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Use the possessive apostrophe when ownership is denoted. It is acceptable to use the apostrophe in contractions such as it's (for it is) and don't (for do not). The apostrophe is never used to form a plural noun.

  • the lecturer's office (singular)
  • the lecturers' timetables (plural)
  • Christmas is just around the corner; it's just three days from today.
  • The basket's were filled with apples and oranges.

According to the NZ Geographic Board, Hawke's Bay and Arthur's Pass are the only two names which have a possessive apostrophe.

About the Writing Style Guide

This guide is designed to help ensure writing style – whether for internal or external audiences, written for print or online – is consistent and maintains a professional standard across the University. It is not designed for academic writing.


Please send any feedback – including reports of errors or requests for changes – to

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