Red X iconGreen tick iconYellow tick icon

The format of the date should be date month year. Include the day of the week whenever possible. Months are abbreviated as follows: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.

  • Wednesday, 27 January 2016
  • 24 Feb 2017
  • 11th November 1997
  • November 11, 1997
  • The 11th of November

To specify a span of dates, separate the dates with a dash. However, if using from with a start date/time, always use to to indicate the end date/time.

  • 16–18 July 2017
  • Winter lasts from June to August in New Zealand.
  • The programme runs from Oct–Dec.

When writing for the web

Use the full date, especially the year; it will give your page context and therefore make it trustworthy.

About the Writing Style Guide

This guide is designed to help ensure writing style – whether for internal or external audiences, written for print or online – is consistent and maintains a professional standard across the University. It is not designed for academic writing.


Please send any feedback – including reports of errors or requests for changes – to

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