Red X iconGreen tick iconYellow tick icon

Use the following formats when writing numbers:

  • Below 10, spell out: one–nine
  • 10 and above, numbers: 10–999,999 (use commas from 1,000 to avoid confusion with years)
  • Numbers and words: 1 million

If a sentence or paragraph contains many numbers, some over 10 and some below, use numerals throughout to allow easier reading.

  • There were 2 pencils, 10 pens, 36 markers and 16 notebooks in the cupboard.

Always spell out numbers when used as the first word of a sentence.

  • Fifteen students attended the lecture.
  • 15 students attended the lecture.

When writing for the web

Numerals are preferred as they are easier to read on the screen.

About the Writing Style Guide

This guide is designed to help ensure writing style – whether for internal or external audiences, written for print or online – is consistent and maintains a professional standard across the University. It is not designed for academic writing.


Please send any feedback – including reports of errors or requests for changes – to

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