This page is about the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health (Wellington) contribution to the University of Otago medical degree.
5th Year Teaching
Students will be attached to the department for 5 weeks. During this time they will attend antenatal, gynaecology and theatre sessions, Fertility Associates and Family Planning Clinics as well as small group tutorial sessions. They will also spend time in the Delivery Suite following a birth.
By the end of the 5 weeks the students should be able to elicit a problem focused history and perform a problem focused examination, recognising when findings are abnormal, equivocal or normal for the age group. They should be able to formulate a differential diagnosis, order appropriate investigations, explain their relevance, recognise and interpret abnormal results and make an informed determination of the most likely diagnosis. They should be able to verbally present the clinical data relevant to the presenting problem in a concise and logical sequence to a medical colleague and a patient in terms she will understand and suggest possible means of approaching the problem so as to lead to adequate, efficient and safe resolution of the problem, including necessary follow-up.
6th Year Teaching
Trainee Interns are attached to the Department for 4 weeks. A maximum of two Trainee Interns from each attachment will undertake their O&G training at Palmerston North Hospital under the supervision of Dr Philip Suisted, up to two will go to Hastings Hospital under the supervision of Dr Jeremy Meates and Dr Kirsten Gaerty, up to two will be placed at Hutt Hospital under Dr Roopinder Gill and a maximum of one in Masterton under the supervision of Drs Maha Jaber and David Cook. A booklet detailing the aims, objectives and timetabling is sent out one week before they start the attachment.
Each Trainee Intern is rostered on a selection of clinics, theatres, acutes and labour ward duties and the Delivery Suite. During this time s/he will be required to present cases to senior staff and be assessed on their clinical work. For the Delivery Suite, there is a week of nights (Wellington only). During your week of nights you will spend your time with the Registrar as the other team member responsible for everything that happens during the night shift. The other obstetric experience will be in the antenatal clinics. Your clinical experience needs to be recorded in your logbook which must be submitted at the end of the attachment.