Carroll, R., & Shields, J. (2024, July). Primary care workforce development in gender affirming health care. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Carroll, R., Rose, S. B., Ker, A., Pettie, M. A., & Garrett, S. M. (2024). Priorities for data collection through a prospective cohort study on gender-affirming hormone therapy in Aotearoa New Zealand: Community and clinical perspectives. Journal of Primary Health Care, 16(3), 301-307. doi: 10.1071/HC23170
Journal - Research Other
Carroll, R., & Shields, J. (2024, March). Initiating gender affirming hormone therapy. Verbal presentation at the Goodfellow Symposium: Skills for Next Monday, Auckland, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Carroll, R. (2024, March). Transgender healthcare: Prescribing gender affirming hormone therapy. Verbal presentation at the Goodfellow Symposium: Skills for Next Monday, Auckland, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Carroll, R., Nicholls, R., Carroll, R. J., Bullock, J., Reid, D., Shields, J., ..., Whitfield, P., & Veale, J. (2023). Primary care gender affirming hormone therapy initiation guidelines: Aotearoa New Zealand guidelines for commencing GAHT for adults in primary care. 58p. PATHA. Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Journal - Research Other
Carroll, R., Rose, S. B., Ker, A., Pettie, M. A., & Garrett, S. M. (2024). Priorities for data collection through a prospective cohort study on gender-affirming hormone therapy in Aotearoa New Zealand: Community and clinical perspectives. Journal of Primary Health Care, 16(3), 301-307. doi: 10.1071/HC23170
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Carroll, R., & Shields, J. (2024, July). Primary care workforce development in gender affirming health care. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, New Zealand.
Carroll, R., & Shields, J. (2024, March). Initiating gender affirming hormone therapy. Verbal presentation at the Goodfellow Symposium: Skills for Next Monday, Auckland, New Zealand.
Carroll, R. (2024, March). Transgender healthcare: Prescribing gender affirming hormone therapy. Verbal presentation at the Goodfellow Symposium: Skills for Next Monday, Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Carroll, R., Sepulveda, B., McLeod, L., Stephenson, C., & Carroll, R. W. (2023). Characteristics and gender affirming healthcare needs of transgender and non-binary students starting hormone therapy in a student health service in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care, 15(2), 106-111. doi: 10.1071/HC23040
Veale, J. F., Bullock, J. J., Byrne, J. L., Clunie, M., Hamilton, T., Horton, J., … Withey-Rila, C., … Carroll, R. (2023). PATHA's vision for transgender healthcare under the current health reforms. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 136(1574), 24-31. Retrieved from
Carroll, R., Tan, K. K. H., Ker, A., Byrne, J. L., & Veale, J. F. (2023). Uptake, experiences and barriers to cervical screening for trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/ajo.13674
Carroll, R., Morgan, S. J., Ker, A., Garrett, S. M., Rose, S. B., Gardiner, T., & McKinlay, E. M. (2023). \It was a very awkward consultation because I didn't know\: General practice staff experiences and challenges in providing healthcare to gender and sexual minority youth in Aotearoa New Zealand. Family Practice, 41(4), 579-586. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmad024
Carroll, R., Rose, S. B., Garrett, S. M., & Gray, L. (2023). Fifth year medical students' education, confidence and learning needs related to healthcare provision for sexual and gender minority patients: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Primary Health Care, 15(2), 122-127. doi: 10.1071/HC22082
Journal - Research Other
Jones, L., Carroll, R., Parker, G., Steers, D., Ormandy, J., & Filoche, S. (2023). Developing a transgender and non-binary inclusive obstetrics and gynaecology undergraduate medical curriculum in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Where are we at, and where do we need to be? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/ajo.13746
Other Research Output
Carroll, R., Nicholls, R., Carroll, R. J., Bullock, J., Reid, D., Shields, J., ..., Whitfield, P., & Veale, J. (2023). Primary care gender affirming hormone therapy initiation guidelines: Aotearoa New Zealand guidelines for commencing GAHT for adults in primary care. 58p. PATHA. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Ker, A., Gardiner, T., Carroll, R., Rose, S. B., Morgan, S. J., Garrett, S. M., & McKinlay, E. M. (2022). "We just want to be treated normally and to have that healthcare that comes along with it": Rainbow young people's experiences of primary care in Aotearoa New Zealand. Youth, 2(4), 691-704. doi: 10.3390/youth2040049
Tan, K. K. H., Carroll, R., Treharne, G. J., Byrne, J. L., & Veale, J. F. (2022). "I teach them. I have no choice": Experiences of primary care among transgender people in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1559), 59-72. Retrieved from
Treharne, G. J., Carroll, R., Tan, K. K. H., & Veale, J. F. (2022). Supportive interactions with primary care doctors are associated with better mental health among transgender people: Results of a nationwide survey in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Family Practice, 39, 834-842. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmac005
Journal - Research Other
Zwickl, S., Chaplin, B., Bisshop, F., Cook, T., Soo, C. T. M., Birtles, B., … Carroll, R., … Lin, A. (2022). Re: The RANZCP position statement on gender dysphoria. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56(10), 1217-1218. doi: 10.1177/00048674221112007
Carroll, R., & Bisshop, F. (2022). What you need to know about gender-affirming healthcare [Trainee focus]. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 34, 438-441. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.13990
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Carroll, R. (2022). Transitioning gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) prescribing into primary care. Proceedings of the joint ESA-SRB-APEG-NZSE Annual Scientific Meeting. 196. Retrieved from
Carroll, R., McKinlay, E., Morgan, S., Rose, S., & Garrett, S. (2022). Providing healthcare to rainbow young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Experiences and challenges in primary care. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28(4), (pp. viii-ix). doi: 10.1071/PYv28n4abs
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Carroll, R., Rose, S., Garrett, S., Morgan, S., & McKinlay, E. (2022, July). General practice experiences and challenges in providing health care to rainbow young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Other
Carroll, R., & Gray, L. (2021). Diversifying clinical education case studies. Clinical Teacher, 18, 494-496. doi: 10.1111/tct.13369
Journal - Research Other
Carroll, R., Davis, W., Fourie, K., York, N., Adams, S., & Johnston, H. (2019). Response to 'The value to frenotomy for ankyloglossia from a parental perspective'. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1503), 103-104. Retrieved from