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If you are a CCDHB staff member, we are your library service.

Ask us

Our friendly team can help you find quality resources to support your clinical work or research.  Ask us if you need help with these questions:

  • How to find the evidence you need (book in a time to meet with one of the Library team)
  • Questions about online resources or access
  • Finding the full text of articles
  • Have a literature search done for a topic related to your work.



Join the Library

Visit the Joining the Library page for information on membership.

Find the Library website

  1. Log into Citrix.
  2. Open your internet browser (we recommend Google Chrome).
  3. Scroll to the very bottom of the Te Wāhi Intranet page, and click Library.
  4. This takes you to the library website for CCDHB staff.

See our Finding the library website guide.

Help yourself

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