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Relating to Cost-effectiveness modeling (including HPV)

Blakely T, Kvizhinadze G, Karvonen T, Pearson AL, Smith M, Wilson N. Cost-effectiveness and equity impacts of three HPV vaccination programmes for school-aged girls in New Zealand. Vaccine 2014; 32: 2645–2656

Pearson AL, Kvizhinadze G, Wilson N, Smith M, Canfell K and Blakely T, “Is expanding HPV vaccination programs to include school-aged boys cost-effective? A cost-utility analysis in a setting with an existing school-girl program.” Submitted to BMC Infectious Diseases (in review).

Daube, J. (2013, November) The case for investing in family planning in Kiribati. Paper presented at Family Planning Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Blakely T, Kvizhinadze G, Karvonen T, Pearson AL, Smith M and Wilson N. Is HPV vaccination a good use of New Zealand health dollars and can the programme be further optimised for health and equity gains? [Presentation] Family Planning Conference 31 October - 2 November 2013, Wellington.

Relating to health in Pacific Island countries & territories

Wilson N, Ruff TA, Rana BJ, et al. The Effectiveness of the Infant Hepatitis B Immunisation Program in Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Vanuatu. Vaccine 2000;18:3059-66.

Wilson N, Mansoor O, Wenger J, Martin R, Zanardi L, O'Leary M, Rabukawaqa V. Estimating the Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Disease Burden and the Impact of Hib Vaccine in Fiji. Vaccine 2003;21:1907-12.

McLeod M, Kelly H, Wilson N, Baker M. A critical review of border control measures in the influenza pandemic plans of six South Pacific Nations. N Z Med J 2008;121(1278):62-72.

McLeod MA, Baker M, Wilson N, Kelly H, Kiedrzynski T, Kool JL. Protective Effect of Maritime Quarantine in South Pacific Jurisdictions, 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic. Emerg Infect Dis 2008;14:468-470.

Wilson N, Borland R, Edwards R, Allen M, Tukuitonga C. Tobacco-free countries: Could Pacific Island countries lead the way? N Z Med J 2007;120:U2845.

Mansoor O, Wilson N. Health development assistance works: a Pacific example. Med J Aust 2005;183:492.

Wilson N, Mansoor O, Lush D, Kiedrzynski T. Modeling the impact of pandemic influenza on Pacific Islands. Emerg Infect Dis 2005;11:347-349.

Russell FM, Carapetis JR, Mansoor O, Darcy A, Fakakovi T, Metai A, Potoi NT, Wilson N, Mulholland EK. High incidence of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Infection in children in Pacific Island Countries. Clin Infect Dis 2003:37:1593-9.

Wilson N. Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance and the Certification of Polio Eradication in Pacific Island Countries [Report]. Suva, Fiji: World Health Organization, 2000.

Blakely T, Pega F, Nakamura Y, et al. Health status and epidemiological capacity and prospects: WHO Western Pacific Region. Int J Epidemiol 2011;40(4):1109-1121.

Kennedy, E. C., Mackesy-Buckley, S., Subramaniam, S., Demmke, A., Latu, R., Robertson, A. et al. The case for investing in family planning in the pacific: costs and benefits of reducing unmet need for contraception in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. Reproductive health, 2013; 10(1), 30.

Relating to Pacific Peoples in NZ and to NZ role in the Pacific

Lanumata T, Thomson G, Wilson N. Pacific solutions to reducing smoking around Pacific children in New Zealand: a qualitative study of Pacific policymaker views. N Z Med J. 2010;123(1308):54-63.

Wyber R, Wilson N, Baker M. New Zealand's Impact on Health in the South Pacific: Scope for Improvement? N Z Med J 2009;122(1291):60-68.

Wilson N, Mansoor O, Thomson G. Key arguments for increasing New Zealand's health development assistance in the Pacific. N Z Med J 2004;117:U831.

Wilson N, Edwards R, Thomson G, Weerasekera D, Talemaitoga A. High support for a tobacco endgame by Pacific peoples who smoke: national survey data. N Z Med J 2010;123(1316):131-134.

Wilson N, Baker M. Access to training for Maori and Pacific public health workers: evaluation of a summer school. N Z Med J 2008;121(1280):83-84.

Wilson N, Thomson G. Pacific peoples killed by New Zealand tobacco industry exports. N Z Med J 2001;114:49-50.

New Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAID). Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan for New Zealand's Response to the Needs of Pacific Island Countries. Wellington: NZAID, 2005. (Report - Dr N Wilson as principle author).

Blakely T, Tobias M, Robson B, et al. Widening ethnic mortality disparities in New Zealand 1981-99. Soc Sci Med 2005;61(10):2233-2251.

Shaw C, Blakely T, Sarfati D, et al. Varying evolution of the New Zealand lung cancer epidemic by ethnicity and socioeconomic position (1981-1999).[see comment]. New Zealand Medical Journal 2005;118(1213):U1411.

Ajwani S, Blakely T, Robson B, et al. Unlocking the numerator-denominator bias III: adjustment ratios by ethnicity for 1981-1999 mortality data. The New Zealand Census-Mortality Study. New Zealand Medical Journal 2004;116(1175):6.

Shaw C, Blakely T, Sarfati D, et al. Trends in colorectal cancer mortality by ethnicity and socio-economic position in New Zealand, 1981-99: one country, many stories. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2006;30(1):64-70.

Ni Mhurchu C, Blakely T, Wall J, et al. Strategies to promote healthier food purchases: a pilot supermarket intervention study. Public Health Nutrition 2007;10(6):608-615.

Blakely T, Shaw C, Atkinson J, et al. Social inequalities or inequities in cancer incidence? Repeated census-cancer cohort studies, New Zealand 1981–1986 to 2001–2004. Cancer Causes and Control 2011;22(9):1307-1318.

Sarfati D, Blakely T, Shaw C, et al. Patterns of disparity: ethnic and socio-economic trends in breast cancer mortality in New Zealand. Cancer Causes & Control 2006;17(5):671-678.

Shaw C, Atkinson J, Blakely T. (Mis)classification of ethnicity on the New Zealand Cancer Registry: 1981-2004. New Zealand Medical Journal 2009;122(1294):10-22.

Kruse K, Blakely T, Eyles H. Lessons learned from co-ordinating a group health education workshop for Pacific people. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 2008;19(3):232.

Ni Mhurchu C, Blakely T, Funaki-Tahifote M, et al. Inclusion of indigenous and ethnic minority populations in intervention trials: challenges and strategies in a New Zealand supermarket study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2009;63(10):850-855.

Meredith I, Sarfati D, Ikeda T, et al. High rates of endometrial cancer among Pacific women in New Zealand: the role of diabetes, physical inactivity, and obesity. Cancer Causes & Control 2012;23(6):875-885.

Blakely T, Bates M, Baker M, et al. Hepatitis B carriage explains the excess rate of hepatocellular carcinoma for Maori, Pacific Island, and Asian people compared to Europeans in New Zealand. ije 1999;28:204-210.

Tan L, Blakely T, Atkinson J. Ethnic counts on mortality and census data 2001-06: New Zealand census-mortality study update. New Zealand Medical Journal 2010;123(1320):37-44.

Cunningham R, Shaw C, Blakely T, et al. Ethnic and socioeconomic trends in breast cancer incidence in New Zealand. BMC Cancer 2010;10(1):674.

Blakely T, Richardson K, Young J, et al. Does mortality vary between Pacific groups In New Zealand? Estimating Samoan, Cook Island Maori, Tongan and Niuean mortality rates using hierarchical Bayesian modelling. NZ Med J 2009;122(1307):18-29.

Hajat A, Blakely T, Dayal S, et al. Do New Zealand's immigrants have a mortality advantage? Evidence from the New Zealand Census-Mortality Study. Ethnicity & Health 2010;15(5):531-547.

Blakely T, Ni Mhurchu C, Jiang Y, et al. Do effects of price discounts and nutrition education on food purchases vary by ethnicity, income and education? Results from a randomised, controlled trial. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2011;65(10):902-908.

Meredith I, Sarfati D, Ikeda T, et al. Cancer in Pacific people in New Zealand. Cancer causes & control : CCC 2012;23(7):1173-1184.


BODE³ Programme
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
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Wellington South 6242
New Zealand
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