Cabinet 17: Science
David Jennings, An Introduction to the Use of the Globes and the Orrery. London: Printed for J. Nourse…J. Oswald, …and J. Buckland, 1752. DeB Eb 1752 J
![Jennings. title page](17jenningstp_small.jpg) |
![Jennings](17jennings_small.jpg) |
Although David Jennings (1691-1762) was mainly known for his educational work, successfully running a theological academy at Wellclose Square, he did involve himself in literary and scientific activities. He wrote a book on medals, two volumes on Jewish antiquities, co-edited the works of Dr Isaac Watts (see cabinet five), and produced a problem-based introduction to the use of the globes and the orrery. This edition contains information on eclipses, fixed stars, calendars (in general), and the tides. It was originally published in 1739. |
Willem Jacob's Gravesande, Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy. 2nd ed. London: Printed for J. Senex,…and W. Taylor, 1721. DeB Eb 1721 G
Isaac Newton's Opticks appeared when Alexander Pope was twenty-six. Pope was thirty nine when Isaac Newton died, and he attended lectures by William Whiston, Newton's pupil and successor. The scientific Twickenham-based Pope also eulogized Newton with: "Nature, and Nature's Laws lay hid in Night. / God said, ' Let Newton be!' and all was Light." Willem Jacob s'Gravesande (1688-1742) was a friend of Newton's, and his work was instrumental in promoting Newtonian science. This English edition was translated by J.T. Desaguliers, a member of the Royal Society, distinguished Copley medal winner, inventor, and Freemason.
Joseph Priestley, Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. Vol. III. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1777. DeB Eb 1777 P
![Priestley](17priestley_small.jpg) |
As an Independent, Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) was unable to go to Oxford or Cambridge. Nevertheless this notable polymath, who wrote on theology, history, education, politics and science, was a major figure of the British Enlightenment. Today he is primarily remembered for his isolation and identification of seven gases, including oxygen, which he called dephlogisticated air. Reflecting on his own education, Priestley cited three influential works: John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Isaac Watts's Logic, and W. J. s' Gravesande's Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy. Much of Priestley's Experiments and Observations (1777) are based on papers he submitted to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. |
The British Apollo. 2nd ed. London: Printed and sold by J. Mayo,…S. Clark,… and J. Woodward, 1711. DeB Eb 1711 B
![British Apollo](17britishapollo_small.jpg) |
Aaron Hill and Marshall Smith edited The British Apollo, a periodical which ran from February 1708 to May 1711. The format was simple: questions and answers - thousands of them. Verse, local London news, and book reviews were also included. Topics in this hotchpotch publication ranged from the effect of asparagus on urine, the woolly hair of Negroes, and the origin of the expression 'to dine with Duke Humphrey,' to fortune-tellers, the possibility of marriage to a godmother, and the cause of itching. On display in this second edition are pithy pieces on the 'Blackness of negroes' and the effects of the noise of a file. |