The Master of Health Sciences (MHealSc) degree allows study at a postgraduate level across a range of health disciplines, and research experience (thesis, dissertation or project) in the student's area of specialisation.
Normally before embarking upon study within the Master of Health Sciences programme, students would first complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences (PGCertHealSc) and/or a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences (PGDipHealSc). Students are normally required to obtain a B average over their Postgraduate Diploma (and including a B+ in an appropriate research methods paper) in order to be admitted to Masters study.
Information for new applicants
The Master of Health Sciences (MHealSc) comprises 120 points. This can be a thesis worth the entire 120 points, a 60 point dissertation and further papers to the value of 60 points, or 30 point research project and 90 points of further papers.
A 30 point research methods paper is a requirement for the Master of Health Sciences. It can be taken as a generic “unendorsed” option or as an "endorsed" option from those listed below.
Each “endorsed” option has different requirements so it is important to seek course advice before you apply. You can obtain information about each endorsement by clicking on the links below.
The Master of Health Sciences is taught from three campuses (Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington).
Endorsements marked with an asterisk are available through Distance Learning.
Each endorsement is based at a particular campus indicated below: D = Dunedin, C = Christchurch, W = Wellington.
- Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport * W
- Aviation Medicine * W
- Bioethics * D
- Health Management D, C, W
- Human Nutrition D
- Mental Health * C
- Musculoskeletal Management * C
- Nursing * C
- Nursing - Clinical * C
- Occupational Health * D
- Occupational Medicine * W
- Pain and Pain Management * C
- Rehabilitation * W
Schedule of Papers
- CHHE 701 Community Child Health (30 points)
- EDUC 427 Qualitative Research (30 points)
- GENA 702 Sexual and Reproductive Health (30 points)
- GENA 704 Te Tūhauora: Māori Health (30 points)
- GENA 720 Refugee and Migrant Health (30 points)
- GENA 731 Supporting Healthier Lifestyles: Core Principles (15 points)
- GENA 732 Supporting Healthier Lifestyles: Sleep Management (15 points)
- GENA 734 Supporting Healthier Lifestyles: Addiction and Drug Abuse (15 points)
- GENA 735 Supporting Healthier Lifestyles: Challenging Conversations (15 points)
- GENA 736 Pacific Health (30 points)
- GENA 737 Obesity Prevention and management (30 points)
- GENA 820 Core Studies in Medical Practice (30 points)
- GENA 821 Research Methods (30 points)
- GENA 822 Advanced Nature of General Practice (15 points)
- GENA 823 Teaching and Learning in Medical Practice (15 points)
- GENA 824 Ethics in General Practice (15 points)
- LAWS 448 Law and Psychiatry (15 points)
- PHCY 520 Applied patient-centred care (30 points)
- PHCY 521 Elective topics in patient-centred care (30 points)
- PRHC 701 New Zealand Primary Health Care (30 points)
- PRHC 702 Wilderness Medicine (30 points)
All papers with the following subject codes:
- AVME Aviation Medicine
- BITC Bioethics
- CHIC Children's Issues
- COBE Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy
- CTMG Continence Management
- HASC Health Sciences
- HAZA Hazard Assessment and Management
- MSME Musculoskeletal Medicine
- NURS Nursing
- NUTN Human Nutrition
- OCCH Occupational Health
- PAIN Pain Management
- PHTY Physiotherapy
- PSME Psychological Medicine
- PUBH Public Health
- REHB Rehabilitation
- SPME Sports Medicine
(1) Not all papers are available in Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington.
(2) This list of papers is not exclusive.
(3) Some papers may be taken only for specific endorsed options.
Ready to apply?
If this is the qualification for you, get started with your application today.
Programme details
Regulations for the Degree of Master of Health Sciences (MHealSc)
Admission to the Programme
- Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
- Every applicant, except those falling under section 1(c), shall normally be required to satisfy all of the following:
- be a graduate in a health-related field or possess an appropriate health professional qualification requiring at least three years of full-time tertiary study;
- have completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences or equivalent with grades averaging B or better;
- have completed 30 points of research methods at NZQF Level 8 with a grade (or average grade if more than one paper is used to complete the 30 points) of B+ or better; and
- provide evidence of ability for advanced level academic study.
- Applicants for admission where non-standard research methods requirements apply (i.e. for the Bioethics endorsement, or where a NZQF Level 9 research methods paper is required in the Masters' programme, or where an exemption from a research methods requirement has been granted, or in other approved exceptional circumstances) shall normally be required to satisfy all of the following:
- be a graduate in a health-related field or possess an appropriate health professional qualification requiring at least three years of full-time tertiary study;
- have completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences or equivalent with grades averaging B+ or better; and
- provide evidence of ability for advanced level academic study.
Structure of the Programme
- The programme of study shall consist of either
- approved papers at 400-level or higher worth at least 120 points, and a thesis (120 points) embodying the results of one year of full-time or equivalent part-time supervised research; or
- approved papers and other course components at 400-level or higher worth at least 240 points (at least 40 points of which will be at NZQF Level 9), including a research method paper or papers to the value of 30 points, and either a research project (30 points) or a dissertation (60 points). Where the programme includes a research project, the research methods paper must be one of the approved 800-level options.
The papers shall constitute a coherent and integrated programme, shall prepare the candidate for the research study, and shall normally include an approved research method paper or papers to the value of 30 points.
- Where the degree is to be awarded with an endorsed option in an area of specialisation the programme of study must conform to the requirements specified in the schedule for that option.
- A candidate whose qualification for entry to the programme is an Honours degree or postgraduate diploma or equivalent may be awarded credit towards the degree, provided that this previous study is directly relevant to the candidate's proposed and approved programme of study, to a maximum of 120 points.
- A candidate may not present a thesis which has previously been accepted for another degree.
- The programme of study and the topic and supervisors of the thesis shall be approved by the Programme Academic Co-ordinator (or nominee).
- The programme of study shall consist of either
Duration of the Programme
- A candidate for the degree shall usually follow a programme of two years of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study.
- A candidate who was admitted after completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences (or equivalent) shall usually follow a programme of one year of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study.
- A candidate for the degree will be expected to meet the requirements for the degree within four years of admission to the programme.
Examination of Thesis
- The Dean or Head of Department concerned (or nominee) shall appoint a Convener of Examiners to oversee each thesis examination.
- The thesis shall be assessed by at least two examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the University.
- The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Convener of Examiners.
- Each examiner shall supply a written report on the thesis and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the work as submitted, and an overall result selected from the options specified in clause (e) below.
- The examiners may recommend that a thesis:
- be accepted without requiring amendments;
- be accepted subject to minor corrections made at the discretion and to the satisfaction of the Convener of Examiners;
- does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, but may be revised and resubmitted for examination;
- does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
- Amendments (regulation 4(e)(ii)) and revisions (regulation 4(e)(iii)) shall be completed by a specified date to be determined by the Convener of Examiners, in accordance with established procedures.
- A candidate shall be permitted to revise and resubmit a thesis for examination once only.
- If a revised and resubmitted thesis is finally accepted, the result shall be either 'Pass' or 'Fail' (i.e. ungraded) and without eligibility for the award of the degree with distinction or credit.
- Where examiners cannot agree on a result, the Convener of Examiners shall engage in established mediation procedures, and if unresolvable, so report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) who shall arrive at a decision after consulting a referee who should normally be external to the University.
Examination of Dissertation
- The Dean or Head of Department concerned (or nominee) shall appoint a Convener of Examiners who shall oversee each dissertation examination.
- The dissertation shall be assessed by at least two examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the supervising department.
- The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Convener of Examiners.
- Each examiner shall supply a written report on the dissertation and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the dissertation as submitted, and an overall result selected from the options specified in clause (e) below.
- The examiners may recommend that a dissertation:
- be accepted without requiring amendments;
- be accepted subject to minor corrections made at the discretion and to the satisfaction of the Convener of Examiners;
- does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, but may be revised and resubmitted for examination;
- does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
- Amendments (regulation 5(e)(ii)) and revisions (regulation 5(e)(iii)) shall be completed by a specified date to be determined by the Convener of Examiners, in accordance with established procedures.
- A candidate shall be permitted to revise and resubmit a dissertation for examination once only.
- If a revised and resubmitted dissertation is finally accepted, the result shall be either 'Pass' or 'Fail' (i.e. ungraded) and without eligibility for the award of the degree with distinction or credit.
- Where examiners cannot agree on a result, the Convener of Examiners shall engage in established mediation procedures, and if unresolvable, so report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) or nominee who shall arrive at a decision after consulting an independent referee who should normally be external to the supervising department.
Examination of Research Project
- The Head of Department concerned (or nominee) shall oversee the assessment process for each research project.
- The research project shall be assessed by at least two internal examiners.
- The candidate's supervisor shall not be an examiner but may make a report on the work of the candidate to the Head of Department.
- Each examiner shall supply a brief written report on the research project and recommend a mark and grade on the basis of the research project as submitted, and an overall result selected from the options specified in clause (e) below.
- The examiners may recommend that a research project:
- be accepted without amendments;
- does not meet the criteria for the award of the degree, and should be rejected without right of resubmission.
- Where examiners cannot agree on a result, the Head of Department or nominee shall engage in established mediation procedures and arrive at a decision.
Level of Award of the Degree
The degree may be awarded with distinction or with credit.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.