Tel +64 3 479 7029
- Wildlife Management Programme
- WILM 402 Techniques of Wildlife Management
- WILM 406 Conservation Biology for Wildlife Management
- WILM 501 Research Placement in Wildlife Management
- ZOOL 319 Conservation Biology
- ZOOL 417 Harvest Management
- ZOOL 423 From Extinction to De-Extinction
Research Interests
- Restoration of threatened species
- Ecology of mammalian pest species
- Seabird, specifically penguin, ecology
- Assessment of the impacts of nature-based tourism
- Reintroduction Biology, including Assisted Colonisation and other Conservation Introductions
- De-extinction: implications for conservation
- Strategic planning for wildlife reintroductions in collaboration with the IUCN Conservation Translocation Specialist Group. See here for a Policy Statement on Assisted Colonization
- De-extinction: the pros and cons of creating versions (functional proxies) of extinct species for conservation benefit; download the IUCN Guiding Principles on De-extinction
- Application of remote sensing, GIS and GPS technology to quantify spatial ecology at all scales
- Spatial ecology of mammalian pests in NZ alpine regions, as part of the Te Manuhuna Aoaraki Project, in collaboration with Yolanda van Heezik
- Conservation Management of native species (current/recent collaborative and student projects include work on takahe, with Glen Greaves and Andrew Digby (DOC), black stilt (kaki), with Richard Maloney and Simone Clelland (DOC), yellow-eyed penguins, Fiordland penguins (tawaki) with Thomas Mattern (NZ Penguin Initiative), and Adelie penguins, with Matt Scofield (Maths & Stats) and Dean Anderson (Manaaki Whenua)
- Assessment, mitigation and management of human/tourism influences on seabirds.
Other Roles
- Member of Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Wallaby Research Advisory Group
- Advisor to the Endangered Species Foundation of New Zealand (ESFNZ)
- Member of the IUCN/SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group
- Founding member of the IUCN/SSC Penguin Specialist Group
- Trustee of the Mamaku Point Conservation Trust ( View a short film about the Reserve)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the International Conservation Forum for Arabian Biodiversity
Current and Recent Postgraduate Students
- Jamie McAulay (MSc): Diet of stoats in the New Zealand alpine zone
- Melanie Young (PhD): Foraging ecology of Yellow-eyed Penguins
- James Hunter (PhD): Modeling post-release performance of reintroduced Takahe
- Rachel Hickcox (PhD): Macro-ecology of yellow-eyed penguins
- Saif Khan (PhD): Remote sensing applications in braided rivers
- Nick Foster (PhD): Altitudinal distribution of mammalian pest species
- Taylor Hamlin (PhD): Spatial ecology of Adelie penguins
- Asher Soryl (PhD): Animal welfare biology
- Charlotte Patterson (MSc): Predicting reinvasion pathways for urban possums
- Scott Forrest (MSc): Spatial ecology of urban kaka
- Myrene Otis (MSc): Foraging ecology of tawaki/Fiordland penguins
- Thor Elley (MSc): Foraging ecology of yellow-eyed penguins on Rakiura
- Peter Doyle (MSc): Spatial ecology of Norway rats
- Hayley Lister (MSc): Resource selection by Norway rats in dryland ecosystems
- Abby Clarke (MSc): Efficacy of probiotics for yellow-eyed penguins
- Lena McNaughton (MSc): Invertebrate diversity across and urban gradient
Seddon, P., Els, J., Steenkamp, G., Mallon, D., Senn, H., May, S., & Budd, J. (2024). 23rd Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabia's biodiversity. Oryx, 58(4), 422-423. doi: 10.1017/S0030605324000577 Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Pütz, K., Garcia Borboroglu, P., Seed, R., Houston, D., & Seddon, P. J. (2024). Beyond the horizon: A closer look at the Tawaki winter dispersal. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 1). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2370252 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hickcox, R., van Heezik, Y., Mattern, T., Rodríguez Recio, M., Young, M., & Seddon, P. (2024). Marine distribution of yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes): Presence and preference. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 1). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2370252 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hamlin, T., Schofield, M., Seddon, P., & Anderson, D. (2024). Fit parents and fat chicks? Linking foraging and breeding success in Adélie penguins. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 1). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2370252 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Volpe, J. P., Higgs, E. S., Jeschke, J. M., Barnhill, K., Brunk, C., Dudney, J., … Seddon, P. J., … Voicescu, S. (2024). Bionovelty and ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, e14152. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/rec.14152 Journal - Research Other
Journal - Research Article
Forrest, S. W., Rodríguez-Recio, M., & Seddon, P. J. (2024). Home range and dynamic space use reveals age-related differences in risk exposure for reintroduced parrots. Conservation Science & Practice, e13119. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/csp2.13119
Patterson, C. R., Lustig, A., Seddon, P. J., Wilson, D. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2024). Eradicating an invasive mammal requires local elimination and reduced reinvasion from an urban source population. Ecological Applications. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/eap.2949
Gimeno, M., Giménez, J., Chiaradia, A., Davis, L. S., Seddon, P. J., Ropert-Coudert, Y., … Ramírez, F. (2024). Climate and human stressors on global penguin hotspots: Current assessments for future conservation. Global Change Biology, 30, e17143. doi: 10.1111/gcb.17143
Journal - Research Other
Volpe, J. P., Higgs, E. S., Jeschke, J. M., Barnhill, K., Brunk, C., Dudney, J., … Seddon, P. J., … Voicescu, S. (2024). Bionovelty and ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, e14152. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/rec.14152
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Els, J., Steenkamp, G., Mallon, D., Senn, H., May, S., & Budd, J. (2024). 23rd Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabia's biodiversity. Oryx, 58(4), 422-423. doi: 10.1017/S0030605324000577
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Pütz, K., Garcia Borboroglu, P., Seed, R., Houston, D., & Seddon, P. J. (2024). Beyond the horizon: A closer look at the Tawaki winter dispersal. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 1). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2370252
Hickcox, R., van Heezik, Y., Mattern, T., Rodríguez Recio, M., Young, M., & Seddon, P. (2024). Marine distribution of yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes): Presence and preference. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 1). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2370252
Hamlin, T., Schofield, M., Seddon, P., & Anderson, D. (2024). Fit parents and fat chicks? Linking foraging and breeding success in Adélie penguins. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 1). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2370252
Hickcox, R., van Heezik, Y., Young, M., Rodríguez-Recio, M., Mattern, T., & Seddon, P. (2024). Resources, risks and refugia: Assessing the spatial overlap between yellow-eyed penguin foraging distribution, prey, commercial fisheries, and marine protected areas. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, (pp. 3-4). Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2024.2332118
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J. (2023). The role of conservation translocations in rewilding and de-extinction. In M. J. Gaywood, J. G. Ewen, P. M. Hollingsworth & A. Moehrenschlager (Eds.), Conservation translocations. (pp. 354-377). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108638142.016
Journal - Research Article
van Heezik, Y., Simpson, L., Patterson, C. R., Seddon, P. J., & Wilson, D. J. (2023). Spatially explicit capture-recapture estimate of hedgehog population density in exotic grassland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 47(1), 3555. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.47.3555
Hickcox, R. P., Mattern, T., Young, M. J., Rodríguez-Recio, M., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2023). Risks, resources, and refugia: Spatial overlap between yellow-eyed penguin foraging distribution and prey, commercial fisheries, and marine protected areas. Biological Conservation, 284, 110197. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110197
van Heezik, Y., Barratt, B. I. P., Burns, B. R., Clarkson, B. D., Cutting, B. T., Ewans, R., Freeman, C., … Seddon, P. J. (2023). A rapid assessment technique for evaluating biodiversity to support accreditation of residential properties. Landscape & Urban Planning, 232, 104682. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104682
Bourke, S. D., Brown, L., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2023). Determinants of hatching and recruitment success for captively reared kakī (Himantopus novaezelandiae). New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 47(1), 3508. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.47.3508
Journal - Research Other
Davis, R. A., Seddon, P. J., Craig, M. D., & Russell, J. C. (2023). A review of methods for detecting rats at low densities, with implications for surveillance. Biological Invasions. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10530-023-03133-0
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Hamlin, T., Anderson, D., Seddon, P., & Schofield, M. (2023, November-December). Linking foraging movements with reproductive success in Adélie penguins. Verbal presentation at the International Biometric Society Australasian Region (IBS-AR) and the Statistical Ecology and Environmental Monitoring (SEEM) Joint Conference, Waitangi, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J., & Michaux, B. (2022). Yellow-eyed penguin | Hoiho. In C. M. Miskelly (Ed.), New Zealand birds online. Wellington, New Zealand: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Hickcox, R. P., Mattern, T., Rodríguez-Recio, M., Young, M. J., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2022). Staying close to home: Marine habitat selection by foraging yellow-eyed penguins using spatial distribution models. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 967741. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.967741
Young, M. J., Seddon, P. J., Pütz, K., Agnew, P., Mattern, T., Hickcox, R. P., Robertson, B. C., & van Heezik, Y. (2022). Conservation implications for post-fledging dispersal of yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 695, 173-188. doi: 10.3354/meps14124
Foster, N. J., Maloney, R. F., Seddon, P. J., Rodríguez-Recio, M., & van Heezik, Y. (2022). High-elevation landforms limit the movement of invasive small mammal species. Landscape Ecology, 37, 2651-2670. doi: 10.1007/s10980-022-01496-8
Forrest, S. W., Recio, M. R., & Seddon, P. J. (2022). Moving wildlife tracking forward under forested conditions with the SWIFT GPS algorithm [Methodology]. Animal Biotelemetry, 10, 19. doi: 10.1186/s40317-022-00289-9
Elley, T., Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Young, M. J., Hickcox, R. P., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2022). Consistent site-specific foraging behaviours of yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho breeding on Stewart Island, New Zealand. Biology, 11, 844. doi: 10.3390/biology11060844
Green, C.-P., Ratcliffe, N., Mattern, T., Thompson, D., Lea, M.-A., Wotherspoon, S., … Ellenberg, U., … Seddon, P. J., … Hindell, M. A. (2022). The role of allochrony in influencing interspecific differences in foraging distribution during the non-breeding season between two congeneric crested penguin species. PLoS ONE, 17(2), e0262901. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262901
Thacker, T., Seddon, P. J., van Heezik, Y., & McCormack, G. (2022). A myna problem: Alien species no obstacle to recovery for the Mangaia kingfisher. Oryx, 56(1), 44-49. doi: 10.1017/S0030605320000071
Journal - Research Other
Berger-Tal, O., Saltz, D., Moseby, K. E., & Seddon, P. J. (2022). Animal behavior after translocation into novel environments. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 3, 888125. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2022.888125
Journal - Research Article
Foster, N. J., Maloney, R. F., Recio, M. R., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2021). European hedgehogs rear young and enter hibernation in New Zealand's alpine zones. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(2), 3448. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.45.52
White, J., Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Garcia-Borboroglu, P., Houston, D. M., Seddon, P. J., & Mays, H. L. (2021). Field sexing techniques for Fiordland crested penguins (tawaki; Eudyptes pachyrhynchus). Notornis, 68(3), 188-193. Retrieved from
Patterson, C. R., Seddon, P. J., Wilson, D. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2021). Habitat-specific densities of urban brushtail possums. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(2), 3450. doi: 10.20418/nzjecol.45.27
Hunter-Ayad, J., Jarvie, S., Greaves, G., Digby, A., Ohlemüller, R., Recio, M. R., & Seddon, P. J. (2021). Novel conditions in conservation translocations: A conservative-extrapolative strategic framework. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 691714. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2021.691714
McAulay, J., Monks, J. M., Wilson, D. J., & Seddon, P. J. (2021). Individual specialists within a generalist niche: Variable diet of stoats and implications for conservation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(2), 3443. doi: 10.20420/nzjecol.45.29
Alden, B., van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P. J., Reid, J., & Young, M. J. (2021). Fat chance? Endangered penguin rehabilitation has mixed conservation outcomes. Conservation Science & Practice, 3, e452. doi: 10.1111/csp2.452
Khan, M. S. I., Ohlemüller, R., Maloney, R. F., & Seddon, P. J. (2021). Monitoring dynamic braided river habitats: Applicability and efficacy of aerial photogrammetry from manned aircraft versus unmanned aerial systems. Drones, 5(2), 39. doi: 10.3390/drones5020039
Foster, N. J., Maloney, R. F., Seddon, P. J., Recio, M. R., Khan, M. S. I., & van Heezik, Y. (2021). Altitudinal distribution of the entire invasive small mammal guild in the eastern dryland zone of New Zealand's Southern Alps. Biological Invasions, 23, 1837-1857. doi: 10.1007/s10530-021-02474-y
Soryl, A. A., Moore, A. J., Seddon, P. J., & King, M. R. (2021). The case for welfare biology. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics, 34(2), 7. doi: 10.1007/s10806-021-09855-2
Jarvie, S., Worthy, T. H., Saltré, F., Scofield, R. P., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2021). Using Holocene fossils to model the future: Distribution of climate suitability for tuatara, the last rhynchocephalian. Journal of Biogeography, 48, 1489-1502. doi: 10.1111/jbi.14092
Böhm, C., Bowden, C. G. R., Seddon, P. J., Hatipoğlu, T., Oubro, W., Bekkay, M. E., … Unsöld, M. (2021). The northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita: History, current status and future perspectives. Oryx, 55(6), 934-946. doi: 10.1017/S0030605320000198
Journal - Research Other
Brodie, J. F., Lieberman, S., Moehrenschlager, A., Redford, K. H., Rodríguez, J. P., Schwartz, M., Seddon, P. J., & Watson, J. E. M. (2021). Assisted colonization risk assessment [Response]. Science, 372(6545), 925-926. doi: 10.1126/science.abj3134
Brodie, J. F., Lieberman, S., Moehrenschlager, A., Redford, K. H., Rodríguez, J. P., Schwartz, M., Seddon, P. J., & Watson, J. E. M. (2021). Global policy for assisted colonization of species: Coordinated policies are needed for the translocation of species for conservation [Policy forum]. Science, 372(6541), 456-458. doi: 10.1126/science.abg0532
Phelan, R., Baumgartner, B., Brand, S., Brister, E., Burgiel, S. W., Charo, R. A., … Seddon, P. J., … Robbins, P. (2021). Intended consequences statement. Conservation Science & Practice, 3, e371. doi: 10.1111/csp2.371
Burgiel, S. W., Baumgartner, B., Brister, E., Fisher, J., Gordon, D. R., Novak, B., … Seddon, P. J., & Weber, M. (2021). Exploring the intersections of governance, constituencies, and risk in genetic interventions. Conservation Science & Practice, 3, e380. doi: 10.1111/csp2.380
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hamlin, T., Schofield, M., Anderson, D., & Seddon, P. (2021). Do better hunters make better parents? Linking together the breeding and foraging ecology of Adélie penguins. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Virtual Conference. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Aichele, A., Seddon, P., & van Heezik, Y. (2020). Intake of sugar water by kākā in Orokonui Eco-sanctuary. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(1), 3431. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.45.52
Young, M. J., Dutoit, L., Robertson, F., van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P. J., & Robertson, B. C. (2020). Species in the faeces: DNA metabarcoding as a method to determine the diet of the endangered yellow-eyed penguin. Wildlife Research, 47(6), 509-522. doi: 10.1071/wr19246
Bell, G., Young, M. J., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2020). Effects of unregulated visitor access on chick fledging mass and survival in yellow-eyed penguins. Wildlife Research, 47, 468-475. doi: 10.1071/WR19245
McAulay, J., Seddon, P. J., Wilson, D. J., & Monks, J. M. (2020). Stable isotope analysis reveals variable diets of stoats (Mustela erminea) in the alpine zone of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 44(2), 3409. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.44.16
Journal - Research Other
Hunter-Ayad, J., Ohlemüller, R., Recio, M. R., & Seddon, P. J. (2020). Reintroduction modelling: A guide to choosing and combining models for species reintroductions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, 1233-1243. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13629
Pistorius, P. A., Green, D. B., Seddon, P. J., & Thiebault, A. (2020). In situ observation of a record-sized squid prey consumed by a Gentoo penguin. Polar Biology, 43, 279-283. doi: 10.1007/s00300-020-02630-5
Stadtmann, S., & Seddon, P. J. (2020). Release site selection: Reintroductions and the habitat concept. Oryx, 54(5), 687-695. doi: 10.1017/S0030605318001199
Chapter in Book - Research
Fox, S., & Seddon, P. J. (2019). Wild devil recovery: Managing devils in the presence of disease. In C. J. Hogg, S. Fox, D. Pemberton & K. Belov (Eds.), Saving the Tasmanian devil: Recovery through science-based management. (pp. 157-163). Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/9781486307197
Seddon, P. J., & Armstrong, D. P. (2019). The role of translocation in rewilding. In N. Pettorelli, S. M. Durant & J. T. du Toit (Eds.), Rewilding. (pp. 303-324). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108560962.015
Journal - Research Article
Boersma, P. D., García Borboroglu, P., Gownaris, N. J., Bost, C. A., Chiaradia, A., Ellis, S., … Seddon, P. J., … Weinecke, B. (2019). Applying science to pressing conservation needs for penguins. Conservation Biology, 34(1), 103-112. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13378
Ropert-Coudert, Y., Chiaradia, A., Ainley, D., Barbosa, A., Boersma, P. D., Brasso, R., … Hickcox, R., … Seddon, P. J., … Thrathan, P. N. (2019). Happy feet in a hostile world? The future of penguins depends on proactive management of current and expected threats. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 248. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00248
Muralidhar, A., Moore, F. L., Easton, L. J., Jamieson, I. G., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2019). Know your enemy? Conservation management causes loss of antipredator behaviour to novel predators in New Zealand robins. Animal Behaviour, 149, 135-142. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.01.014
Bryan, S. A., Vink, C. J., Barratt, B. I. P., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2019). Investigation of two new putative pheromone components of the invasive Australian redback spider, Latrodectus hasseltii, with potential applications for control. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 46(3), 189-200. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2018.1536067
Journal - Research Other
Seddon, P. J., & King, M. (2019). Creating proxies of extinct species: The bioethics of de-extinction. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 3(6), 731-735. doi: 10.1042/ETLS20190109
Hand, K. L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P., Recio, M. R., Stein, A., & van Heezik, Y. (2019). Are city kids missing out on nature? Frontiers for Young Minds, 7, 71. doi: 10.3389/frym.2019.00071
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Pereira, J., Steenkamp, G., Mallon, D., & Senn, H. (2019). 20th Sharjah International Conservation Forum for Arabia's biodiversity. Oryx, 53(3), 413. doi: 10.1017/S0030605319000395
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Patterson, C., van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P., & Wilson, D. (2019). Reinvasion prevention of the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecular) within a New Zealand urban centre via spatially explicit, agent-based modelling. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Conference. Retrieved from
Young, M. J., Seddon, P. J., Pütz, K., Mattern, T., Robertson, B. C., & van Heezik, Y. (2019). Go forth and prosper? Post-fledging dispersal and the decline in juvenile survival of mainland yellow-eyed penguins. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 96). Retrieved from
Mattern, T., Clarkson, G., Pütz, K., Garcia Borboroglu, P., Ellenberg, U., Houston, D., … Seddon, P. (2019). Marathon penguins: Reasons and consequences of long-range dispersal in Fiordland penguins/tawaki during the pre-moult period. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 61). Retrieved from
White, J., Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Garcia-Borboroglu, P., Houston, D. M., Seddon, P., … Mays, H. (2019). Investigating Fiordland penguin (tawaki) dietary plasticity using stable isotope analysis. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 75). Retrieved from
Young, M. J., Robertson, F., Dutoit, L., Mattern, T., Seddon, P. J., Robertson, B. C., & van Heezik, Y. (2019). Evidence for declining diet quality of mainland yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes): Is this their final dive? Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 73). Retrieved from
Seddon, P. (2019). Penguin portraits: The rise and impact of wildlife selfies. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 67). Retrieved from
Hamlin, T., Schofield, M., Seddon, P., & Anderson, D. (2019). Modelling on the move: A review of advancements in movement ecology modelling, with application for penguins. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 46). Retrieved from
Houseman, M., Meyer, S., Young, M. J., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2019). Going my way? Validation of indicator sites for penguin population monitoring at a landscape scale. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 38). Retrieved from
Hickcox, R. P., van Heezik, Y., Mattern, T., Young, M. J., & Seddon, P. J. (2019). Environmental, climatic, and biological interactions influencing the marine distribution of yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes). Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 36). Retrieved from
Garcia Borboroglu, P., Boersma, P. D., Ellis, S., Bost, C. A., Chiaradia, A., Schneider, T., Seddon, P. J., … Gownaris, N. J. (2019). Towards a Penguin Global Conservation Agenda promoted by the IUNC SSC Penguin Specialist Group. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 27). Retrieved from
Ellenberg, U., Mattern, T., Houston, D., Long, R., Pütz, K., Garcia Borboroglu, P., & Seddon, P. (2019). Penguin plasticity: Surprisingly versatile marine life-style in Fiordland penguins/tawaki. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 22). Retrieved from
Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Seed, R., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. (2019). A birds-eye view on food: Using animal-borne cameras to study Yellow-eyed penguin foraging ecology. Proceedings of the 10th International Penguin Conference (IPC10). (pp. 18). Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Armstrong, D. P., Seddon, P. J., & Moehrenschlager, A. (2018). Reintroduction. In B. Fath (Ed.), Reference module in earth systems and environmental sciences. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10589-5
Journal - Research Article
Mattern, T., McPherson, M. D., Ellenberg, U., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2018). High definition video loggers provide new insights into behaviour, physiology, and the oceanic habitat of a marine predator, the yellow-eyed penguin. PeerJ, 6, e5459. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5459
Mattern, T., Pütz, K., Garcia-Borboroglu, P., Ellenberg, U., Houston, D. M., Long, R., … Seddon, P. J. (2018). Marathon penguins: Reasons and consequences of long-rage dispersal in Fiordland penguins/Tawaki during the pre-moult period. PLoS ONE, 13(8), e0198688. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198688
Jarvie, S., Jowett, T., Thompson, M. B., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2018). Effects of warm temperatures on metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in tuatara, a cool-climate Rhynchocephalian survivor. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology, 91(4), 950-966. doi: 10.1086/698495
Hand, K. L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P. J., Recio, M. R., Stein, A., & van Heezik, Y. (2018). Restricted home ranges reduce children’s opportunities to connect to nature: Demographic, environmental and parental influences. Landscape & Urban Planning, 172, 69-77. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.12.004
Journal - Research Other
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2018). Animal reintroductions in peopled landscapes: Moving towards urban-based species restorations in New Zealand. Pacific Conservation Biology, 24, 349-359. doi: 10.1071/PC18026
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Knight, M., Steenkamp, G., Hilton-Taylor, C., Mallon, D., & Senn, H. (2018). 19th International Conservation Forum for Arabia's Biodiversity. Oryx, 52(3), 409-410. doi: 10.1017/S0030605318000352
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Jarvie, S., Worthy, T. H., Scofield, P., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2018). What mainland regions of New Zealand will be climatically suitable for tuatara under climate change? In J. M. Monks & S. Penniket (Eds.), Recent developments in New Zealand herpetofauna research: Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand (SRARNZ) 2017: DOC Research Development Series 353. (pp. 9). Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. Retrieved from
Jarvie, S., Seddon, P. J., Cree, A., & Kearney, M. R. (2018). Identifying climatically suitable habitat for tuatara: A mechanistic approach to species distribution models. In J. M. Monks & S. Penniket (Eds.), Recent developments in New Zealand herpetofauna research: Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand (SRARNZ) 2017: DOC Research Development Series 353. (pp. 8). Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. Retrieved from
Moore, A., Miller, A., & Seddon, P. (2018). Local farm knowledge mapping for heritage and biological research. In A. Moore & I. Drecki (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint 9th National Cartographic Conference (GeoCart'2018) and 46th Australian and New Zealand Map Society (ANZMapS) Conference. (pp. 55-56). Auckland, New Zealand: CartoPRESS. [Abstract]
Young, M. J., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2018). Going solo: Conservation implications for post-fledging dispersal of yellow-eyed penguins. Proceedings of the Society for Conservation Biology 5th Oceania Congress: Conservation in a Changing World. (pp. 57). Retrieved from
Meyer, S., Young, M. J., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2018). Genetic and environmental trends of fitness and morphometric traits in a declining population of the Yellow-eyed penguin. Proceedings of the Society for Conservation Biology 5th Oceania Congress: Conservation in a Changing World. (pp. 56). Retrieved from
Seddon, P. (2018). Insect reintroduction biology. Proceedings of the Society for Conservation Biology 5th Oceania Congress: Conservation in a Changing World. (pp. 48). Retrieved from
Mattern, T., Seed, R., Ellenberg, U., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. (2018). Penguin-cams: Gaining a whole new perspective on the foraging ecology and marine habitat of Yellow-eyed penguins. Proceedings of the Birds New Zealand Conference. (pp. 16). Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Mattern, T., Pütz, K., Garcia-Borboroglu, P., Ellenberg, U., Houston, D., Long, R., … Seddon, P. J. (2018). Marathon penguins: Reasons and consequences of long-range dispersal in Fiordland penguins/Tawaki during the pre-moult period. PeerJ Preprints. doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.26527v1
Chapter in Book - Research
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Counting birds in urban areas: A review of methods for the estimation of abundance. In E. Murgui & M. Hedblom (Eds.), Ecology and conservation of birds in urban environments. (pp. 185-207). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43314-1_10
Journal - Research Article
Thiebot, J.-B., Arnould, J. P. Y., Gómez-Laich, A., Ito, K., Kato, A., Mattern, T., … Seddon, P. J., … Takahashi, A. (2017). Jellyfish and other gelata as food for four penguin species: Insights from predator-borne videos. Frontiers in Ecology & the Environment, 15(8), 437-441. doi: 10.1002/fee.1529
Stein, A. M., Young, M. J., Darby, J. T., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2017). Evidence for high inter-generational individual quality in yellow-eyed penguins. PeerJ, 5, e2935. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2935
Bennett, J. R., Maloney, R. F., Steeves, T. E., Brazill-Boast, J., Possingham, H. P., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Spending limited resources on de-extinction could lead to net biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1(4), 0053. doi: 10.1038/s41559-016-0053
Mattern, T., Meyer, S., Ellenberg, U., Houston, D. M., Darby, J. T., Young, M., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Quantifying climate change impacts emphasises the importance of managing regional threats in the endangered Yellow-eyed penguin. PeerJ, 5, e3727. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3272
Garrick, E. J., Amundson, C. L., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Duckling survival of mallards in Southland, New Zealand. Journal of Wildlife Management, 81(5), 858-867. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.21256
Sugishita, J., McKenzie, M., Torres, L. G., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Automated techniques for measuring meal size in great albatrosses. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 41(1), 120-125. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.41.6
Spencer, J., van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P. J., & Barratt, B. I. P. (2017). Synergy between two invasive species, redback spiders and rabbits, threaten the endangered Cromwell chafer beetle. Biological Invasions, 19(5), 1379-1387. doi: 10.1007/s10530-016-1352-6
Stein, A., Young, M. J., Seddon, P. J., Darby, J. T., & van Heezik, Y. (2017). Investigator disturbance does not reduce annual breeding success or lifetime reproductive success in a vulnerable long-lived species, the yellow-eyed penguin. Biological Conservation, 207, 80-89. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.01.013
Recio, M. R., Maloney, R. F., Mathieu, R., Virgós, E., Moore, A. B., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Optimizing control programmes by integrating data from fine-scale space use by introduced predators. Biological Invasions, 19(1), 209-221. doi: 10.1007/s10530-016-1274-3
Hand, K. L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P. J., Recio, M. R., Stein, A., & van Heezik, Y. (2017). The importance of urban gardens in supporting children's biophilia. PNAS, 114(2), 274-279. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1609588114
Piaggio, A. J., Segelbacher, G., Seddon, P. J., Alphey, L., Bennett, E. L., Carlson, R. H., … Wheeler, K. (2017). Is it time for synthetic biodiversity conservation? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32(2), 97-107. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2016.10.016
Watts, J. O., Moore, A., Palmer, D., Molteno, T. C. A., Recio, M. R., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). Trial reintroduction of buff weka to an unfenced mainland site in central South Island, New Zealand. Austral Ecology, 42(2), 198-209. doi: 10.1111/aec.12422
Iacona, G., Maloney, R. F., Chadès, I., Bennett, J. R., Seddon, P. J., & Possingham, H. P. (2017). Prioritizing revived species: What are the conservation management implications of de-extinction? Functional Ecology, 31, 1041-1048. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12720
Journal - Research Other
Taylor, G., Canessa, S., Clarke, R. H., Ingwerson, D., Armstrong, D. P., Seddon, P. J., & Ewen, J. G. (2017). Is reintroduction biology an effective applied science? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32(11), 873-880. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.08.002
Selbach, C., Seddon, P. J., & Poulin, R. (2017). Parasites lost: Neglecting a crucial element in de-extinction. Trends in Parasitology, 34(1). doi: 10.1016/
Hand, K. L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P. J., Recio, M. R., & van Heezik, Y. (2017). Reply to Fattorini et al.: Children's selected avoidance of wild greenspace is driven by more than cultural factors. PNAS, 114(35), E216-E217. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1712175114
Seddon, P. J. (2017). De-extinction and barriers to the application of new conservation tools. Hastings Center Report, 47(Suppl. S2), S5-S8. doi: 10.1002/hast.745
Seddon, P. J. (2017). The ecology of de-extinction. Functional Ecology, 31(5), 992-995. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12856
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Knight, M., Steenkamp, G., Hilton-Taylor, C., & Mallon, D. (2017). 18th International Conservation Forum for Arabia's Biodiversity. Oryx, 51(3), 399. doi: 10.1017/s0030605317000746
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Seddon, P. J. (2017). De-extinction: The possibilities and the potential perils of bringing back extinct species through genetic engineering. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) Conference: Maintaining Social License in a Changing World. Retrieved from
Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Garcia-Borboroglu, P., Pütz, K., Houston, D., & Seddon, P. (2017). The advantages of breeding in diverse habitats: Site-dependent effects of El Niño on foraging behaviour in Fiordland penguins/tawaki. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 44(2), (pp. 170-171). doi: 10.1080/03014223.2016.1264079
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Mattern, T., McPherson, M., Ellenberg, U., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2017). High definition video loggers provide new insights into behaviour, physiology, and the oceanic habitat of marine top predators. PeerJ Preprints. doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.2765v1
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J., & Armstrong, D. P. (2016). Reintroduction and other conservation translocations: History and future developments. In D. S. Jachowski, J. J. Millspaugh, P. L. Angermeier & R. H. Slotow (Eds.), Reintroduction of fish and wildlife populations. (pp. 7-28). Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Journal - Research Article
Jarvie, S., Recio, M. R., Adolph, S. C., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2016). Resource selection by tuatara following translocation: A comparison of wild-caught and captive-reared juveniles. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 40(3), 334-341.
Hand, K. L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P. J., Stein, A., & van Heezik, Y. (2016). A novel method for fine-scale biodiversity assessment and prediction across diverse urban landscapes reveals social deprivation-related inequalities in private, not public spaces. Landscape & Urban Planning, 151, 33-44. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.03.002
Jones, H. P., Holmes, N. D., Butchart, S. H. M., Tershy, B. R., Kappes, P. J., Corkery, I., … Seddon, P. J., … Croll, D. A. (2016). Invasive mammal eradication on islands results in substantial conservation gains. PNAS, 113(15), 4033-4038. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1521179113
Goldsworthy, B., Young, M. J., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2016). Stomach flushing does not affect apparent adult survival, chick hatching, or fledging success in yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes). Biological Conservation, 196, 115-123. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.02.009
Swan, K. D., McPherson, J. M., Seddon, P. J., & Moehrenschlager, A. (2016). Managing marine biodiversity: The rising diversity and prevalence of marine conservation translocations. Conservation Letters, 9(4), 239-251. doi: 10.1111/conl.12217
Barrett, D., Recio, M. R., Barratt, B. I. P., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2016). Resource selection by an ancient taxon (Onychophora) in a modern urban landscape: A multi-scale analysis approach to assist in the conservation of an animal phylum. Landscape & Urban Planning, 148, 27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.11.008
Journal - Research Other
Wood, V., Seddon, P. J., Beaven, B., & van Heezik, Y. (2016). Movement and diet of domestic cats on Stewart Island/Rakiura, New Zealand [Short communication]. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 40(1), 186-190. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.40.20
Russell, J. C., Jones, H. P., Armstrong, D. P., Courchamp, F., Kappes, P. J., Seddon, P. J., … Tershy, B. R. (2016). Importance of lethal control of invasive predators for island conservation. Conservation Biology, 30(3), 670-672. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12666
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Knight, M., Steenkamp, G., Hilton-Taylor, C., & Mallon, D. (2016). 17th International Conservation Workshop for Arabia's Biodiversity. Oryx, 50(3), 391. doi: 10.1017/S0030605316000260
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Stein, A. M., Young, M. J., Darby, J., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2016). Evidence for high inter-generational individual quality in yellow-eyed penguins. PeerJ Preprints. doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.2386v1
Edited Book - Research
Armstrong, D. P., Hayward, M. W., Moro, D., & Seddon, P. J. (Eds.). (2015). Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO, 320p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Moro, D., Hayward, M. W., Seddon, P. J., & Armstrong, D. P. (2015). Reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna: Progress, emerging themes and future directions. In D. P. Armstrong, M. W. Hayward, D. Moro & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. (pp. 285-290). Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO.
Seddon, P. J., Moro, D., Mitchell, N. J., Chauvenet, A. L. M., & Mawson, P. R. (2015). Proactive conservation or planned invasion? Past, current and future use of assisted colonisation. In D. P. Armstrong, M. W. Hayward, D. Moro & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. (pp. 105-126). Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO.
Armstrong, D. P., Moro, D., Hayward, M. W., & Seddon, P. J. (2015). Introduction: The development of reintroduction biology in New Zealand and Australia. In D. P. Armstrong, M. W. Hayward, D. Moro & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. (pp. 1-6). Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO.
Journal - Research Article
Bryan, S. A., van Heezik, Y., Vink, C. J., Seddon, P. J., Phillips, C. B., & Barratt, B. I. P. (2015). Invasive redback spiders (Latrodectus hasseltü) threaten an endangered, endemic New Zealand beetle (Prodontria lewisii). Journal of Insect Conservation, 19(5), 1021-1027. doi: 10.1007/s10841-015-9818-x
Sugishita, J., Torres, L. G., & Seddon, P. J. (2015). A new approach to study of seabird-fishery overlap: Connecting chick feeding with parental foraging and overlap with fishing vessels. Global Ecology & Conservation, 4, 632-644. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2015.11.001
Recio, M. R., Seddon, P. J., & Moore, A. B. (2015). Niche and movement models identify corridors of introduced feral cats infringing ecologically sensitive areas in New Zealand. Biological Conservation, 192, 48-56. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.09.004
Jarvie, S., Senior, A. M., Adolph, S. C., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2015). Captive rearing affects growth but not survival in translocated juvenile tuatara. Journal of Zoology, 297(3), 184-193. doi: 10.1111/jzo.12263
Grimaldi, W. W., Seddon, P. J., Lyver, P. O., Nakagawa, S., & Tompkins, D. M. (2015). Infectious diseases of Antarctic penguins: Current status and future threats. Polar Biology, 38(5), 591-606. doi: 10.1007/s00300-014-1632-5
Clark, R. D., Mathieu, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2015). Selection for protection from isolation results in the visual isolation of Yellow-eyed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes nests. Bird Conservation International, 25, 192-206. doi: 10.1017/S0959270914000082
Trathann, P. N., García-Borboroglu, P., Boersma, D., Bost, C.-A., Crawford, R. J. M., Crossin, G. T., … Davis, L. S., … Seddon, P. J., … Wienecke, B. (2015). Pollution, habitat loss, fishing, and climate change as critical threats to penguins. Conservation Biology, 29, 31-41. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12349
Journal - Research Other
Seddon, P. J. (2015). Using the IUCN Red List criteria to assess reintroduction success. Animal Conservation, 18(5), 407-408. doi: 10.1111/acv.12239
Seddon, P. J. (2015). De-extinction: Reframing the possible [Review of book How to clone a mammoth: The science of de-extinction]. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(10), 569-570. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2015.08.002
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Goriup, P., & Seddon, P. (2015). Synthetic biology and ecology: A new frontier [Professional update]. In Practice, 90, 42-44.
Seddon, P., Knight, M., Steenkamp, G., & Mallon, D. (2015). 16th International Conservation Workshop for Arabia's Biodiversity. Oryx, 49(3), 392-393. doi: 10.1017/S0030605315000253
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Jarvie, S., Senior, A. M., Adolph, S. C., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2015). How do juvenile tuatara perform following translocation to a cool southern ecosanctuary? A comparison between three source groups. In N. J. Nelson & S. N. Keall (Eds.), Recent developments in New Zealand herpetofauna research: Proceedings of the 15th and 16th biennial conferences of the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand (SRARNZ): DOC Research and Development Series 347. (pp. 17). Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Jarvie, S., Ramirez, E. A., Dolia, J., Adolph, S. C., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2014). Attaching radio transmitters does not affect mass, growth, or dispersal of translocated juvenile tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). Herpetological Review, 45(3), 417-421.
Jarvie, S., Besson, A. A., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2014). Assessing thermal suitability of translocation release sites for egg-laying reptiles with temperature-dependent sex determination: A case study with tuatara. Animal Conservation, 17, 48-55. doi: 10.1111/acv.12152
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., Virgós, E., & Seddon, P. J. (2014). Quantifying fine-scale resource selection by introduced feral cats to complement management decision-making in ecologically sensitive areas. Biological Invasions, 16(9), 1915-1927. doi: 10.1007/s10530-013-0635-4
Seddon, P. J., Griffiths, C. J., Soorae, P. S., & Armstrong, D. P. (2014). Reversing defaunation: Restoring species in a changing world. Science, 345(6195), 406-412. doi: 10.1126/science.1251818
Pickerell, G. A., O'Donnell, C. F. J., Wilson, D. J., & Seddon, P. J. (2014). How can we detect introduced mammalian predators in non-forest habitats? A comparison of techniques. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 38(1), 86-102.
Seddon, P. J., Moehrenschlager, A., & Ewen, J. (2014). Reintroducing resurrected species: Selecting DeExtinction candidates. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29(3), 140-147. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2014.01.007
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2014). Rearing to release: Managing risks in the reintroduction of captive-bred birds. In M. M. Lamont (Ed.), Conservation through Aviculture: ISBBC 2007: Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Breeding Birds in Captivity. (pp. 454-470). Hancock House Publishers. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Seddon, P. J. (2014). Resurrection for reintroduction and the pre-selection of de-extinction candidates. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Annual Conference. (pp. 75). Retrieved from
Other Research Output
Seddon, P. (2014, September). Reintroducing biology: Restoring species in a changing world. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J., Ellenberg, U., & van Heezik, Y. (2013). Yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes). In P. Garcia Borboroglu & P. D. Boersma (Eds.), Penguins: Natural history and conservation. (pp. 91-110). Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (2013). Reintroductions to “ratchet up” public perceptions of biodiversity: Reversing the extinction of experience through animal restorations. In M. Bekoff (Ed.), Ignoring nature no more: The case for compassionate conservation. (pp. 137-151). University of Chicago Press.
Journal - Research Article
Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Houston, D. M., Lamare, M., Davis, L. S., van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2013). Straight line foraging in yellow-eyed penguins: New insights into cascading fisheries effects and orientation capabilities of marine predators. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e84381. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084381
Recio, M. R., & Seddon, P. J. (2013). Understanding determinants of home range behaviour of feral cats as introduced apex predators in insular ecosystems: A spatial approach. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 67(12), 1971-1981. doi: 10.1007/s00265-013-1605-7
Knox, C. D., Cree, A., & Seddon, P. J. (2013). Accurate identification of individual geckos (Naultinus gemmeus) through dorsal pattern differentiation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 37(1), 60-66.
Gebauer, K., Dickinson, K. J. M., Whigham, P. A., & Seddon, P. J. (2013). Matrix matters: Differences of grand skink metapopulation parameters in native tussock grasslands and exotic pasture grasslands. PLoS ONE, 8(10), e76076. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076076
Cruz, J., Pech, R. P., Seddon, P. J., Cleland, S., Nelson, D., Sanders, M. D., & Maloney, R. F. (2013). Species-specific responses by ground-nesting Charadriiformes to invasive predators and river flows in the braided Tasman River of New Zealand. Biological Conservation, 167, 363-370. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.09.005
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., Hall, G. B., Moore, A. B., & Seddon, P. J. (2013). Landscape resource mapping for wildlife research using very high resolution satellite imagery. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 4(10), 982-992. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12094
Rodriguez Recio, M., Mathieu, R., Latham, M. C., Latham, A. D. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2013). Quantifying fine-scale resource selection by introduced European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in ecologically sensitive areas. Biological Invasions, 15(8), 1807-1818. doi: 10.1007/s10530-013-0410-6
Parker, K. A., Ewen, J. G., Seddon, P. J., & Armstrong, D. P. (2013). Post-release monitoring of bird translocations: Why is it important and how do we do it? Notornis, 60(1), 85-92.
Journal - Research Other
Seddon, P. J. (2013). The new IUCN guidelines highlight the importance of habitat quality to reintroduction success: Reply to White et al. Biological Conservation, 164, 177. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.05.021
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Knight, M., & Mallon, D. (2013). 14th Conservation Workshop for the Biodiversity of Arabia. Oryx, 47(3), 326-327. doi: 10.1017/S0030605313000458
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Moore, A., Rodriguez Recio, M., Rodda, J., Watts, J., & Seddon, P. (2013). Visual data mining of generalized and optimized spatiotemporal animal paths. In P. Denys, M. Strack, A. B. Moore & P. Whigham (Eds.), Proceedings of the 125th New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (NZIS) Annual Conference and the Spatial Information Research Centre New Zealand (SIRC NZ) GIS and Remote Sensing Research Conference: Celebrating the Past: Redefining the Future. (pp. 131-132). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Institute of Surveyors. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hand, K., Seddon, P., Freeman, C., & Van Heezik, Y. (2013). Finding nature in the city: Biodiversity and children's habitat-use in the urban environment. Proceedings of EcoTas13: The 5th Joint Conference of New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) and Ecological Society of Australia (ESA). (pp. 65). Retrieved from
Mattern, T., Ellenberg, U., Houston, D. M., Seddon, P. J., & Davis, L. S. (2013). The Pros and Cons of being a benthic forager: How anthropogenic alterations of the seafloor affect Yellow-eyed penguins [Keynote]. Proceedings of the 8th International Penguin Conference (IPC8). (pp. 16). Retrieved from
Edited Book - Research
Ewen, J. G., Armstrong, D. P., Parker, K. A., & Seddon, P. J. (Eds.). (2012). Reintroduction biology: Integrating science and management. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 499p. doi: 10.1002/9781444355833
Chapter in Book - Research
Osborne, P. E., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Selecting suitable habitats for reintroductions: Variation, change and the role of species distribution modelling. In J. G. Ewen, D. P. Armstrong, K. A. Parker & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Reintroduction biology: Integrating science and management. (pp. 73-104). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444355833.ch3
Seddon, P. J., Strauss, W. M., & Innes, J. (2012). Animal translocations: What are they and why do we do them? In J. G. Ewen, D. P. Armstrong, K. A. Parker & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Reintroduction biology: Integrating science and management. (pp. 1-32). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444355833.ch1
Chapter in Book - Other
Ewen, J. G., Armstrong, D. P., Parker, K. A., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Preface. In J. G. Ewen, D. P. Armstrong, K. A. Parker & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Reintroduction biology: Integrating science and management. (pp. xxiii-xxv). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444355833.fmatter
Seddon, P. J., Armstrong, D. P., Parker, K. A., & Ewen, J. G. (2012). Summary. In J. G. Ewen, D. P. Armstrong, K. A. Parker & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Reintroduction biology: Integrating science and management. (pp. 476-481). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444355833.ch14
Journal - Research Article
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Accounting for detectability when estimating avian abundance in an urban area. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 36(3), 391-397.
Knox, C. D., Cree, A., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Direct and indirect effects of grazing by introduced mammals on a native, arboreal gecko (Naultinus gemmeus). Journal of Herpetology, 46(2), 145-152. doi: 10.1670/10-315
Hegg, D., Giroir, T., Ellenberg, U., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Yellow-eyed Penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) as a case study to assess the reliability of nest counts. Journal of Ornithology, 153(2), 457-466. doi: 10.1007/s10336-011-0761-7
Ellenberg, U., Mattern, T., Houston, D. M., Davis, L. S., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Previous experiences with humans affect responses of Snares Penguins to experimental disturbance. Journal of Ornithology, 153(3), 621-631. doi: 10.1007/s10336-011-0780-4
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Knight, M., & Mallon, D. (2012). 13th Conservation Workshop for the Biodiversity of Arabia. Oryx, 46(2), 173-174.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sugishita, J., Seddon, P., Torres, L., Perriman, L., & Molteno, T. (2012). Royal parenting: Foraging strategies and risks in Northern royal albatross. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Conference. (pp. 108). Retrieved from
Pickerell, G., O'Donnell, C. F., Wilson, D., & Seddon, P. (2012). How to catch a cat: A comparison of methods for detecting mammalian predator presence on New Zealand braided rivers. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Conference. (pp. 93). Retrieved from
Maloney, R. F., Cruz, J., Seddon, P., Cleland, S., Nelson, D., Sanders, M. D., & Pech, R. P. (2012). Differential responses to large-scale predator control and river flows by four braided river bird species. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Conference. (pp. 72). Retrieved from
Gebauer, K., Whigham, P. A., Dickinson, K. J. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2012). Matrix matters: Differences of grand skink metapopulation dynamics in native tussock grasslands and exotic pasture grasslands. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) Conference. (pp. 51). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., Denys, P., Sirguey, P., & Seddon, P. J. (2011). Lightweight GPS-tags, one giant leap for wildlife tracking? An assessment approach. PLoS ONE, 6(12), e28225. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028225
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2011). Design of a GPS backpack to track European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 57(6), 1175-1178. doi: 10.1007/s10344-011-0530-1
Thorsen, M. J., Seddon, P. J., & Dickinson, K. J. M. (2011). Faunal influences on New Zealand seed dispersal characteristics. Evolutionary Ecology, 25(6), 1397-1426. doi: 10.1007/s10682-011-9470-1
Seddon, P. J., Roughton, C. M., Reardon, J., & Mackenzie, D. I. (2011). Dynamics of an endangered New Zealand skink: Accounting for incomplete detectability in estimating patch occupancy. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 35(3), 247-253.
Knight, M. H., Seddon, P. J., & Al Midfa, A. (2011). Transboundary conservation initiatives and opportunities in the Arabian Peninsula. Zoology in the Middle East, (Suppl. 3), 183-195.
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., Maloney, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2011). Cost comparison between GPS- and VHF-based telemetry: Case study of feral cats Felis catus in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 35(1), 114-117.
Journal - Research Other
Seddon, P. J., Price, M. S., Launay, F., Maunder, M., Soorae, P., Molur, S., … Genovesi, P. (2011). Frankenstein ecosystems and 21st century conservation agendas: Reply to Oliveira-Santos and Fernandez [Letter to the editor]. Conservation Biology, 25(2), 212-213. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01647.x
Armstrong, D. P., & Seddon, P. J. (2011). Making inferences from the reintroduction literature: A response to Bajomi et al [Letter to the editor]. Oryx, 45, 18. doi: 10.1017/S0030605310001432
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Knight, M., Mallon, D., & Seddon, P. (2011). 12th Conservation Workshop for the Biodiversity of Arabia: Protected area plans and Red Listing of the carnivores of Arabia. Oryx, 45(2), 170-171. doi: 10.1017/S0030605311000512
Seddon, P., Mallon, D., & Knight, M. (2011). Foreword. Zoology in the Middle East, 54(Suppl. 3), 5.
Other - Edited Journal
Knight, M., Mallon, D., & Seddon, P. (Eds.). (2011). Zoology in the Middle East (Suppl. 3) Biodiversity conservation in the Arabian Peninsula. [Journal Editor].
Chapter in Book - Research
Ellenberg, U., & Seddon, P. J. (2010). Effective management decision-making depends on rigorous research. In A. Krause & E. Weir (Eds.), Ecotourism: Management, development and impact. (pp. 257-260). New York: Nova Science.
Journal - Research Article
Seddon, P. J. (2010). From reintroduction to assisted colonization: Moving along the conservation translocation spectrum. Restoration Ecology, 18(6), 796-802. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00724.x
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., Maloney, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2010). First results of feral cats (Felis catus) monitored with GPS collars in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 34(3), 288-296.
Sutherland, W. J., Armstrong, D., Butchart, S. H. M., Earnhardt, J. M., Ewen, J., Jamieson, I., … Seddon, P. J., … Tatayah, V. (2010). Standards for documenting and monitoring bird reintroduction projects. Conservation Letters, 3(4), 229-235. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00113.x
Boessenkool, S., Star, B., Seddon, P. J., & Waters, J. M. (2010). Temporal genetic samples indicate small effective population size of the endangered yellow-eyed penguin. Conservation Genetics, 11(2), 539-546. doi: 10.1007/s10592-009-9988-8
Metsers, E., Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. M. (2010). Cat-exclusion zones in rural and urban-fringe landscapes: How large would they have to be? Wildlife Research, 37(1), 47-56. doi: 10.1071/wr09070
Boessenkool, S., Star, B., Scofield, R. P., Seddon, P. J., & Waters, J. M. (2010). Lost in translation or deliberate falsification? Genetic analyses reveal erroneous museum data for historic penguin specimens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 277(1684), 1057-1064. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1837
Lettink, M., Norbury, G., Cree, A., Seddon, P. J., Duncan, R. P., & Schwarz, C. J. (2010). Removal of introduced predators, but not artificial refuge supplementation, increases skink survival in coastal duneland. Biological Conservation, 143(1), 72-77. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.09.004
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Knight, M., & Mallon, D. (2010). Conference on biodiversity conservation in the Arabian Peninsula. Wildlife Middle East, 4(4), 8.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Garcia-Borboroglu, P., Boersma, D., Trathan, P., Pütz, K., Wienecke, B., Le Maho, Y., … Mattern, T., … Ellenberg, U., Seddon, P., van Heezik, Y., … Davis, L., … Hindel, M. (2010). Penguin status in troubled oceans. In H. Urquhart, D. Laughlin & P. DiBona (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Penguin Conference. (pp. 44). Boston, MA: New England Aquarium. [Abstract]
Gebauer, K., Dickinson, K., Seddon, P., & Whigham, P. (2010). Spatially explicit population models for grand skink. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 37(1), (pp. 74). doi: 10.1080/03014221003602208
Harris, K., Whigham, P., Dickinson, K., & Seddon, P. (2010). Gradients of modification in native tussock grasslands. Proceedings of the Information Science Postgraduate Day. (pp. 29-30). Retrieved from
Gebauer, K., Dickinson, K., Seddon, P., & Whigham, P. (2010). Home range estimates of endangered grand skink populations in native tussock grassland and exotic pasture grasslands. New Zealand Ecological Society Annual Conference: Biodiversity: 2010 and Beyond. (pp. 39). Retrieved from
Thorsen, M., Dickinson, K., & Seddon, P. (2010). Spatial patterns in recruitment of large-fruited plants on northern New Zealand islands with or without the NZ pigeon Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae. New Zealand Ecological Society Annual Conference: Biodiversity: 2010 and Beyond. (pp. 120-121). Retrieved from
Seddon, P. J. (2010). Should they stay or should they go now? Reintroductions and the challenge of post-release dispersal. New Zealand Ecological Society Annual Conference: Biodiversity: 2010 and Beyond. (pp. 111). Retrieved from
Recio, M. R., Mathieu, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2010). Quantifying spatial ecology of mammals using GPS telemetry and high-resolution satellite imagery: The 'high-tech war' against pest predators in New Zealand. New Zealand Ecological Society Annual Conference: Biodiversity: 2010 and Beyond. (pp. 102-103). Retrieved from
Pickerell, G., Seddon, P., Wilson, D., & O'Donnell, C. (2010). Going with the flow: Mammalian predator presence on islands in New Zealand's braided rivers. New Zealand Ecological Society Annual Conference: Biodiversity: 2010 and Beyond. (pp. 100-101). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Seddon, P. (2010, February). Outputs and future. Verbal presentation at the Conference on Biodiveristy Conservation in the Arabian Peninsula, Sharjah, UAE.
Journal - Research Article
Watson, D. M., Lalas, C., & Seddon, P. J. (2009). Calibrations to estimate absolute numbers of New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) pups from direct counts. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research, 43(5), 1053-1060. doi: 10.1080/00288330.2009.9626528
Thorsen, M. J., Dickinson, K. J. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2009). Seed dispersal systems in the New Zealand flora. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution & Systematics, 11(4), 285-309. doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2009.06.001
van Heezik, Y., Maloney, R. F., & Seddon, P. J. (2009). Movements of translocated captive-bred and released critically endangered kaki (black stilts) Himantopus novaezelandiae and the value of long-term post-release monitoring. Oryx, 43(4), 639-647. doi: 10.1017/S0030605309990081
Boessenkool, S., Star, B., Waters, J., & Seddon, P. J. (2009). Multilocus assignment analyses reveal multiple units and rare migration events in the recently expanded yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes). Molecular Ecology, 18(11), 2390-2400. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04203.x
Boessenkool, S., Austin, J. J., Worthy, T. H., Scofield, P., Cooper, A., Seddon, P. J., & Waters, J. M. (2009). Relict or colonizer? Extinction and range expansion of penguins in southern New Zealand. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276(1658), 815-821. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.1246
Ellenberg, U., Mattern, T., & Seddon, P. J. (2009). Habituation potential of yellow-eyed penguins depends on sex, character and previous experience with humans. Animal Behaviour, 77(2), 289-296. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.09.021
Journal - Research Other
Seddon, P. J., Armstrong, D. P., Soorae, P., Launay, F., Walker, S., Ruiz-Miranda, C. R., … Kleiman, D. G. (2009). The risks of assisted colonization [Letter]. Conservation Biology, 23(4), 788-789. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01200.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gebauer, K., Dickinson, K. J. M., Seddon, P. J., & Whigham, P. A. (2009). Skinks on the rocks: Analysing presence-absence data for spatially explicit population models. Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Wildlife Management Society (AWMS) Annual Conference. (pp. 79). Retrieved from
Seddon, P. (2009). From restoration to re-creation: Where does assisted colonization fit within the translocation spectrum? Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Wildlife Management Society (AWMS) Annual Conference. (pp. 95). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Seddon, P., Knight, M., & Budd, K. (Eds.). (2009). Proceedings of the 10th Conservation Workshop for the Fauna of Arabia: Progress and Partnerships for Protected Areas in the Arabian Peninsula. United Arab Emirates: Environment & Protected Areas Authority, Government of Sharjah. 97p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J., & Ellenberg, U. (2008). Effects of human disturbance on penguins: The need for site- and species-specific visitor management guidelines. In J. Higham & M. Lück (Eds.), Marine wildlife and tourism management: Insights from the natural and social sciences. (pp. 163-181). Wallingford, UK: CABI.
Seddon, P. J., & Launay, F. (2008). Arab falconry: Changes, challenges and conservation opportunities of an ancient art. In B. Lovelock (Ed.), Tourism and the consumption of wildlife: Hunting, shooting and sport fishing. (pp. 196-210). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Armstrong, D. P., & Seddon, P. J. (2008). Directions in reintroduction biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23(1), 20-25. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2007.10.003
Seddon, P. J., & Leech, T. (2008). Conservation short cut, or long and winding road? A critique of umbrella species criteria. Oryx, 42(2), 240-245. doi: 10.1017/S003060530806119X
Leech, T. J., Gormley, A. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2008). Estimating the minimum viable population size of kaka (Nestor meridionalis), a potential surrogate species in New Zealand lowland forest. Biological Conservation, 141(3), 681-691. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2007.12.011
Boessenkool, S., King, T. M., Seddon, P. J., & Waters, J. M. (2008). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes). Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(5), 1043-1045. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2008.02149.x
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., & Egan, D. (2008). 9th Conservation Workshop for the Fauna of Arabia: Protected Area Systems in the Arabian Peninsula [Review]. Oryx, 42(2), 172-173. doi: 10.1017/S0030605308042221
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Seddon, P. (2008). Developing the science of reintroduction biology. Avian Biology Research. 1(1), (pp. 28). [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Ewen, J. G., Armstrong, D., Parker, K., & Seddon, P. (Eds.). (2008). Avian Biology Research [Avian reintroduction biology: Current issues for science and management: Conference Abstracts], 1. 1 edition. 24p. doi: 10.3184/175815508X334695
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Clark, R. D., Mathieu, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2008). Geographic information systems in wildlife management: A case study using yellow-eyed penguin nest site data [DOC Research and Development Series 303]. Department of Conservation. Wellington, New Zealand: DOC. 34p.
Lettink, M., Cree, A., Norbury, G., & Seddon, P. J. (2008). Monitoring and restoration options for lizards on Kaitorete Spit, Canterbury [DOC Research and Development Series 301]. Department of Conservation. Wellington, New Zealand: DOC. 44p.
Journal - Research Article
Shanahan, D. F., Mathieu, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2007). Fine-scale movement of the European hedgehog: An application of spool-and-thread tracking. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 31(2), 160-168.
Seddon, P. J., Armstrong, D. P., & Maloney, R. F. (2007). Developing the science of reintroduction biology. Conservation Biology, 21(2), 303-312.
Leech, T. J., Craig, E., Beaven, B., Mitchell, D. K., & Seddon, P. J. (2007). Reintroduction of rifleman Acanthisitta chloris to Ulva Island, New Zealand: Evaluation of techniques and population persistence. Oryx, 41(3), 369-375.
Lettink, M., & Seddon, P. J. (2007). Influence of microhabitat factors on capture rates of lizards in a coastal New Zealand environment. Journal of Herpetology, 41(2), 187-196.
Ellenberg, U., Setiawan, A. N., Cree, A., Houston, D. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2007). Elevated hormonal stress response and reduced reproductive output in Yellow-eyed penguins exposed to unregulated tourism. General & Comparative Endocrinology, 152, 54-63.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P. J., Armstrong, D. P., & Maloney, R. F. (2007). [Letter to the editor]. Conservation Biology, 21(6), 1388-1390.
Seddon, P., & Mallon, D. (2007). Arabian conservation workshops. Oryx, 41(2), 2-3.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Lettink, M., Norbury, G., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2007). Effects of habitat and predator manipulation on apparent survival in a terrestrial New Zealand lizard. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 34(3), (pp. 266-267). doi: 10.1080/03014220709510084
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Seddon, P. (2007, September). The opportunities and challenges of re-introducing captive bred founders. Verbal presentation at the IV International Symposium on Breeding Birds in Captivity, Toronto, Canada.
Journal - Research Article
Mathieu, R., Seddon, P., & Leiendecker, J. (2006). Predicting the distribution of raptors using remote sensing techniques and Geographic Information Systems: A case study with the Eastern New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 33(1), 73-84. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2006.9518432
Ellenberg, U., Mattern, T., Seddon, P. J., & Jorquera, G. L. (2006). Physiological and reproductive consequences of human disturbance in Humboldt penguins: The need for species-specific visitor management. Biological Conservation, 133, 95-106.
Roughton, C. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2006). Estimating site occupancy and detectability of an endangered New Zealand lizard, the Otago skink (Oligosoma otagense). Wildlife Research, 33, 193-198.
Greaves, G. J., Mathieu, R., & Seddon, P. J. (2006). Predictive modelling and ground validation of the spatial distribution of the New Zealand long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus). Biological Conservation, 132, 211-221.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Seddon, P., Dickinson, K., & Harland, T. (2006). Research-led teaching in Ecology. In R. Spronken-Smith (Ed.), Proceedings of the Spotlight on Teaching at Otago Conference. (pp. 17-18). Dunedin, New Zealand: HEDC, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Seddon, P. (2006, August-September). Tracking feral and domestic cats using GPS collars: An assessment of accuracy, efficiency, costs, potential bias, and possible analyses. Verbal presentation at the Third Joint Conference of the NZ Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of Australia, Wellington, New Zealand.
Leech, T. J., & Seddon, P. J. (2006, December). Estimating the minimum viable population size of kaka (Nestor meridionalis), a potential umbrella species for New Zealand lowland forest. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society 19th Scientific Meeting and Annual General Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand.
Seddon, P. (2006, August-September). Not seen, or not there? Accounting for incomplete detectability in estimating patch occupancy of endangered New Zealand skinks. Verbal presentation at the Third Joint Conference of the NZ Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of Australia, Wellington, New Zealand.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Seddon, P. (2006). Moehau pateke (brown teal) population dynamics. Commissioned by Pateke Recovery Group, NZ Department of Conservation. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. 10p.
Journal - Research Article
Steffens, K. E., Seddon, P. J., Mathieu, R., & Jamieson, I. G. (2005). Habitat selection by South Island saddlebacks and Stewart Island robins reintroduced to Ulva Island. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 29(2), 221-229.
Harper, G. A., Dickinson, K. J. M., & Seddon, P. J. (2005). Habitat use by three rat species (Rattus spp.) on Stewart Island/Rakiura, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 29(2), 251-260.
Cameron, B. G., van Heezik, Y., Maloney, R. F., Seddon, P. J., & Harraway, J. A. (2005). Improving predator capture rates: Analysis of river margin trap site data in the Waitaki Basin, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 29(1), 117-128.
Kissling, W. D., Schnittler, M., Seddon, P. J., Dickinson, K. J. M., & Lord, J. M. (2005). Invasion ecology of the alien tussock grass Nardus stricta (Poaceae) at Lake Pukaki, Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 43, 601-612.
Seddon, P. J., Soorae, P. S., & Launay, F. (2005). Taxonomic bias in reintroduction projects. Animal Conservation, 8, 51-58.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2005). Structure and content of graduate wildlife management and conservation biology programs: An international perspective. Conservation Biology, 19(1), 7-14.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P., Armstrong, D., & Maloney, R. (2005). Developing the science of re-introduction biology a symposium held in conjunction with the 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress. Re-Introduction News, 24(April), 6-8.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P. J., & Darby, J. T. (2005). Is flipper banding bad for yellow-eyed penguins? What can Richdale tell us? New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 32(4), (pp. 265-266). doi: 10.1080/03014223.2005.9518418
Lettink, M., Cree, A., Seddon, P. J., & Norbury, G. (2005). Pitfall traps versus artificial cover objects: A comparison of methods and preferences in a mark-recapture study of New Zealand lizards. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 32(3), (pp. 225-226). doi: 10.1080/03014223.2005.9518413
Journal - Research Article
Kissling, W. D., Schnittler, M., Seddon, P. J., Dickinson, K. J. M., & Lord, J. M. (2004). Ecology and distribution of Nardus stricta L. (Poaceae) - An alien invader into New Zealand. New Zealand Natural Sciences, 29, 1-12.
Sancha, E., van Heezik, Y., Maloney, R., Alley, M., & Seddon, P. (2004). Iodine deficiency affects hatchability of endangered captive kaki (black stilt, Himantopus novaezelandiae). Zoo Biology, 23(1), 1-13.
McClung, M. R., Seddon, P. J., Massaro, M., & Setiawan, A. N. (2004). Nature-based tourism impacts on yellow-eyed penguins Megadyptes antipodes: Does unregulated visitor access affect fledging weight and juvenile survival? Biological Conservation, 119, 279-285.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Seddon, P. J., & Maloney, R. F. (2004). Tracking wildlife radio-tag signals by light fixed-wing aircraft. Department of Conservation Technical Series 30, 5-23.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mathieu, R., Seddon, P., Maloney, R., & Seko, S. (2004). Mapping of braided river habitats using multiscale satellite imagery (Waitaki Basin, New Zealand). Proceedings of the 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress, incorporating the 16th Annual Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference. (pp. 390). [Abstract]
Seddon, P. J., Smith, A., Dunlop, E., & Mathieu, R. (2004). Tourist visitor attitudes, activities and impacts at a yellow-eyed penguin breeding site on the Otago Peninsula, Dunedin, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 31(1), (pp. 119-120). doi: 10.1080/03014223.2004.9518365
Shelton, E., Higham, J., & Seddon, P. J. (2004). Habituation, penguin research and ecotourism: Some thoughts from left field. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 31(1), (pp. 119). doi: 10.1080/03014223.2004.9518365
Journal - Research Article
van Heezik, Y., Ismail, K., & Seddon, P. J. (2003). Shifting spatial distributions of Arabian oryx in relation to sporadic water provision and artificial shade. Oryx, 37(3), 295-304.
Seddon, P. J., Ismail, K., Shobrak, M., Ostrowski, S., & Magin, C. (2003). A comparison of derived population estimate, mark-resighting and distance sampling methods to determine the population size of a desert ungulate, the Arabian oryx. Oryx, 37(3), 286-294.
Journal - Research Other
Seddon, P. J. (2003). [Review of the book Wildlife restoration: Techniques for habitat analysis and animal monitoring]. Oryx, 37(3), 382-383.
Seddon, P. J., & Khoja, A. R. (2003). Saudi Arabian tourism patterns and attitudes. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(4), 957-959.
Seddon, P. J., & Khoja, A. R. (2003). Youth attitudes to wildlife, protected areas and outdoor recreation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Ecotourism, 2(1), 67-75.
Conference Contribution - Edited volume of conference proceedings
Seddon, P. J. (Ed.). (2003). The ecology of ecotourism. Dunedin: Ecology Research Group, University of Otago. 56p.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Seddon, P. J., & Maloney, R. (2003). Campbell Island teal re-introduction plan. Commissioned by Campbell Island Teal Recovery Group. Wellington: Department of Conservation. 30p.
Journal - Research Article
Williams, J. B., Lenain, D., Ostrowski, S., Tieleman, B. I., & Seddon, P. J. (2002). Energy expenditure and water flux of Rüppell's foxes in Saudi Arabia. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology, 75(5), 479-488.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2002). Patch use and exploratory movements of a resident houbara bustard in northern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 50(2), 683-686.
Seddon, P. J., & Ismail, K. (2002). Influence of ambient temperature on diurnal activity of Arabian oryx: Implications for reintroduction site selection. Oryx, 36(1), 50-55.
van Heezik, Y., Saint Jalme, M., & Seddon, P. J. (2002). Temperature and egg-laying experience influence breeding performance of captive female houbara bustards. Journal of Avian Biology, 33(1), 63-70.
Journal - Research Article
Lariviere, S., & Seddon, P. J. (2001). Vulpes rueppelli. Mammalian Species, 678, 1-5.
Treydte, A. C., Williams, J. B., Bedin, E., Ostrowski, S., Seddon, P. J., Marschall, E. A., … Ismail, K. (2001). In search of the optimal management stategy for Arabian oryx. Animal Conservation, 4, 239-249.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2001). Influence of group size and neonatal handling on growth rates, survival, and tameness of juvenile houbara bustards. Zoo Biology, 20, 423-433.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (2001). Born to be tame. Natural History, 6(1), 58-63.
Edited Book - Research
Soorae, P., & Seddon, P. J. (Eds.). (2000). Re-introduction news: Special bird issue. No 19. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, 55p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J., Judas, J., Maloney, R. F., Combreau, O., & van Heezik, Y. (2000). The re-introduction of houbara bustards in the Kingsom of Saudi Arabia. In P. Soorae & P. J. Seddon (Eds.), Re-introduction news: Special bird issue. No 19. (pp. 22-24). IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group.
Journal - Research Article
Seddon, P. J. (2000). Trends in Saudi Arabia: Increasing coomunity involvement and a potential role for eco-tourism. Parks, 10(1), 11-24.
Chapter in Book - Research
Seddon, P. J., & van Heezik, Y. (1999). Counting Houbara bustards in northern Saudi Arabia: An assessment of methods. In Counting Houbara bustards. (pp. 18-24). Abu Dhabi: IUCN/SSC/Birdlife Working Group on the Houbara Bustard.
Journal - Research Article
Seddon, P. J. (1999). Persistence without intervention: Assessing success in wildlife re-introductions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 14(12), 503-ff.
Seddon, P. J., & Soorae, P. (1999). Guidelines for subspecific substitutions in wildlife restoration projects. Conservation Biology, 13(1), 177-184.
Seddon, P. J., Launay, F., van Heezik, Y., & Al Bowardi, M. (1999). Methods for live trapping Houbara bustards. Journal of Field Ornithology, 70(2), 169-181.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (1999). Effects of season and habitat on bird abundance and diversity in steppe desert, northern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 43, 301-317.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (1999). Seasonal changes in habitat use by houbara bustards Chlamydotis [undulata] macqueenii in northern Saudi Arabia. Ibis, 141, 208-215.
van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P. J., & Maloney, R. F. (1999). Helping reintroduced houbara bustards avoid predation: Effective anti-predator training and the predictive value of pre-release behaviour. Animal Conservation, 2(3), 155-163.
Seddon, P. J. (1999). Re-introductions, introductions and the importance of post-release monitoring: Lessons from Zanzibar. Oryx, 33(2), 89-90.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Seddon, P. J. (1999). Brood size determination in penguins. In N. J. Adams & R. H. Slotow (Eds.), 22nd International Ornithological Congress. (pp. 1162-1177). Johannesburg: Birdlife South Africa. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Seddon, P. J., van Heezik, Y., & Maloney, R. F. (1999). Short- and medium-term evaluation of leghold trapping injuries to two species of fox in Saudi Arabia. Verbal presentation at the Mammal Trapping COnference ALpha Wildlife Research, Alberta, Canada.
Edited Book - Research
Soorae, P. S., & Seddon, P. J. (Eds.). (1998). International directory of re-introduction projects. Kenya: IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group & NCWCD, 97p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fisher, M., Ghazanfar, S. A., Chaudhary, S. A., Seddon, P. J., Robertson, E. F., Omar, S., … Boer, B. (1998). Diversity and Conservation. In S. A. Ghazanfar & M. Fisher (Eds.), Vegetation of Arabia. (pp. Ch. 12). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Journal - Research Article
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (1998). Ontogeny of behaviour of hand-reared and hen-reared captive houbara bustards. Zoo Biology, 17, 245-255.
van Heezik, Y., & Seddon, P. J. (1998). Home rangge and habitat use of an adult male caracal in northern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 40, 109-112.
Journal - Research Article
Seddon, P. J. (1997). Resident houbara bustard populations in Sudi Arabia: Do ambiant temperatures limit distribution? Journal of Arid Environments, 37, 551-556.
Seddon, P. J., van Heezik, Y., & Nader, I. A. (1997). Mammals of the Harrat al-Harrah protected area, Saudi Arabia. Zoology in the Middle East, 14, 37-46.
Gelinaud, G., Combreau, O., & Seddon, P. J. (1997). First breeding by captive-bred houbara bustards introduced in central Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 35, 527-534.