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Various Department of Public Health staff have been involved in alcohol-related research in recent years. Some of this builds on strengths around public health policy, tax interventions, and the relationship between smoking and drinking.This page lists the publications and presentations related to research on alcohol in New Zealand.


Journal articles and letters

Imlach Gunasekara F, Wilson N. Raise your glass: Tracking alcohol affordability to inform alcohol policy. EcoNZ@Otago 2012;(29):5-7

Sloane K, Wilson N, Imlach Gunasekara F. A content analysis of the portrayal of alcohol in televised music videos in New Zealand: Changes over time.Drug Alcohol Rev 2012 [e-Publication 10 June]. DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2012.00477.x

Keall MD, Clark B, Rudin-Brown CM. A preliminary estimation of motorcyclist fatal injury risk by BAC level relative to car/van drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention 2012; vol e, Taylor & Francis Ltd, United States, pp. 1-70.

Wilson N, Blakely T, Foster R, Hadorn D, Vos T. Prioritizing risk factors to identify preventive interventions for economic assessment.Bull World Health Organ 2012;90:88-96.

Wilson N, Imlach Gunasekara F. Fortify minimum alcohol prices with excise tax. BMJ 2012;344:e2723.

Wilson N, Weerasekera D, Kahler CW, Borland R, Edwards R. Hazardous patterns of alcohol use are relatively common in smokers: ITC Project (New Zealand). NZ Med J 2012;125(1348):34-41. [Abstract]

Jatrana S, Carter K, McKenzie S, Wilson N. Binge drinking is patterned by demographic and socioeconomic position in New Zealand: largest national survey to date.NZ Med J 2011;124(1345):110-115. (Reprinted in NZMJ Digest February 2012)

Imlach Gunasekara, F. Butler, S. Cech, T et al. How do intoxicated patients impact staff in the emergency department? An exploratory study. 2011. NZ Med J; 124 (1336)

Wilson N, Imlach Gunasekara F, Thomson G. The benefits and harms of alcohol use in New Zealand: what politicians might consider. NZ Med J 2011;124(1336):85-89. [Abstract]

Wilson N, Imlach Gunasekara F. New Zealand's alcohol plan is less than “half hearted”. BMJ 2011;342:d2147.

Sloane K, Imlach Gunasekara F, Wilson N. Consistently cheap alcohol: national data on discounts for an 8-week period.NZ Med J 2011;124(1329):104-8.

Imlach Gunasekara F, Wilson N. Very cheap drinking in New Zealand: some alcohol is more affordable than bottled water and nearly as cheap as milk. NZ Med J 2010;123(1324):103-7. Also published in: NZMJ Digest 2010;23:36-8.

Imlach Gunasekara F, Wilson N, Edwards R. Is New Zealand lagging behind other OECD countries in measures to reduce alcohol-related harm?NZ Med J 2010;123(1321):112-117.

Maher A, Wilson N, Signal L, Thomson G. Patterns of Sports Sponsorship by Gambling, Alcohol and Food Companies: An Internet Survey.BMC Public Health 2006;6:95.

Blakely T, Hales S, Kieft C, Wilson N, Woodward A. The global distribution of risk factors by poverty.Bull WHO 2005;83:118-126.

Keall MD, Frith WJ. A method for estimating crash risk associated with driver BAC. Transportation Research Part E: Special Issue on Alcohol, Road Safety, and Public Policy 2005; 41:pp. 409-420.

Keall MD, Frith WJ, Patterson TL. The contribution of alcohol to night-time crash risk and other risks of night driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2005; 37 pp. 816-824.

Keall MD, Frith WJ, Patterson TL. The influence of alcohol, age and number of passengers on the night-time risk of driver fatal injury in New Zealand. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2004; 36:pp. 49-61.

Reports and Monographs

Wilson N. International and New Zealand evidence on health impacts of legal age limits for drinking or purchasing alcohol (Report to the Ministerial Committee on Drug Policy). Wellington: Ministry of Health, 2004.

Al-Marzouq H, Braithwaite I, Dodson N, et al. Stick this in your pipe and smoke it: tobacco, alcohol, and illicit substances in music videos. Wellington: University of Otago, Wellington, 2005.

Hutt M, Howden-Chapman P. Old wine in new bottles: the Public Health Commission and the making of New Zealand alcohol policy [Public Health Monograph Series, Number 3]. Wellington: Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, for the Department of Public Health, Wellington School of Medicine, 1998.


Thomson G. The Politics of Alcohol: What can be learned from tobacco? [Oral presentation]. The Politics of Alcohol The Politics of Alcohol: Imagine NZ without Alcohol Damage – Conference. Wellington, Te Papa, 1 June 2011.

Wilson N. The Politics of Alcohol: What can be learned from tobacco? Introduction [Oral presentation]. The Politics of Alcohol The Politics of Alcohol: Imagine NZ without Alcohol Damage – Conference. Wellington, Te Papa, 1 June 2011.

Imlach Gunasekara F, Sloane K, Wilson N. Music videos on television commonly portray alcohol: A content analysis. [Oral presentation] Population Health Congress 2012, September 10-12, Adelaide.

Imlach Gunasekara, F. Tracking alcohol affordability. O-Zone Group Research Presentation to House of New Zealand Representatives. 29 August 2012, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand. [Oral presentation]

Wilson N, Weerasekera D, Blakely T, Kahler CW, Borland R, Edwards R. Hazardous alcohol use is common in New Zealand smokers: National survey data. [Poster presentation POS1-16]. SRNT, 16th Annual Meeting 24–27 February 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Associate Professor Nick Wilson
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South 6242
New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 918 6469
Fax: +64 4 389 5319

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