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In 2011 an interdisciplinary teaching team called the Wellington Interprofessional Teaching Initiative (WITI) formed through a common interest in providing interprofessional education. A broad range of disciplines and several partner organisations are now included in the team. Evaluation research has been embedded in the WITI programme.

A central aspect of interprofessional education is facilitating opportunities for students in small groups to discuss their disciplinary backgrounds, similar and different skill sets, and to consider how to jointly contribute to patient care (learning with, from and about each other). Stated teaching outcomes align with the University of Otago Interprofessional Education Conceptual Model. The programme we are currently delivering in Wellington is:

INVOLVE  - Interprofessional Visits to Learn interprofessional Values through patient Experience

INVOLVE is delivered in a three-part form embedded within each discipline's curriculum including an introductory class, an independently undertaken home visit to a person with multimorbidity and a final class presentation. Classroom time typically includes a mix of social interaction, small group work, teaching about content and in the initial class, support is given to assist students to prepare for the home visit and to undertake the presentation.

Find out more about INVOLVE

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