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While we understand that finding funding for Primary Health Care practitioners can be challenging, there are options available.

Workplace Funding

We always recommend discussing options with your workplace first and foremost as they may be able to provide part funding. Local DHBs and PHOs may also allocate some funding for education.

Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ) policy has changed to allow for nurses to apply for funding to study towards any NZQA/CUAP accredited qualification on the National Qualifications Framework. This is at the discretion of the individual DHB's but worth pursuing.


There are limited scholarships available for the PHC & GP Postgraduate Programmes. Check out the Otago Scholarships website for more information.

Scholarships available through University of Otago, Wellington

Postgraduate Study Scholarship (PGSS)

The Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice offers a limited number of scholarships which fund up to 50% of domestic fees for one paper per year. They are offered to General Practices, Community Pharmacies or other Primary Health Care agencies who offer clinical placements to University of Otago health science students (medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy) or dietetics students.

Postgraduate Study Subsidy for teaching practices and organisations (PGSS)

Postgraduate Māori Fees Rebate

Similar to the PGSS, this covers 50% of domestic fees for one paper. Students must identify as Māori (ideally identifying their iwi), be accepted into the course, and not be receiving funding from their employer.

To apply for the above scholarships please contact

External Scholarships

The below are not managed by Otago, so we cannot guarantee students' eligibility or scholarship availability.

Anviva Scholarships - offered by the Ministry of Health.

Designed to contribute to improving access to health services for Pacific peoples by assisting the development of the Pacific Health and disability workforce. Covering 80% of total course fees, students will need to provide evidence of Pacific Islands descent. Applications close in January.

More information is available at the Ministry of Health's Anviva Scholarship website.

New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Scholarships and Grants

NZNO offers a range of scholarships and grants - more information is available on the NZNO website.

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