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Journal articles and book chapters


Stubbe, M. (2023, in press.) Micro-analysis of health interactions. Dew, K. & Donovan, S. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ross, I., & Stubbe, M. (2022). Self-Repeats-as-Unit-Ends: A Practice for Promoting Interactivity During Surgeons' Decision-Related Informings. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 55(3), 241-259.

White, S., & Stubbe, M. (2022). “D'yuh like porridge”: Social talk as a relational, interactional, and clinical component of surgical consultations. Qualitative Health Communication, 1(1), 4-25.


Filoche, S., Stubbe, M. H., Grainger, R., Robson, B., Paringatai, K., Wilcox, P., Jefferies, R., & Dowell, A. (2021). How is family health history discussed in routine primary healthcare? A qualitative study of archived family doctor consultations. BMJ Open, 11(10), e049058. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049058

Gray, B., Stubbe, M., & Hilder, J. (2021). Better health outcomes as the goal of working with healthcare interpreters: the perspectives of patients and clinicians. In J. Wakabayashi & N. O'Hagan (Eds.), Translating and interpreting in Australia and New Zealand: Distance and diversity. New York, NY: Routledge

Hilder, J., Gray, L., Stubbe, M., Duncan, S., & Dowell, A. C. (2021). 'Water dripping on a stone': A feasibility study of a healthy weight management conversation approach in routine general practice consultations. Family Practice, 38(3), 246-252. doi:10.1093/fampra/cmaa122

Stubbe, M., Dew, K., Macdonald, L., Dowell, A (2021). Interactional Sociolinguistics: Tracking patient-initiated questions across an episode of care.  Chapter 3, in Brookes, G & D. Hunt (Eds) Analysing Health Communication: Discourse Approaches. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 49-80.

Thompson, L., Dowell, A.C., Hilder, J., Macdonald, L., Stubbe, M., & Alchin, J. (2021). How do patients and General Practitioners talk about pain and negotiate empathy in consultations? A direct observational study. Health & Social Care in the Community. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13259.

Weatherall, A., Keevallik, L., La, J., Dowell, T., & Stubbe, M. (2021). The multimodality & temporality of pain displays. Language & Communication,80,56-70.

White, S. J., & Stubbe, M. (2021). Patient responses to diagnosis in surgeon-patient consultations. Health Communication. 38(3), 608-617.


Elkin, L.E., Pullon, S, Stubbe M. (2020). 'Should I vaccinate my child?' comparing the displayed stances of vaccine information retrieved from Google, Facebook and YouTube. Vaccine, 38:13, 2771-2778.

Hilder, J., Stubbe, M., Macdonald, L., Abels, P., & Dowell, A. C. (2020). Communication in high risk ante-natal consultations: A direct observational study of interactions between patients and obstetricians. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 20, 493. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03015-6

Stubbe, M., Macdonald, L. M., Tester, R., Gray, L., Hilder, J., Dew, K., & Dowell, A. (2020). Talking About Diabetes and Healthy Lifestyle in Primary Healthcare - Translating Research Findings into Practice. In L. Mullany (Ed.), Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism (pp. 129-150): Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Hilder, J., Gray, B., & Stubbe, M. (2019). Health navigation and interpreting services for patients with limited English proficiency: A narrative literature review. Journal of Primary Health Care, 11(3), 217-226. doi: 10.1071/HC18067

Hilder, J., Gray, B., & Stubbe, M. (2019). Integrating Health Navigation and Interpreting Services for Patients with Limited English Proficiency. Pacific Health Dialog, 21(3), 116-127.

Stubbe M., Dowell, T., Dew, K., Macdonald, L. (2019). Interactional analysis of primary care consultations. In F. Goodyear-Smith and B Mash (Eds) How to do primary care research. Chapter 26. UK: Taylor Francis.


Dew, K., Dowell, A., Macdonald, L., & Stubbe, M. (2018). Using Conversation Analysis. In T. M. Davidson C (Ed.), Social Science Research in New Zealand (pp. 307-316). Auckland: Auckland University Press.

Dowell, A., Stubbe, M., Macdonald, L., Tester, R., Gray, L., Vernall, S., Kenealy, T., Sheridan, N., Docherty, B., Hall, D., Raphael, D. Dew, K. (2018). A Longitudinal Study of Interactions Between Health Professionals and People With Newly Diagnosed Diabetes. Annals of Family Medicine, 16 (1):37-44.

Gray, L., Stubbe, M., Macdonald, L., Tester, R., Hilder, J., & Dowell, A. (2018). A Taboo topic? How General Practitioners talk about overweight and obesity in New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care, 10(2).

Mathieson, F, J Jordan, J Bennett-Levy, M Stubbe. 2018. Keeping metaphor in mind: training therapists in metaphor-enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist vol. 11, e8, 14pages. doi:10.1017/S1754470X18000077


Dowell, A., Morris, C., Macdonald, L., & Stubbe, M. (2017). “I can't bend it and it hurts like mad”: Direct observation of gout consultations in routine primary health care. BMC Family Practice, 18(1), 91.

Gray, B., Hilder, J., Macdonald, L., Tester, R., Dowell, A., & Stubbe, M. (2017).A New Zealand perspective on providing healthcare for patients with limited English proficiency. In E. A. Jacobs & L. C. Diamond (Eds.), Providing health care in the context of language barriers. (pp. 189-209). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Gray, B., J. Hilder, L. Macdonald, R. Tester, A. Dowell and M. Stubbe (2017). Are research ethics guidelines culturally competent?Research Ethics 13(1): 23-41.

Gray, B., & Hardt, E. J. (2017). A comparison of the use of interpreters in New Zealand and the US. . 2017; 130: 70. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1456), 70-75.

Hilder, J., Gray, B., Dowell, A., Macdonald, L., Tester, R., & Stubbe, M. (2017). 'It depends on the consultation': Revisiting use of family members as interpreters for general practice consultations – when and why? Australian Journal of Primary Health, 23, 257-262.

Mathieson, F., Jordan, J., Merrick, P., Stubbe, M. (2017). Juicy Conceptualizations:  Increasing Alliance through Attending to Client Metaphoric Language.  Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy.  doi:10.1017/s1352465817000339.

Stubbe, M. (2017). Evolution by design: Building a New Zealand corpus of health interactions. In M. Marra & P. Warren (Eds.), Linguist at work: A Festschrift for Janet Holmes. Chapter 11. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press, 202-219


Barton, J., K. Dew, A. Dowell, N. Sheridan, T. Kenealy, L. Macdonald, B. Docherty, R. Tester, D. Raphael, L. Gray and M. Stubbe (2016). Patient resistance as a resource: candidate obstacles in diabetes consultations. Sociology of Health & Illness. 38(7): 1151–1166

Morris, C., Macdonald, L., Stubbe, M., & Dowell, A. (2016). "It's complicated": Talking about gout medicines in primary care consultations: A qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 17(1), 114. doi: 10.1186/s12875-016-0515-y

Stubbe, M., S. J. White, L. Macdonald and K. P. Dew (2016). Do surgeons want to operate? Negotiating the treatment plan in surgical consultations. Communication in Surgical Practice. S. J. White and J. Cartmill, Equinox: 124-152.

White, S. J., M. Stubbe, K. P. Dew and R. Gardner (2016). The referred consultation: Communication in Surgical Practice. S. J. White and J. Cartmill, Equinox.


Dew, K., Stubbe M., Signal, L. Stairmand, J., Dennett, E., Koea, J., Simpson, A., Sarfati, D.,  Holdaway, M. (2015). Cancer Care Decision Making in Multidisciplinary Meetings. Qualitative Health Research 25(3): 397-407.

Lindström, A. and A. Weatherall (2015). Orientations to Epistemics and Deontics in Treatment Discussions. Journal of Pragmatics 78(2015): 39-53.

Weatherall, A, & Stubbe M. (2015) Emotions in action: Telephone‐mediated dispute resolution. British Jnl Social Psychology, 54(2), 273-290. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12082.


Claridge, R., L. Gray, M. Stubbe, L. Macdonald, R. Tester and A. C. Dowell (2014). General practitioner opinion of weight management interventions in New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care 6(3): 212-220.

Weatherall, A. and M. Stubbe (2014). Emotions in action: Telephone‐mediated dispute resolution. British Journal of Social Psychology 54(2): 273-290.

White, S. J., M. H. Stubbe, L. M. Macdonald, A. C. Dowell, K. P. Dew and R. Gardner (2014). Framing the consultation: the role of the referral in surgeon-patient consultations. Health Communication 29(1): 74-80.


Dowell, A., M. Stubbe, K. Scott-Dowell, L. Macdonald and K. Dew (2013). Talking with the alien: interaction with computers in the GP consultation. Australian Journal of Primary Health 19, 275-282.

Macdonald, L., M. Stubbe, R. Tester, S. Vernall, T. Dowell, K. Dew, T. Kenealy, N. Sheridan, B. Docherty, L. Gray and D. Raphael (2013). Nurse-patient communication in primary care diabetes management: an exploratory study. BMC Nursing 12(1): 20.

Morgan, S. (2013). Miscommunication between patients and general practitioners: implications for clinical practice. Journal of Primary Health Care 5(2): 123-128.

White, S. J., M. H. Stubbe, K. P. Dew, L. M. Macdonald, A. C. Dowell and R. Gardner (2013). Understanding communication between surgeon and patient in outpatient consultations. ANZ Journal of Surgery 83(5): 307-311.


Dew, K., M. Stubbe, A. Dowell and L. Macdonald (2012). Side Effects Talk in General Practice Consultations. In B. R. Bates and R. Ahmed (Eds). Medical Communication in Clinical Contexts. Dubuque, IA, Kendall Hunt, 95-126.

Gray, B., J. Hilder and M. Stubbe (2012). How to use interpreters in General Practice: the Development of a Toolkit. Journal of Primary Health Care 4(1): 52-61.

Gray, B. (2013). The use of interpreters. In I. M. St George (Ed). Cole's medical practice in New Zealand, 12th edition. Wellington, Medical Council of New Zealand, 83-89.

Major, G., J. Napier and M. Stubbe (2012). 'What happens truly, not text book!': Using authentic interactions in discourse training for healthcare interpreters. In K. Malcolm and L. Swabey (Eds). In our Hands: Educating healthcare interpreters Washington, DC, Gallaudet University Press, 27-53.

Moriarty, H. J., M. H. Stubbe, L. Chen, R. M. Tester, L. M. Macdonald, A. C. Dowell and K. P. Dew (2012). Challenges to alcohol and other drug discussions in the general practice consultation. Family Practice 29(2): 213-222.


Gardner, J., K. Dew, M. Stubbe, T. Dowell and L. Macdonald (2011). Patchwork diagnoses: the production of coherence, uncertainty, and manageable bodies. Social Science & Medicine 73(6): 843-850.

Gray, B., J. Hilder and H. Donaldson (2011). Why do we not use trained interpreters for all patients with limited English proficiency? Is there a place for using family members? Australian Journal of Primary Health 17(3): 240-249.

Gray, B., J. Stanley, M. Stubbe and J. Hilder (2011). Communication Difficulties with Limited English Proficiency patients – clinician perceptions of clinical risk and patterns of use of interpreters. New Zealand Medical Journal 124(1342): 23-38.

Moriarty, H. and M. Stubbe (2011). Exploring resilience in families living with addiction. Journal of Primary Health Care 3(3): 210.

Pullon, S., McKinlay, E., Stubbe, M., Todd, L., Badenhorst, C. (2011). Patients' and health professionals' perceptions of teamwork in primary care. Journal of Primary Health Care. 3(2), 128-135.


Dew, K., M. Stubbe, L. Macdonald, A. Dowell and E. Plumridge (2010). The (non) use of prioritisation protocols by surgeons. Sociology of Health & Illness 32(4): 545-562.


Dew, K., A. Dowell, M. Stubbe, E. Plumridge and L. Macdonald (2008). 'Treating' patients differently: A qualitative study of how clinical and social factors shape interactions between doctors and patients. New Zealand Family Physician 35(6): 5.

Dew, K., E. Plumridge, M. Stubbe, T. Dowell, L. Macdonald and G. Major (2008). 'You just got to eat healthy': The topic of CAM in the general practice consultation. Health Sociology Review 17(4): 396-409.

Stubbe, M., A. Dowell, E. Plumridge, L. MacDonald and K. Dew (2008). Antibiotics-Prescribing dilemmas: Do our GPs say one thing while doing another? New Zealand Pharmacy Journal 28(3).


Dowell, A., L. Macdonald, M. Stubbe, E. Plumridge and K. Dew (2007). Clinicians at work: What can we learn from interactions in the consultation? New Zealand Family Physician 34(5): 345-350.


Gray, B., M. Stubbe, and J. Hilder (2017). Integrating Health Navigation and Interpreting Services for Patients with Limited English Proficiency. Wellington: Department of Primary Health Care & General Practice, University of Otago Wellington (ARCH Group).

Moriarty H., Stubbe M., Bradford S., Tapper, (with S. April) (2010). Living With Addiction: Exploring the Issues for Families. Report prepared for the NZ Families' Commission, Wellington: NZ Families' Commission. Blue Skies Report No. 35/10

Moriarty, H., Stubbe, M., and Bradford, S.. (2009). Opportunities for alcohol and other drug advice in the GP consultation. Report prepared for the National Drugs Project Development Fund, July 2009. Wellington: NZ Ministry of Health.

Theses and dissertations using ARCH Corpus data

Ross, I.  (2021).'We need to discuss surgery': A multimodal conversation analytic study of intersubjectivity during surgeons' information provision to patients. PhD thesis. University of Otago.

La, J. (2018). The interactional organisations of pain displays in medical consultations.  Master of Science (MSc) thesis.  Victoria University of Wellington.  Awarded with distinction.

White, S. J. (2011). A structural analysis of surgeon-patient consultations in clinic settings in New Zealand. PhD, University of Otago.

Barton, Josh. (2011). 'That's one thing I will not change': Patient Resistance to Treatment Advice in Diabetes Consultations. B.A.(Hons), Sociology, Victoria University of Wellington.

Gardner, J. (2009). The Ordering of Medical Things: Medical practices and complexity. Master of Arts, Victoria University of Wellington.

Morgan, S. (2008). Miscommunication in general practice consultations: A microanalysis of communication mismatches in two case studies. Master in Health Sciences, University of Otago.

Selected recent presentations

Stubbe, M., Garrett, S., Gardiner, T., Hilder, J., Tester, R., Dunlop, A., Dowell, T., Piki Youth CO-Researcher Group (2022). 'There is no one way': what do young people in Aotearoa-NZ think about digital mentral health support? Proceedings of the Academic General Practice & Primary Care Research Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand. November 2022.

Stubbe, M., & White, S. (2021). 'D'yuh like porridge?' Social talk as a relational, interactional, and clinical component of surgical consultations. New Zealand Discourse Conference 8, Christchurch, New Zealand. December 2021

Stubbe, M., Hilder, J., McBain, L., Stairmand, J., Dunlop, A., Tester, R. Morris, C. (2020). 'We need to talk about polypharmacy': optimising medication use for older adults. Presentation in Symposium (Chairs M. Stubbe & M.T. Lussier), 'From Words to Action: engaging patients in communication about medicines'. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare ICCH Online 2020, 9-11 September 2020.

Ross, I.A., & Stubbe, M. (2019). Patients' influence on the progressivity of surgeons' extended informings. Proceedings of the International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Conference. (pp. 250). Retrieved from

Ross, I., & Stubbe, M. (2019, July). Patients' complex multimodal Gestalts as upgraded claims of epistemic access in surgical consultations in New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the 7th International Meeting on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters (CACE). Bristol, UK.

Stubbe M. (2019, April). 'From the ground up': building 'practical relevance' into health communication research. Symposium: From research to practice: Translating workplace analysis into action.  iMean Interaction and Meaning International Conference, Wellington, April 2019.

Stubbe, M., Tester, R., Macdonald, L., Hilder, J., Dowell, A., & Dew, K. (2018). "Archiving and re-­‐using heath interaction data in the ARCH Corpus: Challenges and solutions." 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA). Retrieved from

Stubbe, M., Hilder, J., Weatherall, A. (2018). 'For young people like you': Negotiating age categories in health care interactions. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). Porto, September 2018.

Hilder, J. and Stubbe M. (2018). Interactional strategies used by GPs working with family member interpreters (FMIs) in primary healthcare consultations. NZ Language and Society Conference. Wellington, November 2018.

Ross, Isobel, Maria Stubbe, and Kevin Dew. (2017). "Extended tellings in the surgical consultation: Progressivity at the expense of intersubjectivity?" International Meeting on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters, Bristol, 12-14 July 2017

Hilder, Jo, M Stubbe, and A. Weatherall. (2017). "'When you're 85, then I'll call you old': Age categorisation as an interactional resource in healthcare consultations." 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Panel on “Stage of life categories: Morality and identity work in talk in interaction” Belfast, Ireland, 16-21 July 2017.

Dew, Kevin. (2016). "Controversies, Communication and Health Research: The Critical Role of Sociology." Health Research Council 'Celebrating Research Excellence Award' Lecture, Wellington, 18 August 2016.

Gray, B., M. Stubbe, J. Hilder, R. Tester, L. Macdonald and A. Dowell (2016). Culturally Competent Research Ethics and Research on "Vulnerable" People. 27th Annual Canadian Bioethics Society Conference - Achieving Better Health: The Role of Bioethics Education, Engagement and Exploration. Toronto, Ontario.

Gray, B., Hilder, J., & Stubbe, M. (2016). What is the role of a health navigator? Proceedings of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice. Retrieved from

Stubbe, M., Dowell, T., Macdonald, L., Kenealy, T., Sheridan, N., Dew, K., Tester, R., Docherty, B., Hall, D.-A., Gray, L., & Vernall, S. (2015). 'I understand what it is but I didn't expect to get it': Justifications in the accounts of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients. In J. Young (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual General Practice and Primary Care Research Weekend. (pp. 8-9). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of General Practice and Rural Health, University of Otago.

Professional workshops and seminars

Members of the ARCH group have given workshops and seminars based on ARCH research to a range of professional groups including:

  • Interpreting NZ
  • NZ Association of Optometrists
  • Pharmac
  • Royal NZ College of GPs
  • Tu Ora Compass Health
  • University of Otago School of Pharmacy

Related work by ARCH team members or associates


COVID-19 Immunisation Education and Clinical Support Evaluation Group: Susan Bibby,Marama Cole, Anthony Dowell, Abigail Dunlop, Jo Hilder, Gayl Humphrey, Larisa Karteleva, Kunal Kumar, Azim O'Shea, Mayor Pokino, Amanda Sexton, Maria Stubbe, Penny Zipfel (Jan 2023). Evaluation of IMAC training,   education   and   clinical   support   during   the   New   Zealand   COVID-19   pandemic:   Full Report. Auckland/Wellington, New Zealand: Auckland University/Otago University.

Elkin, Lucy (2023). Do your research? Investigating online vaccine information: A critical discourse analysis. PhD thesis. University of Otago.

Mathieson, F., Garrett, S., Stubbe, M., Hilder, J., Tester, R., Fedchuk, D., Dunlop, A., & Dowell, A. (2023). Therapist voices on a youth mental health pilot: Responsiveness to diversity and therapy modality. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 20, 1834.


Elkin, L. E., Stubbe, M. H., & Pullon, S. R. H. (2022). 'Fuzzy and context dependent': a critical discourse analysis of manipulation in online vaccine information, Communication Research and Practice, 9:1, 67-82

Stuthridge, L., Alexander, D., Stubbe, M., Eme, P., & Smith, C. (2022). “It's all just marketing”: A qualitative analysis of consumer perceptions and understandings of nutrition content and health claims in New Zealand. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 19, 3510. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063510


Dowell, A., Stubbe, M., Gordon, S., Mathieson, F., Hilder, J., Garrett, S., Tester, R., Fedchuk, D., Gardiner, T., and Dunlop, A. (2021). Evaluation of the Piki Pilot Project (January 2020 - December 2021) – Final Report. University of Otago, Wellington. Retrieved from NZ Ministry of Health

Gordon, S., Dowell, T., Fedchuk, D., Gardiner, T., Garrett, S., Hilder, J., Mathieson, F., Stubbe, M., & Tester, R. (2021). Reflections on allyship in the context of a co-produced evaluation of a youth-integrated therapies mental health intervention. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 18(4), 571-585. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2020.1769240

Steers, D. M., Andrews, G. L., Wiltshire, E. J., Ballantyne, A. J., Collings, S. C., & Stubbe, M. H. (2021). Young people with a variation in sex characteristics in Aotearoa / New Zealand: Identity, activism and healthcare decision-making. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 23(4), 457-471.

Stubbe, M. (2021). A natural experiment: transition to tele-therapy within the Piki youth mental health service during the 2020 lockdown. Proceedings of the Academic General Practice & Primary Care Research Symposium. Invercargill, New Zealand, August 2021.

Stubbe, M., Hilder, J., Tester, R., Garrett, S., Dunlop, A., Gardiner, T., Fedchuk, D., Mathieson, F., Gordon, S., & Dowell, A. (2021, April). Transitioning to tele-health talking therapies for youth during the COVID 19 lockdown. Verbal presentation at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) 2020 Part 2, [Online].

Donnelly, S., Dinesh, D., Dew, K., & Stubbe, M. (2019). The Handover Room: a qualitative enquiry into the experience of morning clinical handover for acute medical teams. Internal Medicine Journal. 49(5), 607-614.

Mathieson, F., Jordan, J., Stubbe M. (2020). Recent applications of metaphor research in cognitive behaviour therapy. Special Issue of Metaphor and the Social World. (Ed., D. Tay), 10:2, 199-213.57.

Fiona Mathieson, F. (2019). Metaphor in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. PhD Thesis. University of Otago.

Steers, D. (2019) . Gender mender, bender or defender: Understanding decision making in Aotearoa/New Zealand for people born with a variation in sex characteristics. PhD Thesis. University of Otago.


Dew, K. (2018). Public Health, Personal Health and Pills: Drug Entanglements and Pharmaceuticalised Governance. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness.

Dowell, A., Darlow, B., MacRae, J., Stubbe, M., Turner, N., & McBain, L. (2017). Childhood respiratory illness presentation and service utilisation in primary care: A six-year cohort study in Wellington, New Zealand, using natural language processing (NLP) software. BMJ Open, 7(7), e017146.

Mathieson, F., & Stubbe, M. (2018). Using metaphors to enhance cognitive behavioural psychotherapy. Proceedings of the 12th International Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) Conference. (pp. 153-154). Retrieved from


Mathieson, F., J. Jordan, P. Merrick, and M. Stubbe. (2017). Juicy Conceptualizations: Increasing Alliance Through Attending to Client Metaphoric Language. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy: 1-13.

Dowell, A., Darlow, B., Macrae, J., Stubbe, M., Turner, N., & McBain, L. (2017). Childhood respiratory illness presentation and service utilisation in primary care: A six-year cohort study in Wellington, New Zealand, using natural language processing (NLP) software. BMJ Open, 7(7), e017146.

Canty, J. (2017). “You Can Get Cyberbullied by Your Friends”: Claiming Authority to Categorise a Past Event as Bullying. In Bateman, A. & A. Church (Eds.) Children's Knowledge-in-Interaction: Studies in Conversation Analysis. . Singapore, Springer: 333-349.

Lloyd, T. (2017). Histories of chest pain: history of the presenting complaint as recorded by different health care providers of patients presenting to a rural hospital with suspected acute myocardial infarction. Master of General Practice Thesis, University of Otago.

Stubbe, M. (2017). Miscommunication at work. In Vine, B. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language in the Workplace. UK: Routledge

Turner NM, MacRae J, Nowlan ML, Stubbe, M. Dowell, AD, 2018. Quantifying the incidence and burden of herpes zoster in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective cohort study using a natural language processing software inference algorithm. BMJ Open 2018;8: e021241. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-021241


Canty, J. B. (2016). Children, Social Media, and the Trouble with “Bullying”: A Child-Centred Investigation of Definitions. PhD. University of Otago

Canty, J., Stubbe, M., Steers, D., & Collings, S. (2016). The trouble with bullying: Deconstructing the conventional definition of bullying for a child-centred investigation into children's use of social media. Children & Society, 30(1), 48-58. doi: 10.1111/chso.12103

Dew, K. (2016). Purifying and hybridising categories in healthcare decision-making: the clinic, the home and the multidisciplinary team meeting. Health Sociology Review 25(2): 142-156.

Macdonald, L. M. (2016). Expertise in Everyday Nurse–Patient Conversations: The Importance of Small Talk. Global Qualitative Nursing Research 3.

Mathieson, F., Jordan, J., Carter, J. D., & Stubbe, M. (2016). Nailing down metaphors in CBT: Definition, identification and frequency. Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy, 44, 236-248. doi: 10.1017/S1352465815000156


Dew, K., Stubbe M., Signal, L. Stairmand, J., Dennett, E., Koea, J., Simpson, A., Sarfati, D., Holdaway, M. (2015). Cancer Care Decision Making in Multidisciplinary Meetings. Qualitative Health Research 25(3): 397-407.

Holmes, J. and Stubbe., M. (2015) (2nd Ed). Power and Politeness in the Workplace. Classic Texts in Linguistics Series. Abingdon, UK: Routledge

MacRae, J., B. Darlow, L. McBain, O. Jones, M. Stubbe, N. Turner and A. Dowell (2015). Accessing primary care Big Data: the development of a software algorithm to explore the rich content of consultation records. BMJ open 5(8): e008160.

MacRae, J., Love, T., Baker, M. G., Dowell, A., Carnachan, M., Stubbe, M., & McBain, L. (2015). Identifying influenza-like illness presentation from unstructured general practice clinical narrative using a text classifier rule-based expert system versus a clinical expert. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 15(1), 78-. doi: 10.1186/s12911-015-0201-3.

Mathieson, F., Jordan, J., Carter, J. D., & Stubbe, M. (2015). The metaphoric dance: Co-construction of metaphor in cognitive behaviour therapy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, e24. doi: 10.1017/S1754470X15000628


Barthow, C., B. Jones, L. Macdonald, S. Vernall, P. Gallagher and E. McKinlay (2014). Researching in the community: the value and contribution of nurses to community based or primary health care research. Prim Health Care Research & Development: 1-11.

2013 and earlier

Stubbe, M. (2013). Active listening in conversation: Gender and the use of verbal feedback. In S. Yamazaki & R. Sigley (Eds.), Approaching language variation through corpora: A festschrift in honour of Toshi Saito. (pp. 367-416). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang

Stubbe, M. (2012). Sociolinguistics and intergroup communication. In H. Giles (Ed.), Handbook of intergroup communication. (pp. 70-84). New York: Routledge.

Stubbe, M (2010). "Was That My Misunderstanding?": Managing Miscommunication and Problematic Talk at Work. PhD. Victoria University of Wellington

Weatherall, A., Stubbe, M., Sunderland, J., & Baxter, J. (2010). Conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis in language and gender research: Approaches in dialogue. In J. Holmes & M. Marra (Eds.), Femininity, feminism and gendered discourse: A selected and edited collection of papers from the Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference (IGALA5). (pp. 213-244). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars.

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