Red X iconGreen tick iconYellow tick icon

A dash is used to separate information or provide a break within a sentence. It has spaces on either side of it. In WORD, hold the Ctrl key and press the minus key to enter a dash.

  • The students – like so many others – were delayed by traffic.

A dash is also used to connect values that are related such as dates, page ranges, and sports scores. In this application, it has no spaces surrounding it.

  • World War II lasted from 1935–1945.
  • Be sure to read pages 10–30 for tonight's homework.
  • The Highlanders defeated the Hurricanes 21–14.

Meanwhile, the hyphen is used to join words, separate syllables, in certain adjectives, or within double-barrelled names.

  • free-range eggs
  • it's pronounced “oh-tah-goh”
  • on-campus
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt

About the Writing Style Guide

This guide is designed to help ensure writing style – whether for internal or external audiences, written for print or online – is consistent and maintains a professional standard across the University. It is not designed for academic writing.


Please send any feedback – including reports of errors or requests for changes – to

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