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The Art of Palliative Medicine - 2016 Semester 2

What They Do Not See

The name of the artwork alludes to the patient, herself being blind, being defined by her blindness by the world around her – however, those around her can also be 'blind,' for they cannot see the aspects of her life that completes who she is.

The greyscale artwork was chosen as the medium in order to symbolise the loss of sight, a huge part of most of our lives that we take for granted. The 2D image reiterates this idea, because she has not experienced the concept of 2D and 3D that sight gives us daily.

The patient, although nearing the end of her life at an early age, is not defined by her ill health. In contrary, there are numerous joys in her life that gives her fulfilment.

I have communicated my personal thoughts by harmonising various symbolisms into a single artwork that represents the patient as a whole person and my personal reflections and learning outcomes.

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