The Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) research group is a collaborative group of researchers working at the interface between public health, health services research, and clinical medicine. Our work includes a range of projects aimed at reducing the impact of cancer and chronic conditions on population health and health inequalities through policy and health system change.
Ko te rōpū rangahau mō te Mate Pukupuku me ngā Māuiui Tūroa (C3), he kāhui kairangahau e mahi tahi ana ki waenga i ngā ao o te rāngai hauroa tūmatanui, te rangahau ratonga hauora me te rongoā haumanu. Kei te kōkiri mātau i ētahi kaupapa e mahi ana ki te whakaiti i te pānga o te mate pukupuku me ngā māuiui tūroa ki te hauora o te taupori me ngā ōritenga kore o te hauora mā te whakarerekē i ngā kaupapahere me te pūnaha hauora.
The C3 Research Group is involved in multiple streams of work related to cancer and chronic conditions. You can view more information about the work we are doing within each of these streams by following the links below.
- Whakatōmuri, Whakamua: the C3 Research Programme
Exploring aspects of the availability, affordability and acceptability of cancer care for Māori and their whānau, with a view to informing improvements in care access and survival outcomes. - Cancer control and service planning in New Zealand
- Improving care and outcomes for Māori in New Zealand
- Diabetes and cancer co-occurrence
- Post-operative mortality in New Zealand
- Impact of COVID-19 on cancer care and outcomes
- Cancer control in the Pacific and other small island developing states
- Mental health, cancer and chronic conditions
- Stomach cancer: prevention and care
- Diabetes: improving outcomes
- Multimorbidity
- Testicular cancer
- Rheumatic heart disease
- Indices for adjusting for comorbidity and multimorbidity
Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) research group
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South 6242
New Zealand
Tel +64 4 806 1807