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How many projects can I supervise?

It is recommended that supervisors take on no more than two summer projects as the main or other supervisor.

What do students need from me?

Things to consider but not limited to include:

  • Workspace and equipment (as applicable)
  • Security and IT access (as applicable)
  • Paperwork completed in a timely manner (student appointment, student financials, sign-off deliverables)
  • Regular meetings with student to check they are on track with data collection and reporting
  • Ethics, locality assessment, and Māori consultation completed where required
  • Encourage student to attend workshops on offer
  • Review and sign off student deliverables (poster, written reporting)

Do I need to be a University of Otago staff member to supervise a project?

No. We usually have a number of supervisors outside of UOW. Where the supervisor is not a University of Otago academic staff member, the Department HOD will need to sign off on the project.

Non-Otago staff supervisors must note that no employment relationship will be created or is intended to be created as a result of the provision of the summer studentship scholarship.

Can I select a student not at University of Otago?

Yes but we would prefer if they are University of Otago students. We get a massive amount of interest from our own students and since they are already connected to the university the payment and I support the payment and IT support is straightforward. It may be appropriate to accept non-Otago students to the programme if, for example, they are intending to study at Otago the following year.

To be eligible for a tax-free summer scholarship a student must be intending to enrol at a New Zealand or Australian University in the following year. This is to ensure that the University meets its tax and legal requirements. If the student does not return to study the following year, they will be required to pay withholding tax by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

Can I select a student who has done a Summer Studentship research project already?

Yes, however typically priority for funding is given to students who have not done a Summer Studentship research project. This enable more students to be exposed to research.

Can I select a student who is intending to do honours or masters the following year?

You can only select a student who will be an undergraduate student the following year. So yes it could be an honours student but not someone doing their master's or going into paid employment.

How do I find a student for my project?

Once confirmed, projects will be advertised to students online and you will have access to a folder containing student applications for your project. It is then your responsibility to communicate with students who you wish to engage in the project and notify the summer studentship team when a project position has been filled.

How and when are the students paid?

Each student is paid NZ$6,000 for their 10-week full-time project. This is paid directly from the Scholarships Office. Students receive three payments: in December, January, and upon completion.

How does the funding work?

Many of the projects are funded by external funding partners who have an interest in particular research – but funding is not guaranteed. There is limited internal University of Otago funding available for summer studentships in 2024.

What support does the Summer Studentship team offer?

Communication and marketing of the programme to funders, supervisors, and students. Matching projects to funders, matching students to projects, administration support (student payments), student administration, student support programme of workshops, organisation of Poster Showcase Event and checking students complete their projects.

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