Cabinet 10: Romance lists nine pseudonyms that pulp writer William Neubauer used: William Arthur, Christine Bennett, Norman Bligh, Ralph Carter, Jan Hathaway, Rebecca Marsh, Norma Newcomb, Gordon Semple, and Joan Garrison. And it seems that under ‘Joan Garrison’ he produced 31 romance titles, including this slim ‘English Romance Library’ read: My Heart’s Desire.
G. C. Bleeck, the prolific Australian pulp writer, penned this oxymoronic The Innocent Sinners for Transport Publishing under his own name. He wrote numerous other novels under some 22 pseudonyms including Brad Cordell, Johnny Nelson, and Belli Luigi. He was paid £1 per thousand words.
Joan Garrison, My Heart’s Desire. Sydney: Invincible Press, 195-?]. Pulp Literature Special Collections PS3527.E598 M9
G. C. Bleeck, Innocent Sinners. Sydney: Transport Publishing, [1953]. Pulp Literature Special Collections PR9610.B63 I56