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Am I eligible to do a Summer Studentship?

Any student who is enrolled at a New Zealand tertiary academic institution, at a pre-doctoral level, is eligible to apply for the studentships.

Preference is given to University of Otago students, those who will be undergraduates or honours level in 2025, and those who have not had a Summer Studentship experience previously.

How do I apply for a Summer Studentship?

Project information including supervisors’ contact information will be available online in late August – please keep an eye on this web page. To apply for a project, please fill out the form that will be posted on the website with the project descriptions and return it to by 30 September. In the meantime, feel free to contact academics to discuss the possibility of undertaking a summer project under their supervision.

What are my obligations as a summer student?

You will discuss you working hours with your supervisor, it maybe useful to think of the Summer Studentship as a full-time job over the summer holidays. You will work out with your supervisor what your deliverables are, which may depend upon funding requirements.

Most students will deliver a written report and produce a poster for the Poster Showcase Event.

Please review the calendar for specific details

If you do not comply with the regulations and requirements of the Summer Studentship programme, your emoluments will be withheld and payments already released must be refunded to the University of Otago.

When do I start and finish and do I get a break over Christmas and New Year?

Discuss exact timings with your supervisor.

Recommended start time is 11–25 November, finishing in late-January to early-February, with a two-week break over the statutory holidays.

What am I agreeing to?

Students involved in the Summer Studentship research programme must not be receiving alternative scholarship support for the same project or any other project over the same timeframe. Students may hold only one Summer Research Scholarship for the period.

You are agreeing to:

  • Undertake a 10-week full-time research project under the direction of your supervisor (allowing for holidays over the Christmas and New Year)
  • Produce a high standard of project deliverables as agreed with your supervisor
  • Return all data, information, results collected during the studentship to the supervisor

What support will I get during the programme?

Your supervisor will be your main point of contact during the programme.

The Summer Studentship Office organises a research support programme comprising of different workshops to help students undertake their project. You can contact the Summer Studentship Office for advice about the programme:


List of workshops running prior to the Summer statutory holidays

Workshop name Workshop details
Quantitative Projects Planning to organise your data and analysis.
Referencing Software Endnote

Learn how to:

  • Set up your Endnote library
  • Export references from library databasess and Google Scholar
  • Schare your Endnote library with your supervisor(s)
  • Cite while you write – insert in-text citations and create a bibliography according to the style that you choose

We will also discuss common Endnote problems and how to avoid them.

Database Searching

Learn about:

  • Expectations of a literature search
  • Common searching techniques
  • Key databases to search
  • Searching for grey literature
  • Tips for effective searching
Qualitative Research Brief introduction to qualitative approaches to health research. This is recommended for all students undertaking a summer project, regardless of the research methods to be used.
Presenting Your Research Our in-house expert will gie you tips and tricks for developing skills to present your reseach uisng informatics, icons, good layout, and online software tools. Recommended for all stufents no matter what format your deliverable is.
Tips and Tricks for Word Time-saving tips and tricks for Microsoft Word, which will assist you with the writing of your final deliverable report.
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