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CPD workshop for medical imaging technologists and radiation therapists

On 2 March 2016, Radiation Therapists and Medical Imaging Technologists from the Wellington region attended a CPD workshop facilitated by the Department of Radiation Therapy titled "The Heart".
Speakers from a range of specialties delivered presentations on anatomy, the latest imaging techniques and interesting case studies to inform practice.

The Department of Radiation Therapy is appreciative of the speakers and attendees who made this workshop such a success. PDFs of their presentations are below.

Paul KaneAnatomy (Lecturer, Dept of Radiation Therapy)

Dr Rodney WuCardiac CT (Diagnostic & Interventional Radiologist)

Dr Sarah FairleyCardiology (Consultant Cardiologist)

Dr David HamiltonRadiation Oncology (Radiation Oncologist)

Professor Steve Bacharach - Cardiac Physiology through Images
(Professor (Adjunct), Radiology, Center for Molecular and Functional Imaging
University of California)

Anna CuracCardiac Devices (Clinical Cardiac Physiologist)

Jacob Cameron - Cardiac MRI Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,
Part 7, Part 8 (MR Technologist)

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