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Application procedures

Follow the link below to get to the University of Otago Online Admission.

Wildlife Management Online Admission

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Course Director at the address below (under Contact).

International applicants need to contact the University of Otago International Admission Office (see the 'International applicants' section below).


Applications close on 1 October for international students. If you are a domestic student this date is 1 December.

Domestic student classification

Acceptance in the course will be confirmed for all candidates by mid December. If you are unsuccessful in the first instance you might still be allocated a position later (up to mid-February) if one of your colleagues withdraws from the course.

Domestic fees

The fees for individual papers is is available on the individual paper's page.

List of WILM papers

In addition to this there may be costs associated with travel, fieldwork and camps, which, depending on your course of study could amount to $250.

Further information on fees


Any questions regarding domestic student fees should be directed to:

Revenue Management
Log an enquiry with AskOtago
Tel +64 3 479 9006

If you have any queries about the course, application procedures, etc., please feel free to contact the Course Director:

Professor Bruce Robertson
Department of Zoology
Tel +64 3 479 4110

International applicants

Australian citizens, and students from the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau who are New Zealand citizens are eligible to enrol at the University of Otago at the same level of tuition fees as for New Zealand students.

To register international applications, or for any assistance or information regarding international applications and fees please contact AskOtago:

Or via the International Student Enquiry form

International website

Study permits

Overseas students will require a permit to study in New Zealand. Please note that annual tuition fees are payable, and an offer of a place at the University is required before a study permit can be given. For assistance with this, contact the New Zealand Embassy or High Commission in your country. If there is no New Zealand representation in your country, write to:

Immigration Service, Department of Labour,  Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand.

Applicants are advised to contact the New Zealand Immigration Service as early as possible as the processing of a study permit may take three to four months.

Language requirements

English Language Requirements for international postgraduate students

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