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The Art of Palliative Medicine - 2016 Semester 1

The Transition from Partner to Carer

My piece of artwork demonstrates the transition of partner to carer. It shows this by contrasting the colourful world in which the two people are journeying through together, to one of less colour where one person is pushing the other one along. The blue character represents the palliative care patient, showing that they are still the same person on the inside, even though their position in life has changed (hence the change from walking to sitting in a wheelchair). The pink character represents the partner, also showing that they are the same person on the inside and outside, but their role in the patient's life has changed (hence the same position, but different roles). I chose the black and white background to represent the daily average life of the pair, as it shows a contrast between their normal life and the colourful exciting places that they often travelled to. I chose travel magazines as my medium of choice for my artwork. I thought that it reflected the lifestyle and aspirations of the couple and their perception of life and what is important.

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