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The Art of Palliative Medicine - 2018 Semester 1

Wind, Sand and Water

This picture helps to illustrate what Mrs X calls her 'happy place' and an activity which she likes to do very regularly. Walking on the beach has been one of her favourite activities and more so after her diagnosis. She likes to walk with her dog, kids, and husband. The feeling of sand in between her toes, the soft waves crashing on the beach and the fresh wind are all elements that help Mrs X to reflect and enjoy that specific moment in time and place without worrying about the future. I have tried to illustrate what Mrs X feels, and sees through my drawing with colours. Looking into her family life, I can see that she is trying to live in the present. She has immerse support from her husband, and other friends and family which is very positive. “Without my family around me, I don't know where I would be”.

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