Senior Research Fellow; He Kainga Oranga – Housing and Health Research Programme, HEIRU
Contact details
Tel +64 4 832 3576
Research interests and activities
Lucy's research interests cover seasonal and cold-temperature related morbidity and mortality; respiratory disease epidemiology; housing quality; tenancy law; and implementation of the WHO Healthy Housing Guidelines.
She produces the biennial Impact of Respiratory Disease report for the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation, and is currently on the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board. Lucy also co-ordinates He Kāinga Oranga’s WHO Collaborating Centre on Housing and wellbeing.
Yasbek, P., & Telfar-Barnard, L. (2025). Good firearms law needs multiple defensive layers: The Swiss cheese model. The Briefing, (13 February). Retrieved from Journal - Research Other
Dohig, R. K., O'Sullivan, K. C., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2024). ‘I think life changed for everybody from the first lockdown’: Public housing tenants’ experiences of COVID-19 public health and social measures in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Housing Policy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/19491247.2024.2438294 Journal - Research Article
Telfar Barnard, L., Eagles, A., Grimes, A., Howden-Chapman, P., Phipps, R., & Viggers, H. (2024). New Zealand's hard-won improvements to our Building Code must be retained: Here's why. The Briefing, (29 July). Retrieved from Journal - Research Other
Telfar-Barnard, L., Baker, M., Howden-Chapman, P., & Wilson, N. (2024). Surviving winter: NZ's journey through 145 years of seasonal survival: New study. The Briefing, (9 May). Retrieved from Journal - Research Other
Fraser, B., Aspinall, C., Chisholm, E., Ombler, J., Bierre, S., Telfar-Barnard, L., Johnson, E., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2024). A snapshot of a fragmented landscape: Homelessness law and policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. In C. Bevan (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global perspectives on homelessness, law & policy. (pp. 500-516). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003274056-35 Chapter in Book - Research
Journal - Research Other
Yasbek, P., & Telfar-Barnard, L. (2025). Good firearms law needs multiple defensive layers: The Swiss cheese model. The Briefing, (13 February). Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Fraser, B., Aspinall, C., Chisholm, E., Ombler, J., Bierre, S., Telfar-Barnard, L., Johnson, E., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2024). A snapshot of a fragmented landscape: Homelessness law and policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. In C. Bevan (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of global perspectives on homelessness, law & policy. (pp. 500-516). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003274056-35
Journal - Research Article
Dohig, R. K., O'Sullivan, K. C., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2024). ‘I think life changed for everybody from the first lockdown’: Public housing tenants’ experiences of COVID-19 public health and social measures in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Housing Policy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/19491247.2024.2438294
Journal - Research Other
Telfar Barnard, L., Eagles, A., Grimes, A., Howden-Chapman, P., Phipps, R., & Viggers, H. (2024). New Zealand's hard-won improvements to our Building Code must be retained: Here's why. The Briefing, (29 July). Retrieved from
Telfar-Barnard, L., Baker, M., Howden-Chapman, P., & Wilson, N. (2024). Surviving winter: NZ's journey through 145 years of seasonal survival: New study. The Briefing, (9 May). Retrieved from
Howden-Chapman, P., Crane, J., Keall, M., Pierse, N., Baker, M. G., Cunningham, C., … Aspinall, C., Bennett, J., Bierre, S., … Chisholm, E., Davies, C., Fougere, G., Fraser, B., Fyfe, C., Grant, L., … Halley, C., Logan-Riley, A., … Olin, C., Ombler, J., O'Sullivan, K., Pehi, T., Penny, G., … Randal, E., … Robson, B., Ruru, J., Shaw, C., … Teariki, M. A., Telfar Barnard, L., Tiatia, R., Toy-Cronin, B., … Viggers, H., … Zhang, W. (2024). He Kāinga Oranga: Reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 54(3), 290-315. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2023.2170427
Journal - Research Article
Telfar-Barnard, L., Baker, M. G., Wilson, N., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2023). The rise and fall of excess winter mortality in New Zealand from 1876 to 2020. International Journal of Biometeorology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s00484-023-02573-6
Fyfe, C., Telfar Barnard, L., Howden-Chapman, P., & Bennett, J. (2023). An examination of the growth of Airbnb in New Zealand and its impact on the private rental housing market: 2016–2021. New Zealand Geographer, 79(3), 222-233. doi: 10.1111/nzg.12375
Summers, J., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Bennett, J., Harwood, M., Wilson, N., & Baker, M. G. (2023). Improvements and persisting challenges in COVID-19 response compared with 1918–19 influenza pandemic response, New Zealand (Aotearoa) [Historical review]. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(9), 1827-1836. doi: 10.3201/eid2909.221265
Journal - Research Other
Wilson, N., Telfar Barnard, L., Bennett, J., Kvalsvig, A., Halley, C., Kerr, J., & Jarman, J. (2023). Poor ventilation in public transport settings in Aotearoa NZ: New data for buses and trains. The Briefing, (10 July). Retrieved from
O'Sullivan, K., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Dohig, R. (2023). Consumer Care Guidelines for electricity retailers must be mandatory. The Briefing, (15 May). Retrieved from
Kvalsvig, A., Tuari-Toma, B., Timu-Parata, C., Bennett, J., Sinnema, C., Summers, J., Davies, C., Jackson, C., Dickson, A., Telfar Barnard, L., & Baker, M. G. (2023). Protecting school communities from COVID-19 and other infectious disease outbreaks: The urgent need for healthy schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 136(1571), 7-19. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Lopes, L. S., Valentini, J. P., Monteiro, T. H., de Freitas Costacurta, M. C., Soares, L. O. N., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Nunes, P. V. (2022). Problematic social media use and its relationship with depression or anxiety: A systematic review. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 25(11), 691-702. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2021.0300
Fyfe, C., Telfar Barnard, L., Douwes, J., Howden-Chapman, P., & Crane, J. (2022). Retrofitting home insulation reduces incidence and severity of chronic respiratory disease. Indoor Air, 32, e13101. doi: 10.1111/ina.13101
Shorter, C., Crane, J., Barnes, P., Kang, J., Honeywill, C., Robertson, O., O'Sullivan, K., Telfar-Barnard, L., Pierse, N., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2022). The cost of achieving healthy temperatures in children's bedrooms: Evidence from New Zealand. Energy Policy, 164, 112861. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112861
Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Summers, J., & Baker, M. G. (2022). Integrated prevention and control of seasonal respiratory infections in Aotearoa New Zealand: Next steps for transformative change. Policy Quarterly, 18(1), 44-51. doi: 10.26686/pq.v18i1.7500
Everts, R. J., Al Ghusaini, S., Telfar-Barnard, L., Barclay, E., Tan, S., Jekel, S., Jennings, L., … Hilson, D., & Gibson, B. (2022). Liquid-immersion reprocessing effects on filtration efficiency of 'single-use' commercial medical face masks. Annals of Work Exposures & Health, 66(2), 246-259. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxab079
Journal - Research Other
Bennett, J., Shorter, C., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Wilson, N., Crane, J., Douwes, J., Cunningham, C., … Summers, J., … Baker, M. G., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2022). Indoor air quality, largely neglected and in urgent need of a refresh. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1559), 136-139. Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Summers, J., Wilson, N., Telfar Barnard, L., Bennett, J., Kvalsvig, A., Baker, M. (2022, August). The Covid-19 experience in Aotearoa New Zealand and other comparable high-income jurisdictions and implications for managing the next pandemic phase. Public Health Expert blog. Retrieved from
Kvalsvig, A., Baker, M., Summers, J., Telfar Barnard, L., Dickson, A., Bennett, J., Timu-Parata, C., Wilson, N., (2022, May). The urgent need for a Covid-19 Action Plan for Schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. Public Health Expert blog. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Fyfe, C., Telfar Barnard, L., Howden-Chapman, P., & Douwes, J. (2021). From hearth to health: An investigation into the health impacts of the Warm Up New Zealand home insulation subsidy programme. Proceedings of the 15th Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Symposium: The Challenge of Net Zero by 2050. Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Rimar, N., Telfar Barnard, L., Kvalsvig, A., Gray, L., Baker. M. (2021, September). Making the most of masks. Public Health Expert blog. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Fyfe, C., Telfar-Barnard, L., Howden-Chapman, P., & Douwes, J. (2020). Association between home insulation and hospital admission rates: Retrospective cohort study using linked data from a national intervention programme. BMJ, 371, m4571. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4571
Telfar Barnard, L. F. (2020). Time for time off? Secondary public holiday shows minimal net hospitalisation benefit. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 75, 581-586. doi: 10.1136/jech-2020-215327
Telfar Barnard, L., Howden-Chapman, P., & Pierse, N. (2020). Renting poorer housing: Ecological relationships between tenure, dwelling condition, and income and housing-sensitive hospitalizations in a developed country. Health Education & Behavior, 47(6), 816-824. doi: 10.1177/1090198120945923
Journal - Research Other
Kvalsvig, A., Summers, J., Gray, L., Telfar Barnard, L., & Baker, M. G. (2020). COVID-19 outbreaks in Aotearoa New Zealand: Urgent action is required to address systematic causes and consequences of border failures. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1527), 8-14. Retrieved from
Summers, J., Cheng, H.-Y., Lin, H.-H., Telfar Barnard, L., Kvalsvig, A., Wilson, N., & Baker, M. G. (2020). Potential lessons from the Taiwan and New Zealand health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Regional Health: Western Pacific, 4, 100044. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2020.100044
Wilson, N., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., & Baker, M. G. (2020). Case-fatality risk estimates for COVID-19 calculated by using a lag time for fatality. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(6), 1339-1341. doi: 10.3201/eid2606.200320
Baker, M. G., Kvalsvig, A., Verrall, A. J., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Wilson, N. (2020). New Zealand's elimination strategy for the COVID-19 pandemic and what is required to make it work. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1512), 10-14. Retrieved from
Commissioned Report for External Body
Kvalsvig, A., Shaw, C., Telfar-Barnard, L., Mizdrak, A., Atatoa-Carr, P., McLeod, M., & Cunningham, R. (2020). Aotearoa/New Zealand’s COVID-19 elimination strategy: An overview. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: Manatū Hauora: Ministry of Health. 18p. Retrieved from
Cunningham, R., Shaw, C., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Mizdrak, A., Atatoa Carr, P., … McLeod, M., & Hume, C. (2020). COVID-19 in children. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: Manatū Hauora: Ministry of Health. 10p. Retrieved from
Shaw, C., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar-Barnard, L., Mizdrak, A., Atatoa-Carr, P., McLeod, M., & Cunningham, R. (2020). Background and overview of approaches to COVID-19 pandemic control in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: Manatū Hauora: Ministry of Health. 21p. Retrieved from
Cunningham, R., Shaw, C., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Mizdrak, A., Atatoa Carr, P., … McLeod, M., & Hume, C. (2020). Case and contact management: Monitoring and reporting to achieve and sustain elimination of COVID-19. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: Manatū Hauora: Ministry of Health. 18p. Retrieved from
Cunningham, R., Shaw, C., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Mizdrak, A., Atatoa Carr, P., … McLeod, M., & Hume, C. (2020). Control measures to deliver COVID-19 strategies: Education sector evidence review. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: Manatū Hauora: Ministry of Health. 16p. Retrieved from
Baker, M., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Gray, L., Verrall, A., & Wilson, N. (2020). Potential preventive interventions for the “Stamp it out” and “Manage it” phase of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand. Commissioned by New Zealand Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: University of Otago. 16p. Retrieved from
Telfar Barnard, L., Wilson, N., Kvalsvig, A., & Baker, M. (2020). Modelled estimates for the spread and health impact of Covid-19 in New Zealand: Revised preliminary report to the NZ Ministry of Health. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: University of Otago. 15p. Retrieved from
Wilson, N., Telfar Barnard, L., & Baker, M. (2020). Rationale for border control interventions and options to prevent or delay the arrival of Covid-19 in New Zealand: Final commissioned report for the New Zealand Ministry of Health. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: University of Otago. 10p. Retrieved from
Wilson, N., Telfar Barnard, L., Kvalsvig, A., & Baker, M. (2020). Potential health impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic for New Zealand if eradication fails: Report to the NZ Ministry of Health. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: University of Otago. 22p. Retrieved from
Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., Gray, L., Wilson, N., & Baker, M. (2020). Supporting the COVID-19 pandemic response: Surveillance and outbreak analytics. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand: University of Otago. 33p. Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Wilson, N., Kvalsvig, A., Telfar Barnard, L., & Baker, M. G. (2020). Estimating the case fatality risk of COVID-19 using cases from outside China. medRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.02.15.20023499
Journal - Research Article
Telfar-Barnard, L., Bennett, J., Robinson, A., Hailes, A., Ombler, J., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2019). Evidence base for a housing warrant of fitness. SAGE Open Medicine, 7. doi: 10.1177/2050312119843028
Chisholm, E., Keall, M., Bennett, J., Marshall, A., Telfar-Barnard, L., Thornley, L., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2019). Why don't owners improve their homes? Results from a survey following a housing warrant-of-fitness assessment for health and safety. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(3), 221-227. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12895
Journal - Research Other
Donovan, S., & Telfar-Barnard, L. (2019). Age of first menstruation in New Zealand: Findings from first ever national-level data and implications for age-appropriate education and support. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1500), 100-102. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Telfar Barnard, L., & Bennett, J. (2018). Housing quality, home safety, rental housing, environmental health, housing assessment. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings (ICEERB): Housing Sustainability in Urban Areas. (pp. 27). Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Telfar-Barnard, L. (2018, August). The rental housing 'warrant of fitness': From evidence to policy. Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Chapter in Book - Research
Howden-Chapman, P., Chisholm, E., Telfar Barnard, L., Viggers, H., O'Sullivan, K., Bennett, J., Bierre, S., Preval, N., Randal, E., Tiatia, R., Ombler, J., Amore, K., Rivera-Muñoz, G., … Davies, C., Aspinall, C., Oliver, J., Baker, M., Keall, M., … Crane, J., & Pierse, N. (2017). Housing, energy and health in resilient cities. In P. Howden-Chapman, L. Early & J. Ombler (Eds.), Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities. (pp. 95-106). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
Journal - Research Article
Preval, N., Keall, M., Telfar-Barnard, L., Grimes, A., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2017). Impact of improved insulation and heating on mortality risk of older cohort members with prior cardiovascular or respiratory hospitalisations. BMJ Open, 7(11), e018079. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018079
Telfar-Barnard, L., Bennett, J., Howden-Chapman, P., Jacobs, D. E., Ormandy, D., Cutler-Welsh, M., Preval, N., Baker, M. G., & Keall, M. (2017). Measuring the effect of housing quality interventions: The case of the New Zealand "Rental Warrant of Fitness". International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 14(11), 1352. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14111352
Khieu, T. Q. T., Pierse, N., Telfar-Barnard, L. F., Zhang, J., Huang, Q. S., & Baker, M. G. (2017). Modelled seasonal influenza mortality shows marked differences in risk by age, sex, ethnicity and socioeconomic position in New Zealand. Journal of Infection, 75(3), 225-233. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2017.05.017
Chapter in Book - Research
Hajat, S., & Telfar Barnard, L. (2016). Heat-related and cold-related mortality and morbidity. In Climate change and global health. (Revised reprint ed.) (pp. 21-37). Wallingford, UK: CABI International.
Journal - Research Article
Grimes, A., Preval, N., Young, C., Arnold, R., Denne, T., Howden-Chapman, P., & Telfar Barnard, L. (2016). Does retrofitted insulation reduce household energy use? Theory and practice. Energy Journal, 37(4), 165-186. doi: 10.5547/01956574.37.4.agri
O'Sullivan, K., Telfar Barnard, L., Viggers, H., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2016). Child and youth fuel poverty: Assessing the known and unknown. People, Place & Policy, 10(1), 77-87. doi: 10.3351/ppp.0010.0001.0006
Journal - Research Other
Telfar-Barnard, L., & Bennett, J. (2016). The case for minimum rental housing standards. The Lens, 2(1), 5.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Telfar Barnard, L. (2016, February). Health effects of mechanised residential ventilation systems. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Housing Researchers Conference (AHRC), Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Khieu, T. Q. T., Pierse, N., Telfar-Barnard, L. F., Huang, Q. S., & Baker, M. G. (2015). Estimating the contribution of influenza to hospitalisations in New Zealand from 1994 to 2008. Vaccine, 33(33), 4087-4092. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.06.080
Telfar Barnard, L. F., Baker, M. G., Hales, S., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2015). Novel use of three administrative datasets to establish a cohort for environmental health research. BMC Public Health, 15, 246. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1580-1
Chapter in Book - Other
Hajat, S., & Telfar Barnard, L. (2014). Heat-related and cold-related mortality and morbidity. In C. D. Butler (Ed.), Climate change and global health. (pp. 21-37). Abingdon, UK: CABI International.
Journal - Research Article
Pearson, A. L., Telfar Barnard, L., Pearce, J., Kingham, S., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2014). Housing quality and resilience in New Zealand. Building Research & Information, 42(2), 182-190. doi: 10.1080/09613218.2014.850603
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Telfar Barnard, L., Baker, M., Hales, S., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2014). New Zealand excess winter hospitalisation: An opportunity for disease prevention? Proceedings of the New Zealand Population Health Congress: Connecting Communities, Policy and Science. (pp. 311). Retrieved from
Cook, H., & Telfar-Barnard, L. (2014). Café culture and the normalisation of high noise levels. Proceedings of the New Zealand Population Health Congress: Connecting Communities, Policy and Science. (pp. 236). Retrieved from
Khieu, T., Zhang, J., Pierse, N., Telfar Barnard, L., & Baker, M. (2014). Estimating the contribution of influenza to hospitalisations in New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Population Health Congress: Connecting Communities, Policy and Science. (pp. 179). Retrieved from
Preval, N., Howden-Chapman, P., Grimes, A., Young, C., Denne, T., Telfar-Barnard, L., & Arnold, R. (2014). Evaluation of warm up New Zealand: Heat smart. Proceedings of the Otago Energy Research Centre (OERC) Symposium. (pp. 18). Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Hajat, S., & Telfar Barnard, L. (2013). Cold-related mortality and morbidity. In J. Adegoke & C. Y. Wright (Eds.), Climate vulnerability: Vulnerability of human health to climate (Vol. 1). (pp. 157-164). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-384703-4.00121-0
Journal - Research Article
Baker, M. G., Telfar Barnard, L., Kvalsvig, A., Verrall, A., Zhang, J., Keall, M., Wilson, N., … Howden-Chapman, P. (2012). Increasing incidence of serious infectious diseases and inequalities in New Zealand: A national epidemiological study. Lancet, 379(9821), 1112-1119. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(11)61780-7
Wilson, N., Telfar Barnard, L., Summers, J. A., Shanks, G. D., & Baker, M. G. (2012). Differential mortality rates by ethnicity in 3 influenza pandemics over a century, New Zealand. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 18(1), 71-77. doi: 10.3201/eid1801.110035
Howden-Chapman, P., Viggers, H., Chapman, R., O'Sullivan, K., Telfar Barnard, L., & Lloyd, B. (2012). Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: A review of policies, research, and health impacts. Energy Policy, 49, 134-142. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.09.044
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Wilson, N., Telfar Barnard, L., Summers, J., Shanks, D., & Baker, M. (2011). Relatively high mortality for Maori and Pacific peoples in the 2009 influenza pandemic and comparisons with previous pandemics. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 65(Suppl. 1), (pp. A356). doi: 10.1136/jech.2011.142976m.16
Telfar Barnard, L., Baker, M., Hales, S., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2011). Death and hospitalisation have different seasonality. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 65(Suppl. 1), (pp. A465). doi: 10.1136/jech.2011.142976q.11
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mann, S., Baker, M., Hales, S., Kamalesh, V., Telfar Barnard, L., Zhang, J., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2009). Cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in New Zealand is higher in winter in all disease subcategories. Heart, Lung & Circulation, 18(Suppl. 3), (pp. S256). doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2009.05.631
Mann, S., Baker, M., Hales, S., Kamalesh, V., Telfar Barnard, L., Zhang, J., & Howden-Chapman, P. (2009). Excess winter cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in New Zealand is seen in all disease subcategories. Heart, Lung & Circulation, 18(Suppl. 2), (pp. S21-S22). doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2009.04.050
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Telfar Barnard, L. (2009, September). New Zealand excess winter hospitalisation: Do some houses provide less protection than others? Poster session presented at the Third Annual Division of Health Sciences Research Forum, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Telfar Barnard, L. F., Baker, M. G., Hales, S., & Howden-Chapman, P. L. (2008). Excess winter morbidity and mortality: Do housing and socio-economic status have an effect? Reviews on Environmental Health, 23(3), 203-221.