 47th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. O3. Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Coppell, K., Barthow, C., McKerchar, C., Jones, B., & McKinlay, E. (2024, September). Using a modified Citizen's Jury approach to inform the prevention of diabetes, a multidimensional problem, in a community. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Waitangi, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Barthow, C., Krebs, J., & McKinlay, E. (2023). A multiple case study of pre-diabetes care undertaken by general practice in Aotearoa/New Zealand: De-incentivised and de-prioritised work. BMC Primary Care, 24, 109. doi: 10.1186/s12875-023-02053-1
Journal - Research Other
Barthow, C., Kuiper, N., Betty, B., Viliamu-Amusia, I., Bryant, L., Ranchhod, D., … McKinlay, E., & Krebs, J. (2023). Seen and unseen work: The intensity of service provision for individuals with type 2 diabetes in a high-needs population [Research letter]. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 136(1581), 79-85. Retrieved from https://journal.nzma.org.nz/
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Williams, B., Ropati, J., Barthow, C., & McKinlay, E. (2023). Experiences of intergenerational diabetes in a Māori whānau and a Sāmoan aiga. Proceedings of the 46th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. Oral 16. Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/home.html
Journal - Research Article
Barthow, C., Pullon, S., Weatherall, M., & Krebs, J. (2022). They're sicker than we think: An exploratory study profiling the cardio-metabolic health in a sample of adults with pre-diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care, 14(3), 221-228. doi: 10.1071/HC22068
Parry Strong, A., Wright-McNaughton, M., Weatherall, M., Hall, R. M., Coppell, K. J., Barthow, C., & Krebs, J. D. (2022). Very low carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, 24, 2431-2442. doi: 10.1111/dom.14837
McKinlay, E., Hilder, J., Hood, F., Morgan, S., Barthow, C., Gray, B., Huthwaite, M., Weatherall, M., Crane, J., Krebs, J., & Pullon, S. (2022). Uncertainty and certainty: Perceptions and experiences of prediabetes in New Zealand primary care: A qualitative study. Journal of Primary Health Care, 14(2), 138-145. doi: 10.1071/HC21066
Barthow, C., Hood, F., Crane, J., Huthwaite, M., Weatherall, M., Parry-Strong, A., & Krebs, J. (2022). A randomised controlled trial of a probiotic and a prebiotic examining metabolic and mental health outcomes in adults with pre-diabetes. BMJ Open, 12, e055214. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055214
Journal - Research Other
Barthow, C., Pullon, S., McKinlay, E., & Krebs, J. (2022). It is time for a more targeted approach to prediabetes in primary care in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care, 14(4), 372-377. doi: 10.1071/HC22089
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Barthow, C., Pullon, S., Weatherall, M., & Krebs, J. (2022). They're sicker than we think: An exploratory study profiling the cardio-metabolic health of adults with pre-diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand. Proceedings of the 45th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. (pp. 40). Retrieved from https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/NZSSD22/welcome.html
Parry Strong, A., Wright-McNaughton, M., Weatherall, M., Hall, R., Coppell, K., Barthow, C., & Krebs, J. (2022). Ketogenic compared to control diets in pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review. Proceedings of the 45th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. (pp. 26). Retrieved from https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/NZSSD22/welcome.html
Barthow, C., Krebs, J., & McKinlay, E. (2022). Disincentivised and de-prioritised mahi: A Multiple case study of pre-diabetes care undertaken by
general practice in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Proceedings of the 45th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. (pp. 19). Retrieved from https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/NZSSD22/welcome.html
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Barthow, C. A. (2022). Diabetes prevention amongst those with pre-diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/13597
Journal - Research Article
Chen, Y., Lu, J., Wickens, K., Stanley, T., Maude, R. M., Stone, P., Barthow, C., Crane, J., … Murphy, R. (2021). Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotic in early pregnancy on plasma conjugated bile acids in a randomised controlled trial. Nutrients, 13, 209. doi: 10.3390/nu13010209
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Barthow, C., Hood, F., Crane, J., Huthwaite, M., Weatherall, M., Parry-Strong, A., & Krebs, J. (2021). Can pro or pre-biotics prevent the progression of pre-diabetes? The effect of lactobaccilus rhamnosus hn001 and beta glucan on metabolic and mental health outcomes in adults with prediabetes: A randomized controlled trial. Proceedings of the 44th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. Retrieved from https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/NZSSD2021
Journal - Research Other
Crane, J., Barthow, C., Kang, J., Hood, F., Stanley, T., & Wickens, K. (2020). Probiotics for humans: Hoax, hype, hope, or help. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 50(3), 456-469. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2019.1692364
Journal - Research Article
Slykerman, R. F., Coomarasamy, C., Wickens, K., Thompson, J. M. D., Stanley, T. V., Barthow, C., Kang, J., Crane, J., & Mitchell, E. A. (2019). Exposure to antibiotics in the first 24 months of life and neurocognitive outcomes at 11 years of age. Psychopharmacology, 236, 1573-1582. doi: 10.1007/s00213-019-05216-0
Murphy, R., Morgan, X. C., Wang, X. Y., Wickens, K., Purdie, G., Fitzharris, P., Otal, A., Lawley, B., Stanley, T., Barthow, C., Crane, J., … Tannock, G. W. (2019). Eczema-protective probiotic alters infant gut microbiome functional capacity but not composition: Sub-sample analysis from a RCT. Beneficial Microbes, 10(1), 5-17. doi: 10.3920/bm2017.0191
Pullon, S., Ballantyne, A., Macdonald, L., Barthow, C., Wickens, K., & Crane, J. (2019). Daily decision-making about food during pregnancy: A New Zealand study. Health Promotion International, 34(3), 469-478. doi: 10.1093/heapro/dax098
Journal - Research Other
Barthow, C., Hood, F., McKinlay, E., Hilder, J., Cleghorn, C., Huthwaite, M., Weatherall, M., Parry-Strong, A., Pullon, S., Gray, B., Wickens, K., Crane, J., & Krebs, J. (2019). Food 4 Health: He Oranga Kai: Assessing the efficacy, acceptability and economic implications of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and β-glucan to improve glycated haemoglobin, metabolic health, and general well-being in adults with pre-diabetes: Study protocol for a 2 x 2 factorial design, parallel group, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial, with embedded qualitative study and economic analysis. Trials, 20, 464. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3553-7
Journal - Research Article
Wickens, K., Barthow, C., Mitchell, E. A., Kang, J., Van Zyl, N., Purdie, G., Stanley, T., … Crane, J. (2018). Effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in early life on the cumulative prevalence of allergic disease to 11 years. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 29, 808-814. doi: 10.1111/pai.12982
Slykerman, R. F., Kang, J., Van Zyl, N., Barthow, C., Wickens, K., Stanley, T., … Purdie, G., … Crane, J., & Mitchell, E. A. (2018). Effect of early probiotic supplementation on childhood cognition, behaviour and mood a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 107, 2172-2178. doi: 10.1111/apa.14590
Wickens, K., Barthow, C., Mitchell, E. A., Stanley, T. V., Purdie, G., Rowden, J., Kang, J., Hood, F., … Franklin, I., Barnes, P., … Abels, P., … Crane, J. (2018). Maternal supplementation alone with Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 during pregnancy and breastfeeding does not reduce infant eczema. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 29(3), 296-302. doi: 10.1111/pai.12874
Journal - Research Other
Crane, J., Barthow, C., Mitchell, E. A., Stanley, T. V., Purdie, G., Rowden, J., Kang, J., Hood, F., Barnes, P., … Wickens, K. (2018). Is yoghurt an acceptable alternative to raw milk for reducing eczema and allergy in infancy? Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 48(5), 604-606. doi: 10.1111/cea.13121
Journal - Research Article
McKinlay, E., Gallagher, P., Jones, B., Macdonald, L., & Barthow, C. (2017). Crossing professional cultures: A qualitative study of nurses working in a medical school. Contemporary Nurse, 53(6), 633-646. doi: 10.1080/10376178.2017.1416304
Slykerman, R. F., Hood, F., Wickens, K., Thompson, J. M. D., Barthow, C., Murphy, R., Kang, J., … Crane, J., Stanley, T., Abels, P., Purdie, G., … the Probiotic in Pregnancy Study Group. (2017). Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in pregnancy on postpartum symptoms of depression and anxiety: A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. EBioMedicine, 24, 159-165. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.09.013
Ballantyne, A., Pullon, S., Macdonald, L., Barthow, C., Wickens, K., & Crane, J. (2017). The experiences of pregnant women in an interventional clinical trial: Research in Pregnancy Ethics (RIPE) study. Bioethics, 31(6), 476-483. doi: 10.1111/bioe.12361
Wickens, K. L., Barthow, C. A., Murphy, R., Abels, P. R., Maude, R. M., Stone, P. R., … Stanley, T. V., Purdie, G. L., Kang, J. M., Hood, F. E., … Barnes, P. K., … Crane, J. (2017). Early pregnancy probiotic supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 may reduce the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus: A randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 117(6), 804-813. doi: 10.1017/S0007114517000289
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Slykerman, R., Hood, F., Wickens, K., Thompson, J., Barthow, C., Murphy, R., Kang, J., … Crane, J., Stanley, T., Abels, P., Purdie, G., … Mitchell, E. (2017, November). Effect of lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in pregnancy on postpartum symptoms of depression and anxiety: A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Verbal presentation at the Paediatric Society of New Zealand 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Ballantyne, A., Barthow, C., & Wickens, K. (2016). Research into lifestyle changes in pregnancy. In F. Baylis & A. Ballantyne (Eds.), Clinical research involving pregnant women. (pp. 211-225). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-26512-4_12
Journal - Research Other
Barthow, C., Wickens, K., Stanley, T., Mitchell, E. A., Maude, R., Abels, P., Purdie, G., … Kang, J., Hood, F., … Barnes, P., Fitzharris, P., … Crane, J. (2016). The Probiotics in Pregnancy Study (PiP Study): Rationale and design of a double-blind randomised controlled trial to improve maternal health during pregnancy and prevent infant eczema and allergy. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 16, 133. doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-0923-y
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Maude, R., Wickens, K., Barthow, C., Murphy, R., Abels, P., Stone, P., … Stanley, T., Purdie, G., Kang, J., Hood, F., … Barnes, P., … Crane, J. (2016, October). Can early pregnancy probiotic supplementation reduce the rate of gestational diabetes? Poster session presented at the 11th International Normal Labour and Birth Conference (NLBC), Sydney, Australia.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Hood, F., Wickens, K., Barthow, C., Maude, R., Murphy, R., Abels, P., … Stanley, T., Kang, J., … Purdie, G., & Crane, J. (2016, August). Can early pregnancy probiotic supplementation reduce the rate of gestational diabetes? Verbal presentation at the 14th New Zealand College of Midwives Biennial National Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Marlow, G., Han, D. Y., Wickens, K., Stanley, T., Crane, J., Mitchell, E. A., … Barthow, C., … Morgan, A. R. (2015). Differential effects of two probiotics on the risks of eczema and atopy associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms to Toll-like receptors. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 26(3), 262-271. doi: 10.1111/pai.12371
Barthow, C., Jones, B., Macdonald, L., Vernall, S., Gallagher, P., & McKinlay, E. (2015). Researching in the community: The value and contribution of nurses to community based or primary health care research. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 16, 224-234. doi: 10.1017/s1463423614000097
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Wickens, K., Barthow, C., Murphy, R., Abels, P., Stone, P., Mitchell, E., … Stanley, T., … Kang, J., Hood, F., Fitzharris, P., & Crane, J. (2015, April). Can early pregnancy probiotic supplementation reduce gestational diabetes incidence? Poster session presented at the Developmental Origins of Health & Disease (DOHaD) Society of Australia & New Zealand Conference: A Healthy Start for the Human Race, Melbourne, Australia.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Barthow, C., Wickens, K., Murphy, R., Abels, P., Stone, P., Mitchell, E., … Stanley, T., Kang, J., Hood, F., Fitzharris, P., Purdie, G., & Crane, J. (2015, June-July). Can early pregnancy probiotic supplementation reduce the rate of gestational diabetes? Verbal presentation at the UK Probiotics Conference, Egham, UK.
Journal - Research Article
Morgan, A. R., Han, D. Y., Wickens, K., Barthow, C., Mitchell, E. A., Stanley, T. V., Dekker, J., Crane, J., & Ferguson, L. R. (2014). Differential modification of genetic susceptibility to childhood eczema by two probiotics. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 44(10), 1255-1265. doi: 10.1111/cea.12394
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Wickens, K., Stanley, T., Mitchell, E., Barthow, C., Fitzharris, P., Purdie, G., Siebers, R., … Crane, J. (2014). Early supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 reduces eczema prevalence to 6 years: Does it also reduce atopic sensitization? Clinical & Translational Allergy, 4(Suppl. 1), O9. doi: 10.1186/2045-7022-4-S1-O9
Siebers, R., Wickens, K., Stanley, T., Barthow, C., Mitchell, E. A., Fitzharris, P., … Crane, J. (2014). Increased serum thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) and macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC) levels in 6 year-old children with eczema are related to disease severity. Allergy, 69(Suppl. 99), (pp. 218). doi: 10.1111/all.12476
Journal - Research Article
Wickens, K., Stanley, T. V., Mitchell, E. A., Barthow, C., Fitzharris, P., Purdie, G., Siebers, R., … Crane, J. (2013). Early supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 reduces eczema prevalence to 6 years: Does it also reduce atopic sensitization? Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 43(9), 1048-1057. doi: 10.1111/cea.12154
Journal - Research Article
Wickens, K., Black, P., Stanley, T. V., Mitchell, E., Barthow, C., Fitzharris, P., Purdie, G., & Crane, J. (2012). A protective effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 against eczema in the first 2 years of life persists to age 4 years. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 42(7), 1071-1079. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2012.03975.x
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Barthow, C., Jones, B., Macdonald, L., Vernall, S., Gallagher, P., & McKinlay, E. (2012, November). Research nurses in community based research: Transferring evidence of effectiveness. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Nursing Research Section Conference, Nelson, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Barthow, C., Wickens, K., Ingham, T., Swanney, M., Stanton, J., Lampshire, P., Town, I., Epton, M., Pattemore, P., Crane, J., and the New Zealand Asthma and Allergy Cohort Study Group. (2011). Spirometry quality control and ability to predict asthma in 6 yr old children. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meetings of The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) & The Australian and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science (ANZSRS). TP-004. Retrieved from http://www.fcconventions.com.au/TSANZ2011/08.pdf
Barthow, C., Wickens, K., Ingham, T., Swanney, M., Stanton, J., Lampshire, P., Town, I., Epton, M., Pattemore, P., Crane, J., The New Zealand Asthma and Allergy Cohort Study Group. (2011). Spirometry quality control and ability to predict asthma in 6-year-old children. Respirology, 16(Suppl. 1), (pp. 37). doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2011.01937_1.x
Wickens, K., Black, P., Stanley, T., Mitchell, E., Barthow, C., Fitzharris, P., Purdie, G., & Crane, J. (2011). A differential effect of 2 probiotics on allergic disease to age 4 years. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 127(2, Suppl. 1), (pp. AB38). doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2010.12.160
Journal - Research Article
McCullough, L., McKinlay, E., Barthow, C., Moss, C., & Wise, D. (2010). A model of treatment decision making when patients have advanced cancer: How do cancer treatment doctors and nurses contribute to the process? European Journal of Cancer Care, 19(4), 482-491. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2009.01074.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Wickens, K., Black, P., Stanley, T. V., Mitchell, E., Barthow, C., Purdie, G., Fitzharris, P., & Crane, J. (2010). A differential effect of 2 probiotics on allergic disease to age 4 years. Internal Medicine Journal. 40(Suppl. 4), (pp. 19-20). doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2010.02322.x
Crane, J., Wickens, K., Stanley, T., Mitchell, E., Barthow, C., Fitzharris, P., & Black, P. (2010). Staphylococcal colonisation and atopy. Internal Medicine Journal. 40(Suppl. 4), (pp. 6). doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2010.02322.x
Journal - Research Article
Barthow, C., Moss, C., McKinlay, E., McCullough, L., & Wise, D. (2009). To be involved or not: Factors that influence nurses' involvement in providing treatment decisional support in advanced cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 13(1), 22-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2008.09.004
Other Research Output
Barthow, C. & Jones, B. (May, 2009). Probiotic study: A study to prevent eczema & allergy in children. Otago Wellington Nurses Network, Wellington, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McCullough, L., McKinlay, E., Barthow, C., Wise, D., & Moss, C. (2005). Exploring clinician decision-making in advanced cancer treatment. Proceedings of the 13th National Haematology & Oncology Nurses Conference [Abstracts]. (A4). [Abstract]
Barthow, C., Moss, C., McCullough, L., McKinlay, E., & Wise, D. (2005). Nurses roles in decision-making regarding the use of anticancer therapy in advanced disease. Proceedings of the National 13th Haematology & Oncology Nurses Conference [Abstracts]. (A17). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
McCullough, L., Barthow, C., McKinlay, E., Wise, D., & Moss, C. (2004, August). Decision-making in advanced cancer treatment. Poster session presented at the 13th International Conference on Cancer Nursing, Sydney, Australia.