MBChB, MSc, MPH, FNZCPHM Senior Research Fellow; Virtual Health Information Network
Contact details
Email andrea.teng@otago.ac.nz
Research interests and activities
Andrea Teng is a public health physician and senior research fellow working as an epidemiologist in the Department of Public Health. Andrea's research focus is on prevention of non-communicable disease especially nutrition-related conditions, equity, public health in the Pacific, policy evaluation, and integrated data research. She is PI on these projects:
- Integrated data to address inequitable health outcomes, Healthier Lives National Science Challenge
- Impact of excise taxes in Tonga on the healthiness of food imports, University of Otago Research Grant
- Helicobacter pylori prevalence in Aotearoa New Zealand, sub project in SYMBIOTIC HRC programme
Research groups
- Integrated Data Research Group
- Health Promotion and Policy Research Unit (HePPRU)
- Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) research group
Teng, A., Stanley, J., Lawrenson, R., Lao, C., Krebs, J., Koea, J., Sika-Paotonu, D., & Gurney, J. (2025). Co-occurence of cancer and diabetes in a high-income country: Age-period-cohort projections 2020-2024. Cancer Epidemiology, 94, 102723. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2024.102723 Journal - Research Article
Schauer, C., Teng, A., Signal, V., Stanley, J., Mules, T. C., Koea, J., & Inns, S. J. (2024). Translating evidence into action: Overcoming barriers to gastric cancer prevention in Aotearoa. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2024.2427818 Journal - Research Other
Puloka, V., Teng, A., Kim, A., Wilson, N., & Tukunga, S. (2024, September). Impact of Tonga excise taxes on price and imports of targeted unhealthy foods. Verbal presentation at the Pacific Islands Health Research Symposium, Nadi, Fiji. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Underwood, L., Bowden, N., Teng, A., Dewes, O., Marek, L., & Milne, B. (2024). New Zealanders living with a family member who has a long-term health condition: Cross sectional analysis of integrated census and administrative data. International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(5), 275. doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2764 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Underwood, L., Teng, A., Bowden, N., Dewes, O., Marek, L., & Milne, B. (2024). Long-term health conditions among household families in Aotearoa New Zealand: Cross-sectional analysis of integrated Census and administrative data. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1596), 20-34. Retrieved from https://www.nzmj.org.nz/ Journal - Research Article
Journal - Research Article
Teng, A., Stanley, J., Lawrenson, R., Lao, C., Krebs, J., Koea, J., Sika-Paotonu, D., & Gurney, J. (2025). Co-occurence of cancer and diabetes in a high-income country: Age-period-cohort projections 2020-2024. Cancer Epidemiology, 94, 102723. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2024.102723
Journal - Research Article
Underwood, L., Teng, A., Bowden, N., Dewes, O., Marek, L., & Milne, B. (2024). Long-term health conditions among household families in Aotearoa New Zealand: Cross-sectional analysis of integrated Census and administrative data. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1596), 20-34. Retrieved from https://www.nzmj.org.nz/
Lawrenson, R., Lao, C., Stanley, J., Teng, A., Kuper-Hommel, M., Campbell, I., Krebs, J., Sika-Paotonu, D., … Gurney, J. (2024). Does diabetes affect breast cancer survival? Cancer Reports, e2040. doi: 10.1002/cnr2.2040
Teng, A., Stanley, J., Jackson, C., Koea, J., Lao, C., Lawrenson, R., … Sika-Paotonu, D., & Gurney, J. (2024). The growing cancer burden: Age-period-cohort projections in Aotearoa New Zealand 2020-2044. Cancer Epidemiology, 89, 102535. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2024.102535
Journal - Research Other
Schauer, C., Teng, A., Signal, V., Stanley, J., Mules, T. C., Koea, J., & Inns, S. J. (2024). Translating evidence into action: Overcoming barriers to gastric cancer prevention in Aotearoa. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2024.2427818
Teng, A., Cleghorn, C., Signal, L., Smith, M., Te Morenga, L., Walby, E., & Wilson, N. (2024). Food and beverage taxes for a healthier diet: The Pacific experience. The Briefing, (31 January). Retrieved from https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/food-and-beverage-taxes-healthier-diet-pacific-experience
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Underwood, L., Bowden, N., Teng, A., Dewes, O., Marek, L., & Milne, B. (2024). New Zealanders living with a family member who has a long-term health condition: Cross sectional analysis of integrated census and administrative data. International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(5), 275. doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2764
Gurney, J., Teng, A., Stanley, J., Krebs, J., Lawrenson, R., Lao, C., on behalf of the Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) Research Group. (2024). Cancer incidence among those with diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand: Current and projected trends [Invited]. Proceedings of the 47th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. (pp. 29). Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/
Teng, A., Gurney, J., Stanley, J., Krebs, J., Lawrenson, R., Lao, C., on behalf of the Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) Research Group. (2024). The projected prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2020-2044: An age-period-cohort modelling study. Proceedings of the 47th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD) Annual Scientific Meeting. O1. Retrieved from https://www.nzssd.org.nz/
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Puloka, V., Teng, A., Kim, A., Wilson, N., & Tukunga, S. (2024, September). Impact of Tonga excise taxes on price and imports of targeted unhealthy foods. Verbal presentation at the Pacific Islands Health Research Symposium, Nadi, Fiji.
Journal - Research Article
Gurney, J., Stanley, J., Teng, A., Robson, B., Scott, N., Sika-Paotonu, D., … Krebs, J., & Koea, J. (2023). Equity of cancer and diabetes co-occurrence: A national study with 44 million person-years of follow-up. JCO Global Oncology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1200/GO.22.00357
Lawrenson, R., Lao, C., Stanley, J., Campbell, I., Krebs, J., Meredith, I., Koea, J., Teng, A., Sika-Paotonu, D., Stairmand, J., & Gurney, J. (2023). Impact of diabetes on surgery and radiotherapy for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research & Treatment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-06915-1
Lao, C., Gurney, J., Stanley, J., Krebs, J., Meredith, I., Campbell, I., Teng, A., Sika-Paotonu, D., Koea, J., & Lawrenson, R. (2023). Association of diabetes and breast cancer characteristics at diagnosis. Cancer Causes & Control, 34, 103-111. doi: 10.1007/s10552-022-01654-y
Journal - Research Other
Walby, E., Jones, A., Smith, M., Na'ati, E., Snowdon, W., & Teng, A. (2023). Food tax policies in Pacific Island Countries and Territories: Systematic policy review. Public Health Nutrition. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S1368980023002914
Journal - Research Article
Nghiem, N., Teng, A., Cleghorn, C., McKerchar, C., & Wilson, N. (2022). Using household economic survey data to assess food expenditure patterns and trends in a high-income country with notable health inequities. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 21703. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-26301-z
Gurney, J., Stanley, J., Teng, A., Krebs, J., Koea, J., . . ., Sika-Paotonu, D., & Sarfati, D. (2022). Cancer and diabetes co-occurrence: A national study with 44 million person-years of follow-up. PLoS ONE, 17(11), e0276913. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276913
Journal - Research Article
Wilson, N., Jones, A., Teng, A., & Thomson, G. (2021). The epidemiology of attacks on statues: New Zealand as a case study. PLoS ONE, 16(6), e0252567. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252567
Teng, A., Snowdon, W., Tin, S. T. W., Genç, M., Na'ati, E., Puloka, V., Signal, L., & Wilson, N. (2021). Progress in the Pacific on sugar‐sweetened beverage taxes: A systematic review of policy changes from 2000 to 2019. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45(4), 376-384. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.13123
Teng, A. M., Genç, M., Herman, J., Signal, L., Areai, D., & Wilson, N. (2021). Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes on price, import and sale volumes in an island nation: Interrupted time series analysis. Public Health Nutrition, 24(7), 1828-1835. doi: 10.1017/s1368980021000185
Teng, A., Buffière, B., Genç, M., Latavao, T., Puloka, V., Signal, L., & Wilson, N. (2021). Equity of expenditure changes associated with a sweetened-beverage tax in Tonga: Repeated cross-sectional household surveys. BMC Public Health, 21, 149. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-10139-z
Journal - Research Other
Teng, A., Puloka, V., Signal, L., & Wilson, N. (2021). Pacific countries lead the way on sugary drinks taxes: Lessons for New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1543), 137-140. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Teng, A. M. (2021). What is the impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes? A focus on the Pacific (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/12227
Journal - Research Article
Teng, A., Puloka, V., Genç, M., Filimoehala, O., Latu, C., Lolomana'ia, M., … Signal, L., & Wilson, N. (2020). Sweetened beverage taxes and changes in beverage price, imports and manufacturing: Interrupted time series analysis in a middle-income country. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 17, 90. doi: 10.1186/s12966-020-00980-1
Teng, A., Blakely, T., Atkinson, J., Kalediėnė, R., Leinsalu, M., Martikainen, P. T., … Mackenbach, J. P. (2020). Changing social inequalities in smoking, obesity and cause-specific mortality: Cross-national comparisons using compass typology. PLoS ONE, 15(7), e0232971. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232971
Brewer, N., Atkinson, J., Guilford, P., Print, C., Blakely, T., & Teng, A. (2020). An estimate of limited duration cancer prevalence in New Zealand using 'big' data. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1514), 49-62. Retrieved from https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal
Journal - Research Other
Signal, V., Gurney, J., Inns, S., McLeod, M., Sika-Paotonu, D., Sowerbutts, S., Teng, A., & Sarfati, D. (2020). Helicobacter pylori, stomach cancer and its prevention in New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 50(3), 397-417. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2019.1650081
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Teng, A., Puloka, V., Filimoehala, O., Latu, C., Lolomana'ia, M., Osornprasop, S., Genç, M., Signal, L., & Wilson, N. (2020). Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in the Pacific with evaluation results from Tonga. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity (ISBNPA) XChange. (pp. 415). International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Retrieved from https://venuewest.eventsair.com/isbnpa-xchange-initiative
Freeman, L., Wilson, N., Teng, A., & Jones, A. (2020). Sugar-sweetened beverage tax pass-through rates: A systematic review. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity (ISBNPA) XChange. (pp. 413). International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Retrieved from https://venuewest.eventsair.com/isbnpa-xchange-initiative
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Wilson, N., Jones, A. C., Teng, A., & Thomson, G. (2020). Attacks on statues associated with social injustice and militarism: New Zealand as a case study. SocArXiv. doi: 10.31235/osf.io/e6agq
Chapter in Book - Research
Teng, A., Blakely, T., & Sarfati, D. (2019). Changing social inequalities in cancer mortality: The value of linking census and health data. In S. Vaccarella, J. Lortet-Tieulent, R. Saracci, D. I. Conway, K. Straif & C. P. Wild (Eds.), Reducing social inequalities in cancer: Evidence and priorities for research [IARC Scientific Publication No. 168]. (pp. 25-27). Lyon, France: international Agency for Research on Cancer.
Journal - Research Article
Sarfati, D., Dyer, R., Sam, F. A.-L., Barton, M., Bray, F., Buadromo, E., Ekeroma, A., … Puloka, V., … Teng, A., … Vivili, P. (2019). Cancer control in the Pacific: Big challenges facing small island states. Lancet Oncology, 20(9), e475-e492. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30400-0
Teng, A. M., Jones, A. C., Mizdrak, A., Signal, L., Genç, M., & Wilson, N. (2019). Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes on purchases and dietary intake: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 20, 1187-1204. doi: 10.1111/obr.12868
Clement, C., Abeling, S., Deely, J., Teng, A., Thomson, G., Johnston, D., & Wilson, N. (2019). Descriptive epidemiology of New Zealand's highest mortality earthquake: Hawke's Bay in 1931. Scientific Reports, 9, 4914. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41432-6
Teng, A., Blakely, T., Scott, N., Jansen, R., Masters-Awatere, B., Krebs, J., & Oetzel, J. (2019). What protects against pre-diabetes progressing to diabetes? Observational study of integrated health and social data. Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice, 148, 119-129. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2018.12.003
Journal - Research Other
Milne, B. J., Atkinson, J., Blakely, T., Day, H., Douwes, J., Gibb, S., … Teng, A. (2019). Data Resource Profile: The New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). International Journal of Epidemiology, 48(3), 677-677e. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz014
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Teng, A., Signal, L., & Wilson, N. (2019). Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in the Pacific. Proceedings of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Annual Meeting: Healthy People, Healthy Planet. (pp. 60). International Society of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity. Retrieved from http://isbnpa2019.venuewest.com
Teng, A. (2019). Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes on consumption: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Proceedings of the 23rd International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) World Conference on Health Promotion. Retrieved from http://www.iuhpe2019.com
Other Research Output
Gibb, S., Teng, A., &White, M. (2019, August). Integrated data for public health research. Department of Public Health Seminar Series, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Teng, A., Wilson, N., Signal, L., Genç, M., Puloka, V., Tairea, K. (2019). Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage tariffs and excise on taxed and untaxed beverage trade volumes to the Cook Islands and Tonga: Pre-analysis study protocol. University of Otago. Version 1.0. Retrieved from https://www.otago.ac.nz/wellington/departments/publichealth/otago039299.html
Journal - Research Article
Blakely, T., Disney, G., Valeri, L., Atkinson, J., Teng, A., Wilson, N., & Gurrin, L. (2018). Socioeconomic and tobacco mediation of ethnic inequalities in mortality over time: Repeated census-mortality cohort studies, 1981 to 2011. Epidemiology, 29(4), 506-516. doi: 10.1097/ede.0000000000000842
Wilson, N., Clement, C., Boyd, M., Teng, A., Woodward, A., & Blakely, T. (2018). The long history of health inequality in New Zealand: Occupational class and lifespan in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(2), 175-179. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12765
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Teng, A. (2018). Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation. Proceedings of the Pacific International Health Symposium. (pp. 10). Retrieved from https://pihs.squarespace.com
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Teng, A. (2018, February). Role of infection in cancer in indigenous and Pacific peoples: H. pylori: Casting a long shadow. Verbal presentation at the Indigenous People and Cancer Symposium: A Shared Agenda for Aotearoa, Australia, and Pacific Nations, Wellington, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Cleghorn, C., Jones, A., Teng, A., Blakely, T., & Wilson, N. (2018). Artificially sweetened beverages: What does the latest evidence tell us on health benefits versus harm? The Briefing, (29 November). Retrieved from https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/artificially-sweetened-beverages-what-does-latest-evidence-tell-us-health-benefits-versus
Journal - Research Article
Teng, A., Atkinson, J., Disney, G., Wilson, N., & Blakely, T. (2017). Changing smoking-mortality association over time and across social groups: National census-mortality cohort studies from 1981 to 2011. Scientific Reports, 7, 11465 . doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11785-x
Teng, A. M., Blakely, T., Ivory, V., Kingham, S., & Cameron, V. (2017). Living in areas with different levels of earthquake damage and association with risk of cardiovascular disease: A cohort-linkage study. Lancet Planetary Health, 1(6), e242-e253. doi: 10.1016/S2542-5196(17)30101-8
Disney, G., Teng, A., Atkinson, J., Wilson, N., & Blakely, T. (2017). Changing ethnic inequalities in mortality in New Zealand over 30 years: Linked cohort studies with 68.9 million person-years of follow-up. Population Health Metrics, 15, 15. doi: 10.1186/s12963-017-0132-6
Blakely, T., Disney, G., Atkinson, J., Teng, A., & Mackenbach, J. P. (2017). A typology for charting socioeconomic mortality gradients: "Go south-west". Epidemiology, 28(4), 594-603. doi: 10.1097/ede.0000000000000671
Teng, A. M., Kvizhinadze, G., Nair, N., McLeod, M., Wilson, N., & Blakely, T. (2017). A screening program to test and treat for Helicobacter pylori infection: Cost-utility analysis by age, sex and ethnicity. BMC Infectious Diseases, 17(1), 156. doi: 10.1186/s12879-017-2259-2
Teng, A. M., Atkinson, J., Disney, G., Wilson, N., & Blakely, T. (2017). Changing socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality: Cohort study with 54 million person-years follow-up 1981-2011. International Journal of Cancer, 140(6), 1306-1316. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30555
Journal - Research Other
Teng, A. M., Blakely, T., Baker, M. G., & Sarfati, D. (2017). The contribution of Helicobacter pylori to excess gastric cancer in Indigenous and Pacific men: A birth cohort estimate [Short communication]. Gastric Cancer, 20(4), 752-755. doi: 10.1007/s10120-016-0671-8
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Teng, A., Blakely, T., Ivory, V., Kingham, S., & Cameron, V. (2017). Does living in an area with greater earthquake damage increase risk of cardiovascular disease? Cohort linkage study. Proceedings of the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop. (pp. 23). NZCPHM. Retrieved from https://www.nzcphm.org.nz
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Teng, A. M. (2017, August). Does living in an area damaged by earthquakes increase cardiovascular disease risk five years on? Cohort linkage study. Verbal presentation at the 21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA) World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE), Saitama, Japan.
Other Research Output
Blakely, T., Coppell, K., Cleghorn, C., & Teng, A. (2017). BMI keeps on going up: And reflections on the Diabesity Symposium. The Briefing, (23 March). Retrieved from https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/bmi-keeps-going-and-reflections-diabesity-symposium
Teng, A., McLeod, M., Blakely, T., Wilson, N. (2017, April). Is it time to pilot a test and treat programme for reducing the stomach cancer burden and inequalities in NZ? University of Otago Public Health Expert blog. Retrieved from https://blogs.otago.ac.nz/pubhealthexpert/2017/04/18/is-it-time-to-pilot-a-test-and-treat-programme-for-reducing-the-stomach-cancer-burden-and-inequalities-in-nz/
Journal - Research Article
Teng, A. M., Atkinson, J., Disney, G., Wilson, N., Sarfati, D., McLeod, M., & Blakely, T. (2016). Ethnic inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality: Census-linked cohort studies with 87 million years of person-time follow-up. BMC Cancer, 16, 755. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2781-4
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Teng, A. M., Atkinson, J., Disney, G., Wilson, N., Sarfati, D., McLeod, M., & Blakely, T. (2016, September). Ethnic inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality: Census-linked cohort studies with 87 million years of person-time follow-up. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Wilson, N., Cleghorn, C., Teng, A., Beaglehole, R., & Blakely, T. (2016). Progress on reducing retail availability of sugary drinks in NZ. The Briefing, (15 May). Retrieved from https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/progress-reducing-retail-availability-sugary-drinks-nz
McDonald, A., Cleghorn, C., Wilson, N., & Blakely, T. (2016). Taxing sugary drinks: Empirical findings out of Mexico. The Briefing, (3 February). Retrieved from https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/taxing-sugary-drinks-empirical-findings-out-mexico
Waterlander, W., Wilson, N., Ni Mhurchu, C., Cleghorn, C., McDonald, A., Eyles, H., & Blakely, T. (2016). The UK Government shows leadership with a soft drink tax announcement. The Briefing, (22 March). Retrieved from https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/uk-government-shows-leadership-soft-drink-tax-announcement
Teng, A., Blakely, T., Baker, M., Sarfati, D. (2016, November). Casting a long shadow: Infection drives stomach cancer inequalities in Māori and Pacific peoples. University of Otago Public Health Expert Blog. Retrieved from https://blogs.otago.ac.nz/pubhealthexpert/2016/11/28/casting-a-long-shadow-infection-drives-stomach-cancer-inequalities-in-maori-and-pacific-peoples/
Journal - Research Article
McDonald, A. M., Sarfati, D., Baker, M. G., & Blakely, T. (2015). Trends in Helicobacter pylori infection among Māori, Pacific, and European birth cohorts in New Zealand. Helicobacter, 20(2), 139-145. doi: 10.1111/hel.12186
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
McDonald, A., Sarfati, D., Baker, M. G., & Blakely, T. (2015, November). Casting a long shadow: The role of household crowding in Helicobactor pylori infection and excess stomach cancer incidence among Maori and Pacific people. Verbal presentation at the 18th International Conference on Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Related Organisms (CHRO), Rotorua, New Zealand.
Nair, N., McDonald, A. M., Kvizhinadze, G., Wilson, N., & Blakely, T. (2015, November). A screening programme to test and treat H. pylori infection in New Zealand: A cost-utility analysis by age, sex and ethnicity. Keynote presentation at the 18th International Conference on Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Related Organisms (CHRO), Rotorua, New Zealand.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
McDonald, A. (2015). Sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Pacific Island countries and territories: A discussion paper. Noumea, New Caledonia: Public Health Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 54p.
Other Research Output
McDonald, A. (2015, August). What the Pacific & Mexico can tell us about soft drink taxes and public health. University of Otago Public Health Expert blog. Retrieved from https://blogs.otago.ac.nz/pubhealthexpert/2015/08/18/what-the-pacific-mexico-can-tell-us-about-soft-drink-taxes-and-public-health/
Journal - Research Other
McDonald, A., Giles, S., & Nesdale, A. (2014). Norovirus outbreak at an indoor playground. New Zealand Public Health Surveillance Report, 12(1), 7-8. [Case Study].
Pak, N., McDonald, A. M., McKenzie, J., & Tukuitonga, C. (2014). Soft drink consumption in Pacific Island Countries and Territories: A review of trade data. Pacific Health Dialog, 20(1), 59-66. [Review].
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
McDonald, A. (2014). Linking housing and health in the Hutt Valley: Housing Coordinator Pilot evaluation. Wellington, New Zealand: Regional Public Health. 96p. Retrieved from http://www.rph.org.nz/content/8efc237c-c36d-4e29-851d-60d2eacecaf3.cmr
Awarded Masters Degree
McDonald, A. M. (2014). Casting a long shadow: The role of household crowding on Helicobacter pylori infection, and excess stomach cancer incidence among Māori and Pacific people (MPH). University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/5968
Journal - Research Article
Ismail, S. A., McDonald, A., Dubois, E., Aljohani, F. G., Coutts, A. P., Majeed, A., & Rawaf, S. (2013). Assessing the state of health research in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 106(6), 224-233. doi: 10.1258/jrsm.2012.120240
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
McDonald, A. M., & Paterson, H. (2013). Re: Registrar interest in academic obstetrics and gynaecology: A cross-sectional survey by McDonald A, Paterson H, Herbison P. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2012; 52: 476–482. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 53(2), 215. doi: 10.1111/ajo.12085
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McDonald, A., Sarfati, D., Blakely, T., & Baker, M. (2013). Casting a long shadow: The role of household crowding on Helicobacter pylori infection, and excess stomach cancer incidence among Māori and Pacific people in New Zealand. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 9(Suppl. 3), (pp. 81-82). doi: 10.1111/ajco.12144
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
McDonald, A., Sarfati, D., Baker, M., & Blakely, T. (2013, September). Casting a long shadow: The role of household crowding on Helicobactor pylori infection, and excess stomach cancer incidence among Māori and Pacific people. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Baker, M. G., McDonald, A. M., Zhang, J., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2013). Infectious diseases attributable to household crowding in New Zealand: A systematic review and burden of disease estimate. Wellington, New Zealand: He Kainga Oranga / Housing and Health Research Programme, University of Otago. 80p.
Journal - Research Article
McDonald, A. M., & Campbell, O. M. R. (2012). How twins differ: Multiple pregnancy and the use of health care in the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 17(5), 637-645. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2012.02967.x
Yaghi, K., Yaghi, Y., McDonald, A., Yadegarfar, G., Cecil, E., Seidl, J., … Majeed, A. (2012). Diabetes or war? Incidence of and indications for limb amputation in Lebanon, 2007. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 18(12), 1178-1186.
McDonald, A., Paterson, H., & Herbison, P. (2012). Registrar interest in academic obstetrics and gynaecology: A cross-sectional survey. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 52(5), 476-482. doi: 10.1111/j.1479-828X.2012.01468.x
Journal - Research Article
Amati, F., McDonald, A. M., Majeed, A., Dubois, E., & Rawaf, S. (2011). Implementation and evaluation of patient centred care in experimental studies from 2000-2010: Systematic review. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 1(2), 348-357. doi: 10.5750/ijpcm.v1i2.47