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The following Occupational Performance Coaching resources are available for download, free of charge under a Creative Commons Licience (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) for individual’s personal use. These resources are free to use so long as authorship and source are acknowledged and they are not then sold wholly or as part of other resources (such as training or printed materials) without permission from the author, Fiona Graham (
These resources are intended as practical tools to assist clinicians and researchers already familiar with Occupational Performance Coaching. These resources may be difficult to interpret or apply accurately without having read the Occupational Performance Coaching Manual (2020) by Graham, Kennedy-Behr and Ziviani or one of the book chapters describing Occupational Performance Coaching listed on the Publications tab.
Occupational Performance Coaching demonstration video that accompanies the Occupational Performance Coaching manual is available.
OPC Community of Practice
A private Facebook group has been set up and is open to those around the world who have completed OPC training.
We invite you to share your experiences and exchange ideas regarding the use of OPC with your clients in your work setting and research.
This page is moderated and facilitated by OPC trainers.
Occupational Performance Coaching Podcast and Demonstration Video
Chapter 1. Podcast: An interview with Dr Fi Graham
Chapter 5. Demonstration Video
- Threshold Concept 1 (Aroha)
- Threshold Concept 2 (Cathy)
- Threshold Concept 3 (Jenny)
- Threshold Concept 4 (Steve)
- Threshold Concept 5 (Tracey)
Occupational Performance Coaching graphics and presentations
- Occupational Performance Coaching Brief Presentation (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Coaching Process (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Collaborative Performance Analysis (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Info Club Guide to Sharing Information (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Logic model (PDF)
- Self-determination Theory and Occupational Performance Coaching (PDF)
- Team Structures (PDF)
Tools for implementing OPC
- Occupational Performance Coaching Case note audit tool (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Casenote template (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Five S to Act (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Goal development guide and template (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Goal development guide and template (Word)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Report Template (PDF)
Tools for assessing OPC
- Occupational Performance Coaching FM (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching FM (Word)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Session schedule (PDF)
- Occupational Performance Coaching Session schedule (Word)
- OPC Fidelity Cheat Sheet (PDF)
Erratum: Occupational Performance Coaching Manual (2020) by Graham, Kennedy-Behr and Ziviani, P21, lines 4–8: The terms autonomy and competence have been incorrectly linked with the OPC model and should read:
‘Although clients’ psychological needs, as proposed in SDT, are relevant across all OPC elements, the need for Autonomy is addressed most directly by the Share domain of OPC; the need for Relatedness is most directly aligned to the Connect domain and the need for Competence is most directly met within the Structure domain.’
Brazilian Portuguese OPC Resources
Acknowledgement to Ana Amélia and Mariana Salgado for the translation.
Gráficos e Apresentações
- 1. Breve Apresentação – TRADUÇÃO (PDF)
- 1. Breve Apresentação – TRADUÇÃO (DOCX)
- 1. Breve Apresentação (DOCX)
- 2. Processo OPC – TRADUÇÃO (PDF)
- 2. Processo OPC (DOCX)
- 3. Análise Colaborativa da Performance – TRADUÇÃO (PDF)
- 3. Análise Colaborativa da Performance (DOCX)
- 4. OPC guia do clube de informações para compartilhar informações – TRADUÇÃO (PDF)
- 4. OPC guia do clube de informações para compartilhar informações (DOCX)
- 5. Modelo Lógico para OPC TRADUÇÃO (PDF)
- 5. Modelo Lógico para OPC (DOCX)
- 6. Teoria da Auto determinação e OPC – TRADUÇÃO (PDF)
- 6. Teoria da Auto determinação e OPC (DOCX)
- 7. Estruturas de equipe – TRADUÇÂO (PDF)
- 7. Estruturas de equipe (DOCX)
Ferramentas para implementar o OPC
- 1. Ferramenta de auditoria de notas de caso OPC (DOCX)
- 1. Ferramenta de auditoria de notas de caso OPC (PDF)
- 2. MODELO Nota de Caso – OPC (DOCX)
- 2. MODELO Nota de Caso – OPC (2) (DOCX)
- 2. MODELO Nota de Caso – OPC (PDF)
- 3. OPC – 5 S_s para agir (DOCX)
- 3. OPC – 5 S_s para agir (PDF)
- 4. Exemplo de Desenvolvimento de Objetivos OPC (DOCX)
- 4. Exemplo de Desenvolvimento de Objetivos OPC (PDF)
- 5. Nota de Caso – OPC – Relatório de Alta (DOCX)
- 5. Nota de Caso – OPC – Relatório de Alta (PDF)
- Desenvolvimento de metas funcionais (DOCX)
Ferramentas para avaliar o OPC
- Calendário de Sessões (PDF)
- Calendário de Sessões (DOCX)
French OPC Resources
- Threshold Concept 2 (Cathy) – French Subtitles
- Mesure de fidélité (PDF)
- Conceptual map - en français (PDF)
- OPC prompts - French (PDF)
- Threshold Concept 3 (Jenny) – French subtitles
- Threshold Concept 1 (Aroha) – French subtitles
(We acknowledge Caroline Hui for the translations)