The Integrated Data Research Group works closely with a range of other research groups and organisations, including:
- Virtual Health Information Network (VHIN). The VHIN is a network of researchers, analysts and other professionals who use New Zealand health data. The network facilitates sharing and collaboration amongst network members in order to enhance health research outputs and improve health service delivery and health outcomes in New Zealand.
- A Better Start National Science Challenge. A Better Start draws together leading New Zealand experts to find better ways to predict, prevent and treat obesity, learning and mental health problems in New Zealand children and teenagers.
- Healthier Lives National Science Challenge The Healthier Lives National Science Challenge is a national research collaboration dedicated to achieving healthier lives for all New Zealanders, including the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.
- He Kainga Oranga , Housing and Health Research Programme examines and clarifies the links between Housing and Health.
- EleMent: Te Raraunga Hinengaro are a multidisciplinary research group bringing together expertise in epidemiology, public health and data science with clinical and lived experience of mental distress. We use routinely collected electronic data from health records and other sources to understand the distribution and determinants of mental health and mental distress in New Zealand
- NZCSS sustainable cities New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities is an inter-disciplinary research centre dedicated to providing the research base for innovative solutions to the economic, social, environmental and cultural development of our urban centres.
- BODE3 The Burden of Disease Epidemiology, Equity and Cost-Effectiveness Programme (BODE3) has an aim to estimate health and wider societal gains, costs, cost-effectiveness and equity impacts of health sector interventions, and build capacity in modelling of health sector interventions.
- Housing First Housing First Auckland believes that permanent, secure, appropriate, safe housing is a basic human right for all. Housing First recognises that it is easier for people to address issues such as mental health and substance use, once they are housed. The priority is to quickly move people into appropriate housing and then immediately provide wrap-around services to support their success.