Red X iconGreen tick iconYellow tick icon

Abbreviations for units of time are preferred as second (sec), minutes (min), hours (hr). Use the 12-hour clock with a colon between the hour and minutes along with am/pm (with no full stops) as required. The following formats are acceptable:

  • 10:55am, 3:45pm
  • 12:00–1:30pm, 3:30 to 4:00pm
  • 2–4pm, 11am to 7pm
  • 5am (NZT)
  • 11.52 p.m.

About the Writing Style Guide

This guide is designed to help ensure writing style – whether for internal or external audiences, written for print or online – is consistent and maintains a professional standard across the University. It is not designed for academic writing.


Please send any feedback – including reports of errors or requests for changes – to

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