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Michael_Harrison_profileDepartment of Surgery & Anaesthesia
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South


Current roles

Clinical Associate Professor

Clinical expertise

Retired from clinical practice as of May 2011. Was a 'general' anaesthesia specialist but had been involved with neuroanaesthesia for over twenty years. Very interested in anaesthesia monitoring.

Research expertise

'Intelligent' monitoring has been a great interest and I have investigated, with many anaesthesia and engineering colleagues, different techniques to improve the clinical relevance of monitor's alerts and alarms.

Otago anaesthetist develops unique monitoring software

New software developed by University of Otago anaesthetist Michael Harison has the potential to revolutionise patient monitoring in the operating theatre.
View full article here

British Academic Anaesthetists 1950 - 2000

View book by Michael J Harrison

Historical research


Jones, R. W., Mateer, J. E., & Harrison, M. J. (2019). Malfunction transparency in clinical decision support systems: A classification approach. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). (pp. 1354-1359). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICIEA.2019.8834049 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper

Defresne, A., Harrison, M., Clement, F., Barvais, L., & Bonhomme, V. (2019). Two different methods to assess sympathetic tone during general anesthesia lead to different findings. Journal of Clinical Monitoring & Computing, 33, 463-469. doi: 10.1007/s10877-018-0175-7 Journal - Research Article

Harrison, M. J., Scott-Weekly, R., & Zacharias, M. (2015). The qualitative detection of decreases in cardiac output. Computers in Biology & Medicine, 58, 85-90. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.12.017 Journal - Research Article

Hunter, S. A., McLachlan, A., Ikeda, T., Harrison, M. J., & Galletly, D. C. (2014). Teaching of the sensitive examinations: An international survey. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4(1), 41-49. doi: 10.4236/ojpm.2014.41007 Journal - Research Article

Baig, M. M., GholamHosseini, H., & Harrison, M. J. (2013). Fuzzy logic based anaesthesia monitoring systems for the detection of absolute hypovolaemia. Computers in Biology & Medicine, 43(6), 683-692. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.01.023 Journal - Research Article

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