Current roles
- Lecturer, Surgery and Anaesthesia
- Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Hutt Valley DHB
Research expertise
Research interests include:
- Safe practice in anaesthesia
- Goal directed therapy
- Early intervention and management of deteriorating patients
I have been working as a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Hutt Valley DHB, New Zealand since 2015. I completed my undergraduate degree (MBBS) from Rajiv Gandhi University, India, following which I moved to the United Kingdom to undergo my postgraduate training. I have dual training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, and most of my training years were in the London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex regions. I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists UK, Faculty of Intensive Care UK and also Fellow of the Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthesia.
Medical education and clinical research has always been my passion since early years. I have been an Education Supervisor at Hutt Hospital since 2016 and I have been heavily involved in the education and training needs of the junior doctors in the Wellington region. I am also a College Scholar role tutor in the anaesthetic department at Hutt Hospital. Safe clinical practice, early intervention and treatment are key principles imbedded into my practice and these are my areas of research and teaching.
Contact details
Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia
Te Tari Hāparapara, Te Tari Whāomoomo
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington 6242
Email ravi.ramaiah@otago.ac.nz
Gutiez, M. T., & Ramaiah, R. (2014). Demand versus supply in intensive care: An ever-growing problem. Critical Care, 18(Suppl. 1 ), P9. doi: 10.1186/cc13199 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Llewelyn, M. J., Berger, M., Gregory, M., Ramaiah, R., Taylor, A. L., Curdt, I., … Cohen, J. (2013). Sepsis biomarkers in unselected patients on admission to intensive or high-dependency care. Critical Care, 17, R60. Retrieved from http://ccforum.com/content/17/2/R60 Journal - Research Article
Ramaiah, R., Shepard, B., Hopkins, P., & Maharaj, R. (2011). Effect of delayed ICU admission on mortality and morbidity. Critical Care, 15(Suppl. 1 ), P458. doi: 10.1186/cc9878 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ramaiah, R., & Kirk-Bayley, J. (2011). Functional disability 5 years after acute respiratory distress syndrome. Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 12(3), 240-241. doi: 10.1177/175114371101200313 Journal - Research Other
Ramaiah, R., Roman, M., Carvalho, P., & Patel, A. (2011). Age and apache 2 score as predictors of morbidity following esophagectomy. Intensive Care Medicine, 37(Suppl. 2), (pp. S163). doi: 10.1007/s00134-011-2322-1 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract