Our Research and Enterprise Office supports and assists researchers in the identification of funding opportunities, partnering with business, grant applications, and the establishment of research contracts.
Location, hours and staff
Research and Enterprise Office
Located on Level C
University of Otago, Wellington
23a Mein Street, Newtown,
Wellington, New Zealand
Associate Dean Research
Research Advisors
Room J42, Level 9, Wellington Hospital Link Block
Christine Groves
Research and Enterprise Office
Email christine.groves@otago.ac.nz
Mob +64 21 279 5541
Nina Barton
Research and Enterprise Office
Email nina.barton@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 4 832 3254
Mob +64 21 279 1580
Beck O'Shaughnessy
Research and Enterprise Office
Email beck.oshaughnessy@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 4 832 3252
Senior Research Administrator
Marieke Boleyn
Research and Enterprise Office
Email mareike.boleyn@otago.ac.nz
Research and Enterprise, Dunedin
Research and Enterprise Office
Centre for Innovation
University of Otago, St David Street, Dunedin
Web otago.ac.nz/research
Email research@otago.ac.nz