niche variation, adaptive radiation,
phylogenetic comparative methods,
food web interactions
People in the Lab
Principal Investigator
Graduate Students
Lab Alumni
Grace Fortune-Kelly (Ph.D.)
food webs and smelt diet in Chatham Island lakes
Anusha Beer (Ph.D.)
evolutionary assembly of Rēkohu lake communities
Eva De Jong (M.Sc.)
Gravel extraction effects on fish communities
Nathan Silcock (M.Sc.)
effects of perch on diet of tuna (eel) populations
Tyler Kleyzen (M.Sc.)
role of common smelt in estuarine food webs
Amirah Norhayati (M.Sc.)
microplastics in lake food webs
Sam Lynskey (B.Sc.(Hons))
smelt adaptation to eel predation
Mitra Mohammadi Darestani (Ph.D.)
landlocking and life history variation in kōaro
Motia Gulshan Ara (Ph.D.)
morphological and genetic variation in NZ smelts
Marine Richarson (Ph.D.)
individual niche specialisation and biotic interactions
Nicky Kerr (M.Sc.)
relationship between individual variation in resource use and individual behavioural traits
Grace Yee (M.Sc.)
(co-supervised by Priscilla Wehi, Landcare Research)
niche overlap between Polynesian rat kiore and shiprats
Rose Holloway (Ph.D.)
(primary supervisor: Gerry Closs)
fish communities in restored wetlands
Scott Morrison (M.Sc.)
life history and resource use in galaxiid fishes
Oly Hall (PG.Dip.Sci.)
wetland eel population monitoring
Josh Cowles (PG.Dip.Sci.)
using otoliths to infer early life history of kōaro
Leonardo Maia Durante (Ph.D.)
(primary supervisor: Steve Wing)
fisheries and coastal food web structure
Jason Augspurger (Ph.D.)
(primary supervisor: Gerry Closs)
Life histories of diadromous and lake-rearing koaro populations
Pavel Mikheev (Ph.D.)
(primary supervisor: Gerry Closs)
life history and migrations of brown trout
Raul Costa Pereira (visiting PhD student)
community structure and niche variation in frogs
Christina Service (visiting PhD student)
niche variation and salmon use in black and 'spirit' bears
Grégoire Saboret (visiting MSc student)
carryover effects of larval life history and migration
Undergraduate students and RA's
Nick Kelly
Taylor Hamlin
Zuri Burns
Steph Bennington
Lucian Funnell
Alex Connolly
Jolyn Chia
Olivia McPherson
Leonardo Maia Durante
Visiting interns
Amélie Hoste
Victor Bailhache
Audrey Bony
Ludovic Vincent
Jules Travert