Home icon. The Works of Robert Graves. Exhibition: 1 April to 17 June 2011.

Cabinet 8: Egypt and Seizin Press

To Whom Else?

Robert Graves, To Whom Else? Deyá, Majorca: Seizin Press, 1931.

While living at 35a St Peter’s Square, Graves met Len Lye (1901-1980), the New Zealand-born artist who is now known for his experimental films and kinetic sculptures.

Not only did Graves and Riding partly fund Lye’s first film, the semi-abstract animated Tusalava, but they engaged him in book cover design.

On display is the Seizin Press edition of Graves’s To Whom Else, which carries a distinctive Len Lye design.

In 1930, Lye’s own No Trouble was published by Seizin Press.