The New Zealander |
MacaulayMacaulay's review of von Ranke's The ecclesiastical and political
history of the Popes … coined what became, in the 19th century, the
most frequently used literary allusion to New Zealand. The figure of a
Mäori New Zealander arriving from the new world to survey a future
London in ruins recalled the texts of Volney, Walpole and Gibbon. It referred
back to the 18th century excursions of Wood and Dawkins, of Stuart and
Revett and of Major at Paestum. Doré
In the 1870s the artist Gustave Doré depicted Macaulay's
New Zealander visiting future London. In the accompanying text Jerrold
wrote, ‘Macaulay's dream of the far future, with the tourist
New Zealander ... contemplating "The glory that was Greece - The
grandeur that was Rome".' This solitary philosopher-artist appears
more akin to romanticised images of young English travelers, discovering
and sketching the ruins of Palmyra a century earlier, than to New Zealanders
who had recently been at war with Colonial and Imperial troops. Links |